precedes是什么意思 precedes的中文翻译、读音、例句

precedes是什么意思 precedes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:precede是一个动词,意为“在时间、顺序或位置上领先或优先”,也可以表示“在地位、重要性或等级上高于”。

2. 词性:precede是一个动词,第三人称单数形式是precedes,动词过去式是preceded,过去分词是preceded,现在分词是preceding。

3. 常用场景:precede常用于描述时间、事件、行动等在某个先前的时间、事件、行动之前发生。比如:“Breakfast precedes lunch.”(早餐先于午餐),“The opening ceremony will precede the game.”(开幕式将在比赛之前进行)。

4. 词组搭配:

- precede sb/sth by/to sb/sth:在时间、地点、等级等方面领先或优先。例如:“The Queen was preceded by her attendants.”(女王在前面由她的侍从引导),“The fire was preceded by a loud explosion.”(火灾之前有一个巨响)。

- precede sb/sth in sth:在某方面领先或优于某人或某事。例如:“She was preceded only by her sister in the race.”(在比赛中,她的姐妹排在她前面,但她跑得更快),“The restaurant is known for its high quality food, which precedes it in reputation.”(这家餐厅以高品质的食物而闻名,其声誉领先于其他餐厅)。

- precede sb/sth with sth:在某事物之前使用其他事物。例如:“The lecture was preceded with a brief introduction of the speaker.”(演讲前,演讲人进行了简短的介绍),“The dance performance was preceded with a musical number.”(舞蹈表演前有一段音乐表演)。

5. 相关短语:

- precede and follow:在事物顺序上追随某事物。例如:“The instructions will precede and follow the test.”(测试前后都将有说明)。

- precede sb’s footsteps:追随某人的脚步。例如:“Many young musicians have tried to precede Beethoven’s footsteps, but few have succeeded.”(许多年轻的音乐家试图追随贝多芬的脚步,但很少有成功的)。

- precede with caution:小心翼翼地进行某事。例如:“We must precede with caution in this matter.”(我们在这件事情上必须小心翼翼)。

6. 发音拼写:/prɪˈsiːdz/





1. The first chapter of the book precedes the second.


2. Safety always precedes productivity.


3. The announcement preceded the actual launch of the product.





例句:Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question. (请看所谈这一段之前的信息。)


例句:It then precedes to describe this fractional reserve process through various banking terminology. (然后进一步用各种银行业术语 描述了这种部分储备的过程)


例句:Or say that the end precedes the beginning, and the end and the beginning were always there before the beginning and after the end. (或说结束先于开始 而二者永远不变 在开始之前 结束之后)


例句:As they gradually rose from the level of the valleys, the thick darkness which usually precedes the approach of day began to disperse. (翻译:就在他们慢慢地从山谷里往上爬的时候,那黎明前的黑暗也开始在消失。)


precedes一般作为动词使用,如在existence precedes essence([网络] 存在先于本质;存在先于本质;存在先于目的)等常见短语中出现较多。

existence precedes essence[网络] 存在先于本质;存在先于本质;存在先于目的


1. Or say that the end precedes the beginning, and the end and the beginning were always there before the beginning and after the end. (翻译:或说结束先于开始 而二者永远不变 在开始之前 结束之后)

2. As they gradually rose from the level of the valleys, the thick darkness which usually precedes the approach of day began to disperse. (翻译:就在他们慢慢地从山谷里往上爬的时候,那黎明前的黑暗也开始在消失。)

3. The theme of the 3rd Annual Conference is "Washback" , the positive influence of exams on the teaching learning that precedes them. (翻译:此次年度会议的主题是“反拨效应”,即英语测评对英语教育和学习的正面影响。)

4. Diameters. The diameter symbol precedes all diametral values. (翻译:1直径直径符号要位于所有直径数值的前面。)

5. Since the Earth's turn is from west to east time in west precedes time in east. (翻译:由于地球自西向东旋转... 西部时间早于东部时间)

6. Listen, my reputation often precedes me. (翻译:听着, 我是名声在外, 你还是个无名小卒,)

7. A letter t precedes keywords. (翻译:字母t处理关键词。)

8. Such a proposition could interfere with the basic rule that cause precedes effect, called causality. (翻译:这个命题可能会与“原因领先于结果”的基本规则,即因果关系相抵触。)

9. Just as thunder precedes lightning, earthquakes often foretell volcanic activity. (翻译:就像雷预示着闪电的出现一样,地震通常会预示着火山的爆发。)

10. Look I know my reputation precedes me, but I promise you, whatever you've read in the press, (翻译:听着,我知道自己之前的名声,但是我向你许诺 无论你在新闻里看到什么)

11. Precedes one or more digits representing the number of type parameters, located at the end of the name of a generic type. (翻译:位于泛型类型名称末尾处的一个或多个数字之前,这些数字表示类型参数的数目。)

12. Notice that the return value must be one of the pre-defined values, EQUIVALENT, PRECEDES, or FOLLOWS. (翻译:注意,返回值必须是预定义的值:EQUIVALENT,PRECEDES或FOLLOWS。)

13. When a flat precedes a note like this... it indicates that the note is to be played a half step lower. (翻译:当音符前有这样的降调符号时 表示演奏时要降低半个音)

14. The south-pointing chariot precedes a lordly procession, preventing the party from losing its way in the desolate countryside of old China. (翻译:这个指南车为高贵的队列打头阵,保证整个队伍不会迷失在古代中国荒凉的村野之中。)

15. In every case, the practice that precedes the instance of "luck" is just as important as the crowning moment itself. (翻译:无论如何,在遇到“幸运的眷顾”之前的那些努力是与修成正果同样重要的。)



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