ike是什么意思 ike的中文翻译、读音、例句

ike是什么意思 ike的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. `IKE`可能指的是家居装饰公司宜家(IKEA)。

- The IKEA catalog is a favorite among home decorators.(宜家家居的目录是家居装饰爱好者最喜欢的。)

- We bought a new couch from IKEA last weekend.(上周末我们在宜家买了一张新沙发。)

2. `IKE`可能指的是印度尼西亚文化概念伊凯(Ike)。

- Ikigai is a Japanese concept that is similar to the Indonesian concept of Ike.('生命价值'是一种日本概念,类似于印尼的伊凯概念。)

- The practice of Ike involves finding balance and harmony in all aspects of life.(伊凯的实践包括在生活的所有方面寻找平衡和和谐。)

3. `IKE`还可能指的是国际知识经济学会(International Association for Knowledge Economy,简称IKE)。

- The IKE conference in New York brought together leading researchers from around the world.(在纽约举办的国际知识经济学会会议汇聚了来自世界各地的领先研究人员。)

- The IKE aims to promote research and development in fields related to the knowledge economy.(国际知识经济学会旨在促进与知识经济相关的领域的研究与发展。)

4. `IKE`还可能指的是国际富兰克林研究所(International Institute for Knowledge Economy,简称IKE)。

- The IKE is a non-profit think tank dedicated to the study of the knowledge economy.(国际富兰克林研究所是一个致力于研究知识经济的非营利智库。)

- The IKE conducts research on various aspects of the knowledge economy, including intellectual property rights and innovation management.(国际富兰克林研究所对知识经济的各个方面进行研究,包括知识产权和创新管理。)

5. `IKE`还可能是某个人名的简称。

- Ike Turner was a famous musician and bandleader.(艾克·特纳是一位著名的音乐家和乐队领袖。)

- I'm meeting up with my friend Ike for lunch later.(我晚些时候要和我的朋友艾克一起吃午饭。)





1. Kūlia i ka nu‘u, hua ka ‘ike.(努力追求目标,增加知识。)

2. Mālama ‘ia ka ‘ike a pau i ke ola o ke kanaka.(所有知识都应当为人类的生活而保存。)




例句:Ike was a redhead. (he was younger then.) (艾克在他年轻的时候也是红头发。)


例句:You're headed for war with Ike Clanton and the men he rides with. (你向往着和Ike CIanton打一仗 还有和他一起的人)


例句:And the word for using Ike's record to sell Barack Obama's defense policies is chutzpah. (拿.Ike的记录编话来贩卖奥巴马国防政策真厚脸皮record。)


例句:Of course, I wanted to work with Ike, but he's got his minions. (翻译:我当然想过跟Ike共事啦 不过他有他自己的拥蹙 Peter 我们今天就在这开进度会)


1. And the word for using Ike's record to sell Barack Obama's defense policies is chutzpah. (翻译:拿.Ike的记录编话来贩卖奥巴马国防政策真厚脸皮record。)

2. Of course, I wanted to work with Ike, but he's got his minions. (翻译:我当然想过跟Ike共事啦 不过他有他自己的拥蹙 Peter 我们今天就在这开进度会)

3. Yep, /ike a maggot turning into a b/owf/y. (翻译:like a maggot turning into a bull fly.)

4. And why herpuppets ike to hit you? (翻译:同时,为什么她的那些木偶 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}And why her puppets 常常的打你呢! {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}ike to hit you?)

5. So Ike has unwittingly shacked up with Gordon Cooke and his wife. (翻译:Ike没有意识到他和 So Ike has unwittingly shacked up Gordon Cooke还有他妻子住在一起了 with Gordon Cooke and his wife.)

6. Ike, have you spent much time (翻译:Ike 你有没有想过 Ike, have you spent much time 她会不会是替罪羊?)

7. You and Ike want the same things. You want the same things we all want. (翻译:你和Ike想要一样的东西 也是我们想要的东西)

8. So Mike and Ike, my bodyguards, started coming by every morning to give me my pills... which always makes for a very interesting subway ride. (翻译:Mike和Ike 我的贴身保镖 So Mike and Ike, my bodyguards, 每天在上都会过来 started coming by every morning 给我送药...)

9. There are only two people with unlimited access to that statue and that's me and M ike. (翻译:当时只有两个人可以接触到这些雕像. 一个是我,另一个是迈克)

10. Looks like Ike and Billy Clanton... the McLaurys, Billy Claiborne. (翻译:看上去像Ike和BiIIy CIanton... McLaurys一家, BiIIy CIaiborne.)

11. A man ike him is unworthy of hep (翻译:这种人不值得帮忙 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}A man ike him is unworthy of hep)

12. Ike... two tours of duty in Afghanistan. (翻译:Ike... 两次前往阿富汗执行任务 Ike... two tours of duty in Afghanistan.)

13. I feel you look ike a rich man (翻译:我愈看你这个样子 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I feeI you look 就愈是觉得你像个暴发户 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}ike a rich man)

14. Hi, Sam, it's lke Rafferty, your father's attorney. (翻译:嗨 Sam 我是Ike Rafferty 你父亲的律师)

15. I just call them mike and ike. (翻译:我一般叫他们Mike和Ike I just call them Mike and Ike.)

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