1. 词义: Mother Garden 是一个品牌名,指的是一个以花园主题为基础的儿童玩具和生活用品品牌,旨在培养儿童对自然和生活的热爱与关注。
2. 词性: Mother Garden 是一个名词短语。
3. 词组搭配:Mother Garden 可以和其他词组搭配使用,比如:Mother Garden 玩具、Mother Garden 生活用品等。
4. 短语: garden /ˈɡɑːr.dən/ (n.) 花园
5. 发音拼写:母亲花园(mǔ qīn huā yuán)
6. 例句:
- My daughter loves playing with her Mother Garden toys, especially the miniature garden set.
- I bought a Mother Garden tea set for my niece's birthday and she was thrilled to receive it.
- The Mother Garden brand emphasizes the importance of nature and creativity in children's play.
- The Mother Garden products are well-made and durable, perfect for children's rough play.
- The Mother Garden theme park in Japan is a popular destination for families with young children.
读音:mǔ qīn huā yuán
1. 我很喜欢在母亲花园里散步,那里的花儿开得很美。
I really enjoy taking a walk in the Mother Garden, where the flowers bloom beautifully.
2. 母亲花园是一个非常舒适的地方,让人感觉很放松。
The Mother Garden is a very comfortable place and makes people feel very relaxed.