xylem是什么意思 xylem的中文翻译、读音、例句

xylem是什么意思 xylem的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:xylem是指植物体内的一种组织,主要负责水分和矿物质的运输。它通常由木质部组成,包括薄壁细胞、纤维细胞、导管细胞等。

2. 词性:xylem是一个名词,通常作为单数形式使用,复数形式为xylems。

3. 常用场景:xylem是植物解剖学领域的一个重要概念,在植物学、农业、生态学等领域经常被使用。人们主要通过对xylem的研究,了解植物如何通过根吸收水分和营养物质,并如何将这些物质运输到植物体的各个部分。

4. 词组搭配:xylem通常与phloem(植物体内的另一种组织,主要负责传输有机物质)搭配使用,一起构成植物体内的维管束。

5. 相关短语:xylem的相关短语包括xylem元素(指xylem中的细胞),xylem导管(指xylem细胞中的导管),xylem组成(指xylem的结构和组成成分)等。

6. 发音拼写:xylem读音为“zaɪləm”,重音在第一个音节上。


读音:xí léi mù


1. 植物的xylem可以承担起输送水分和矿物质的重要任务。

The xylem of plants plays an important role in transporting water and minerals.

2. xylem和phloem是植物体内的两个重要的组织。

Xylem and phloem are two important tissues in plants.




例句:Such thickening allows extension of the XYLEM between the rings so that it is not ruptured as the surrounding tissues grow. (这样的加厚允许木质部在环间沿展,当周围组织生长时,不会破裂。)


例句:At the upper and the middle part of hypocotyl, the pith appears, and the order of the primary xylem differentiation is endarch. (在下胚轴中、上部,髓部开始出现,初生木质部分化顺序为内始式; )


例句:Effects of Exogenous IAA and GA on Regeneration of Vascular Tissues and Periderm in Broussonetia papyrifera Stems after Removal of the Xylem (构树去木质部后外源IAA和GA对维管组织和周皮再生的影响)


例句:the stem of annual plants closes to apical bud, they have obvious secondary xylem and secondary phloem, the structure of periderm is intact; (翻译:xx年生实生苗茎近顶芽处,次生木质部、次生韧皮部明显,周皮结构完整;茎次生木质部为散孔材;)


xylem一般作为名词使用,如在exarch xylem(外始式木质部)、fascicular xylem(束内木质部)、mesarch xylem(中始式木质部)等常见短语中出现较多。

exarch xylem外始式木质部
fascicular xylem束内木质部
mesarch xylem中始式木质部
phanerogamic xylem显花植物木质部
polyarch xylem多元木质部
primary xylem[医] 初生木质部
secondary xylem[医] 次生木质部
xylem bundle木质部束;木质部维管束
xylem core木质部中心


1. Effects of Exogenous IAA and GA on Regeneration of Vascular Tissues and Periderm in Broussonetia papyrifera Stems after Removal of the Xylem (翻译:构树去木质部后外源IAA和GA对维管组织和周皮再生的影响)

2. the stem of annual plants closes to apical bud, they have obvious secondary xylem and secondary phloem, the structure of periderm is intact; (翻译:xx年生实生苗茎近顶芽处,次生木质部、次生韧皮部明显,周皮结构完整;茎次生木质部为散孔材;)

3. It is an important pathway for movement of these substances outside the xylem, for example across the root cortex. Compare symplast. (翻译:质外体是木质部外方物质运动的一个重要途径,例如物质穿过根冠。)

4. The process of vessel element ' s promotion, formation and connection in primary xylem of antirrhinum majus, a model plant, was observed through micropolariscope and bright - field microscope. (翻译:利用偏光显微镜和明场显微镜,首次报道了模式植物金鱼草幼苗初生维管系统木质部导管分子的发育、形成和连接过程。)

5. The cell fiber changing xylem, are also especial much. and metaphloem are also especial good. (翻译:罗布麻的纤维细胞木质化强度也特别高,韧性特别好。)

6. The APMP of xylem at different ages has small difference in physical properties. (翻译:不同树龄杂交构树的APMP浆物理性能差别较小。)

7. Where they occur interspersed with the xylem they may be distinguished from tracheids by their narrower lumen. (翻译:纤维分布与木质部相似,其狭窄的腔可与管胞区分开来。更详细。)

8. The early formed secondary xylem was characterized by a large number of wood fiber cells with non woody cell wall. (翻译:早期生成的次生木质部以细胞壁尚未木质化的木纤维细胞数量居多为特征。)

9. Haplostele a type of protostele having a solid strand of stele with the xylem on the inside encircled by phloem pericycle and endodermis. (翻译:单中柱:原生中柱的一种类型,是由韧皮部、中柱鞘和内皮层包围着内方的木质部构成的实心中柱。)

10. Effects of EGTA, verapamil and trifluoperazine on ABA, and xylem sap pH of maize seedling under drought stress (翻译:钙试剂对干旱胁迫玉米脱落酸与木质部汁液pH的影响)

11. To accomplish this herculean task, the xylem relies on three forces: transpiration, capillary action, and root pressure. (翻译:要完成这样艰巨的任务, 木质要依赖于三种力量: 蒸腾作用,毛细作用和根压。)

12. Structural Research on Secondary Xylem of Stem of Thuja koraiensis Nakai under SEM (翻译:扫描电镜下的朝鲜崖柏茎次生木质部结构研究)

13. And where these two forces pull the sap, the osmotic movement at the tree’s base creates root pressure, pushing fresh xylem sap up the trunk. (翻译:这两种力量推动树液向上, 树根部的渗透作用也产生树压, 把新鲜的木质树液推上树干。)

14. The recently developed xylem-pressure probe technique is the only means to directly measure negative pressure in xylem conduits. (翻译:此外,木质部压力探针技术是目前唯一可以直接测定导管或管胞中负压的工具。)

15. This capillary motion is in full effect in xylem filaments thinner than human hair. (翻译:在木质纤维中毛细作用无处不在, 这些木质纤维比人的头发还细。)



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