bits是什么意思 bits的中文翻译、读音、例句

bits是什么意思 bits的中文翻译、读音、例句


Bits通常是“binary digits”的缩写,表示二进制数字。在计算机科学中,bits是计量信息量的单位,它们是计算机中最基本的数据单位。Bits可以用来表示数据的传输速度、存储容量和处理能力等。此外,“bits”还可以用来表示很小的数量或部分。


1. 计算机领域:

- The data is stored in bits and bytes. (数据以比特和字节的形式存储。)

- The speed of data transfer is measured in bits per second. (数据传输的速度以每秒比特数来衡量。)

- A 32-bit operating system can handle more memory than a 16-bit one. (32位操作系统可以处理比16位操作系统更多的内存。)

2. 其他领域:

- She only ate a few bits of the cake. (她只吃了蛋糕的一点点。)

- The movie I saw yesterday was just bits and pieces of the original story. (我昨天看的电影只是原故事的一些片段。)




在计算机编程中,常常会使用bits来表示数据类型的长度。例如,8 bits代表一个字节(byte),32 bits表示一个字(word),64 bits则表示双字(double word)。


1. The computer's processor is 64 bits.(这台电脑的处理器是64位的。)

2. The encryption algorithm uses 128 bits.(该加密算法使用128位。)

3. The image is stored in 24 bits.(这张图片以24位存储。)

4. The program requires a minimum of 32 bits.(该程序最低要求32位。)

5. The error is caused by a faulty bit in the memory.(错误是由于内存中存在故障的位引起的。)

6. The data is transmitted in packets of 8 bits.(数据以8位数据包传输。)

7. The instructions are encoded in 16 bits.(指令以16位编码。)

8. The network protocol uses 32 bits for the header.(该网络协议头部使用32位。)

9. The graphic card has a memory bus width of 256 bits.(这张显卡具有256位的内存总线宽度。)




1. This file is 64 bits, which means it can handle a lot of data at once.(这个文件是64比特的,意味着它可以一次处理大量的数据。)

2. The computer's processor can handle 32 or 64 bits, depending on the model.(电脑的处理器可以处理32位或64位,取决于型号。)

3. The video quality is determined by the number of bits used to encode the image.(视频质量取决于用于编码图像的比特数。)




例句:And see them spend Their last two bits (And see them spend Their last two bits)


例句:So I think living in a generic reality that's mediocre, there are nasty bits and nice bits and we could make the nice bits bigger and the nasty bits smaller and that gives us a kind of purpose in life. (所以我想,生活在一个平凡的现实中, 这个现实中优雅和丑陋的事实并存, 我们能让优雅的事实变多, 让丑陋的事实变少, 这会带给我们一种人生的意义。)


例句:I walked away. I was in bits. (我悲痛欲绝,所以我离开了你 {\fntahoma\fs9\bord0\1cH00FFFF\b0}I walked away. I was in bits.)


bits一般作为名词使用,如在in bits(un. 一点一滴;一小块一小块地\n[网络] 数据长度;心碎了;在细碎中)、to bits(成碎片; 破碎; (非正式)非常; 很大程度上)、drill bits([网络] 钻头;钻头开孔器;传说是钻头)等常见短语中出现较多。

in bitsun. 一点一滴;一小块一小块地\n[网络] 数据长度;心碎了;在细碎中
to bits成碎片; 破碎; (非正式)非常; 很大程度上
drill bits[网络] 钻头;钻头开孔器;传说是钻头
drilling bits钻头
expansion bitsexpansion bit\n【机械装置】扩孔钻头
expansive bits伸缩式钻头
fall to bits[网络] 变得或摔得粉碎;变得破破烂烂
fippenny bits[网络] fippenny位
fishtail bits[机] 鱼尾钻头;鱼尾钻,[机] 鱼尾式钻头
fly to bits打得粉碎,四处分散;打得粉碎;四处飞散


1. I walked away. I was in bits. (翻译:我悲痛欲绝,所以我离开了你 {\fntahoma\fs9\bord0\1cH00FFFF\b0}I walked away. I was in bits.)

2. Now, integrating chemistry in computation, where the bits are bubbles. (翻译:我们还可以将化学与计算结合起来,这时候,比特也可以成为泡沫 )

3. But no one knew what Archimedes was doing with these 14 bits. (翻译:然后没有人知道阿基米德要用这十四个部分干什么。)

4. Bits of emotion flying everywhere! Anger! Frustration! (翻译:哗啦一声,所有压抑的情绪都得以释放 愤怒,挫折)

5. Yeah, There'd be half a helmet somewhere, bits of hair, (翻译:是啊,也许能找到半个头盔 还有一点点头发)

6. What happened to their usual bits? (翻译:他们平时点的BLT呢? What happened to their usual BLTs?)

7. Because I wasn't believing in me, really me, all the bits of me -- all the bits of all of us. (翻译:因为我不是相信自己 -- 真实的自己,我的每一部分 -- 我们所有人的每一部分。)

8. They're the black bits on the top. (翻译:在测试中 距离喷嚏10米远的培养皿 还是易被感染)

9. Bits 0:5 always specify the opcode. (翻译:位0:5总是指定操作码。)

10. Bits Per Pixel. The number of bits used to represent the color value of each pixel in a digitized image. (翻译:每像素比特数。在一个数字化图像中,用来表示每一个像素颜色值的比特数。)

11. I love my kids to bits. (翻译:我非常爱我的孩子。)

12. I wanted you to see it before we start hacking it to bits. (翻译:在我们开凿之前 I wanted you to see it 我想让你看一看 before we start hacking it to bits.)

13. Preventing anarchy. Stopping society falling to bits. (翻译:预防混乱 制止分裂 屹立不倒 Stopping society falling to bits.)

14. What's a meme made of? What are bits made of, Mom? (翻译:模因是由什么构成的?“妈妈,比特是由什么构成的?”)

15. I love these little bits of toast on mine... (翻译:我喜欢往沙拉上放些吐司丁 I love these little bits of toast on mine...)

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