streaking是什么意思 streaking的中文翻译、读音、例句

streaking是什么意思 streaking的中文翻译、读音、例句






1. streaking naked 奔跑裸身

2. streaking across the sky 闪烁于天空

3. streaking through the finish line 在终点冲刺

4. be on a winning streak 连胜

5. a losing streak 输连赢少




1. He was arrested for streaking naked across the football field during halftime.


2. The meteor was streaking across the sky and left a trail of light behind it.


3. The athlete was streaking through the finish line and won the gold medal.


4. After several wins in a row, the basketball team was on a winning streak.


5. The baseball team was on a losing streak and couldn't seem to win a game.




1. He got arrested for streaking at the football game.(他因在足球比赛上裸奔而被逮捕。)

2. The streaker ran across the field and disrupted the game.(那个裸奔者跑过球场,打乱了比赛。)

3. Streaking is illegal in most public places.(在大多数公共场所,裸奔是非法的。)

4. The students organized a streaking event on campus.(学生们在校园里组织了一场裸奔活动。)

5. She streaked through the park, feeling exhilarated.(她裸奔穿过公园,感到非常兴奋。)

6. The police chased after the streaker but couldn't catch him.(警察追赶裸奔者,但没能抓到他。)

7. Streaking has become a popular trend among young people.(裸奔已经成为年轻人中流行的趋势。)

8. The streaker was fined for indecent exposure.(裸奔者因为猥亵行为被罚款。)

9. Parents were outraged after a streaker ran in front of their children.(当一名裸奔者在他们的孩子面前奔跑时,家长们感到愤怒。)


1. In the 1970s, streaking was a popular trend on college campuses. (上世纪xx年代,裸奔是大学校园流行的趋势。)

2. The streaker was quickly apprehended by security guards. (裸奔者很快被保安抓住了。)

3. Streaking is considered indecent exposure and can result in criminal charges. (裸奔被视为猥亵行为,可导致刑事指控。)




例句:Only thing on her record is a ticket for streaking at the Sochi Olympics. (唯一一条犯罪记录 Only thing on her record is a ticket 是在索契奥运会上裸奔而收到的法院传票 for streaking at the Sochi Olympics.)


例句:OK, where is the streaking Minstrel? We've got to put an end to this. (好吧,那个裸奔的吟游诗人在哪?我们得把这事摆平。)


例句:They aren't streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche. (它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。)


例句:I am streaking toward the goal line. (翻译:我现在... 正以高速... 一直飞入...)


streaking一般作为名词、动词使用,如在streaking it([网络] 划线)、hot streaking(条纹(棒束流道内冷却剂温度不均匀沿流向发展的情况))、lengthwise streaking(纵向条痕)等常见短语中出现较多。

streaking it[网络] 划线
hot streaking条纹(棒束流道内冷却剂温度不均匀沿流向发展的情况)
lengthwise streaking纵向条痕
long streaking长拖尾
mineral streaking矿物条痕;矿物线理, 矿物条痕
negative streaking(图像)负拖尾,负拖影
plate streaking平板划线
positive streaking(图像)正拖尾,正拖影
region of streaking拖尾区域


1. They aren't streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche. (翻译:它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。)

2. I am streaking toward the goal line. (翻译:我现在... 正以高速... 一直飞入...)

3. Streaking is one of the oldest tricks in the book. (翻译:裸奔是有书面记载的最古老的玩笑之一。)

4. - Hmm? Two days before your company's IPO, and you're streaking across Tribeca? (翻译:离公司上市还有两天 你却在翠贝卡区裸奔?)

5. Many friends, laughing, the old empire the sun never sets, and if fell on the aircraft carrier "streaking" and were on the. (翻译:许多网友笑称,昔日的日不落帝国,如果落到了航母“裸奔”的份上了。)

6. "Close one, Harry! " said George, streaking past him with his club in his hand, ready to knock the Bludger back toward a Slytherin. (翻译:“真悬,哈利!”乔治说,他手里拿着击球棒,从哈利身边疾驰而过,准备把游走球击向斯莱特林队员。)

7. The woman turned, tears streaking her cheeks. "I'm so glad to see you, Petra, " she said. (翻译:女人转身回来,脸上挂满泪水,“我真高兴见到你,佩查。”她说。)

8. Light streaking or water spotting occurring as a normal part of the plating or conversion coating process is acceptable. (翻译:轻微的条纹或水点,因其可视为电镀或转换烤漆的一个正常部分,则认为可接受。)

9. The snow was still falling, and streaking the gray of the sky. (翻译:雪仍在下,把灰色的天划成无数的条条。)

10. english tang . com However, Rodriguez did not run a few steps the day of streaking will be stopped, then was arrested. (翻译:不过,罗德里格斯当天裸奔没跑几步便被拦下,随即遭警方逮捕。)



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