1. 意义:'lh'可以表示很多不同的意思,例如缩写词中常用于表示"Lose Heart"(失去信心)或"Last Hope"(最后的希望),也可以作为某些名称的缩写,比如"Lutheran Hospital"(路德医院)。
- She had 'lh' after being rejected by so many job applications.(她因为被很多工作申请拒绝而失去了信心。)
- This scholarship is my 'lh' to pay for college.(这个奖学金是我支付大学学费最后的希望。)
- My grandmother was recently admitted to 'LH' for surgery.(我的祖母最近因为需要手术而被送进了路德医院。)
2. 发音:'lh'中的'h'并不发音,例如"Lutheran Hospital"应该读作/ˈluːθərən hɒspɪtl/,而不是/ˈluːθərən hɒspɪtəl/。
- He mispronounced 'LH' as "Lutheran Hospitəl" and the nurse corrected him.(他把'LH'发错音读成"路德医院",被护士纠正了。)
3. 句法:'lh'可以在句子中充当名词、形容词或副词,具体取决于其在句子中的位置和上下文。
- The patient was transferred to 'LH' after his condition worsened.(病人因情况恶化被转移到路德医院。)
- The 'LH' staff was very helpful and caring.(路德医院的工作人员非常乐于助人和关心病人。)
- The doctor recommended that she take calcium supplements 'lh' to prevent osteoporosis.(医生建议她每天服用补钙剂,以防止骨质疏松。)
4. 语源:'lh'的来源不是很明确,可能是某些专业领域内的缩写词,例如"Lakehead University"(莱克黑德大学)或"Linear Heterogeneous"(线性异质)。
- The origin of the abbreviation 'LH' is still a mystery to many people.(缩写词'LH'的来源对于很多人来说仍然是个谜。)
- Some experts believe that 'LH' refers to a technical term in the field of chemistry.(一些专家认为'LH'是化学领域的一个技术术语。)
5. 其他:'lh'也可以是一种简写或缩写的方式,用于节省空间或简化文字表达。
- He wrote the instructions in 'LH' to save space on the packaging.(他在包装上用'LH'写下了说明,以节省空间。)
- The IT department uses 'LH' to refer to the company's internal network.(信息技术部门使用'LH'来指代公司内部网络。)
1. Der Flug LH401 ist pünktlich abgeflogen. (航班LH401准时起飞。)
2. Ich muss mich beim Kundenservice von LH beschweren. (我需要向德国汉莎的客户服务部门投诉。)
3. Wie viel kostet ein Flug mit LH von Frankfurt nach New York? (从法兰克福到纽约乘坐德国汉莎的航班LH要多少钱?)
4. LH bietet einen hervorragenden Service an Bord. (德国汉莎航空公司在机上提供出色的服务。)
5. Die Sicherheitsstandards von LH sind sehr hoch. (德国汉莎航空公司的安全标准非常高。)
6. Ich buche immer Flüge bei LH, weil es so bequem ist. (我总是预订德国汉莎的航班,因为非常方便。)
7. LH fliegt zu vielen Zielen in Europa und der Welt. (德国汉莎航空公司飞往欧洲和世界各地的许多目的地。)
8. Die LH-Lounge am Flughafen ist sehr komfortabel. (德国汉莎在机场的休息室非常舒适。)
9. LH hat meine Gepäck verloren, ich muss es zurückbekommen. (德国汉莎掉了我的行李,我需要把它找回来。)
读音为“lè hǎi”。
1. LH公司是一家拥有多年经验的高科技企业。
LH Company is a high-tech enterprise with many years of experience.
2. 这家餐厅的招牌菜LH炒饭非常好吃。
The signature dish of this restaurant, LH fried rice, is very delicious.
例句:There was no effect on the secretion of LH using only MLT to treat hypophysis cells. (用MLT单独处理垂体细胞对LH的分泌几乎没有影响。)
例句:[Head: RH, Flash claw] [Common time] [Chest: LH, Flash claw] I'm now going to demonstrate a hand shape called the "flash claw." (头部:右手,紧握成爪型 ”四分之四拍“ 胸前,左手,紧握成爪型 我现在来描述一下”flash claw“的手形 )
例句:Lead researcher Dr Waljit Dhillo said kisspeptin treatment stimulated a greater increase in LH production in non-menstruating women than in fertile women in the previous study. (首席研究员Waljit Dhillo博士说,kisspeptin治疗所引起的无经妇女LH激素产生量的增长,比先前研究中有生育能力女性更大。)
例句:The high strength-to-weight ratio of titanium is utilized to obtain the high tip speeds required for LH2 impellers and inducers. (翻译:高强度-重量比钛是利用以获取高尖端的速度所需的lh2叶轮和诱导。)
lh一般作为名词使用,如在LH([计] DOS内部命令:将常驻程序装入上层内存区\n[化] 促黄体素)、LH junction(低-高结)、LH RH([化] 促黄体激素释放因子)等常见短语中出现较多。
LH | [计] DOS内部命令:将常驻程序装入上层内存区\n[化] 促黄体素 |
LH junction | 低-高结 |
LH RH | [化] 促黄体激素释放因子 |
lh2 | [=liquid hydrogen]液态氢 |
solitary LH deficiency | 单纯性黄体生成激素缺乏 |
1. Lead researcher Dr Waljit Dhillo said kisspeptin treatment stimulated a greater increase in LH production in non-menstruating women than in fertile women in the previous study. (翻译:首席研究员Waljit Dhillo博士说,kisspeptin治疗所引起的无经妇女LH激素产生量的增长,比先前研究中有生育能力女性更大。)
2. The high strength-to-weight ratio of titanium is utilized to obtain the high tip speeds required for LH2 impellers and inducers. (翻译:高强度-重量比钛是利用以获取高尖端的速度所需的lh2叶轮和诱导。)
3. The concentration of LH arrived at the highest value on the day of oestrus and decreased gradually after that day. (翻译:促黄体素的含量在发情当日达到最高值以后逐渐下降。)
4. LH: I'm gonna focus on music, for sure, but I don't know, if the time comes that I need to start new auditions as well. (翻译:我会专注于音乐,那是肯定的,不过我不知道,如果时机来了我还是需要去为新角色试镜的。)
5. Compared to the placebo treatment, kisspeptin led to a 48-fold increase in LH and 16-fold increase in FSH. (翻译:与安慰剂相比,kisspeptin引起LH激素增长48倍,FSH激素增长16倍。)
6. So notice RH: right hand, LH: left hand. (翻译:所以注意”RH“代表右手,”LH“代表左手 )
7. The percentage of LH and FSH cells in total layered cells was no more than 10%. (翻译:在单层细胞中,LH和FSH 阳性细胞占细胞总数的比例不足10%。)
8. The hCG replaces the woman's natural LH surge and causes the final stage of egg maturation so the eggs are capable of being fertilized. (翻译:人绒毛膜促性腺激素替代女性自然的黄体生成素高峰,诱导最后阶段的卵子成熟,使卵子获得受精的能力。)
9. In an August survey by LH2, a pollster, he had gained three points, and the share of respondents with a negative opinion of him had fallen below 50% for the first time since January. (翻译:法国调查机构LH xx月的一项民意调查显示,他的支持率上升了3个百分点,对他持否定看法的受访者比例也是自今年xx月以来第一次跌破50%以下。)
10. Lufthansa announce the arrival of flight LH450 from Amsterdam... (翻译:从阿姆斯特丹飞往 洛杉矶的LH450班机 已经抵达)
11. Just 29% of respondents could name their regional president, according to LH2, a polling group. (翻译:LH2调查机构的一项调查结果显示,仅有29%的受访者能够说出其所在大区议会主席的名字。)
12. LH4-1 Oilfield is a heavy oil field developed from the basis of the bioherm of Miocene Zhujiang Formation. (翻译:LH4-1油田是在新近系中新统珠江组生物礁基础上发育起来的稠油油田。)