spare no effort是什么意思 spare no effort的中文翻译、读音、例句

spare no effort是什么意思 spare no effort的中文翻译、读音、例句



3.同义词:spare no pains, do one's utmost, give it one's all, go all out

4.反义词:spare effort, take it easy, give up easily


1. We should spare no effort to achieve our goals.


2. He spared no effort to save his friend's life.


3. The team spared no effort to win the championship.


4. We should spare no effort to protect the environment.


5. She spared no effort to get a high score in the exam.



读音:[speə nəʊ ˈefət]


1. We will spare no effort to complete this project on time. (我们将不遗余力地按时完成这个项目。)

2. The doctors spared no effort to save the patient's life. (医生们不惜努力地去拯救病人的生命。)

spare no effort的意思是"尽力",还有不遗余力的意思,在线发音:[sparenoeffort],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与spare no effort相关的句子。

Spare no effort的释义


例句:And with three minutes to spare. (还有三分钟剩余 And with three minutes to spare.)


例句:♪ Spare me your judgments ♪ ♪ and spare me your dreams ♪ (* Spare me your judgments and spare me your dreams *)


spare no effort一般作为名词使用,如在effort(努力 )、the effort([网络] 竭力)、with effort([网络] 努力;努力地;费力地)等常见短语中出现较多。

the effort[网络] 竭力
with effort[网络] 努力;努力地;费力地
spare for自愿把…给
to spare多余的,备用的
diplomatic effort外交努力
duplicated effort[网络] 双重工作
engineering effort[计] 工程计划


1. Could you spare a coin, please? (翻译:能给我点钱吗? Could you spare a coin, please?)

2. Good team effort all around. (翻译:我们很有默契 棒极了 Good team effort all around.)

3. Bernard, do you have a spare key? (翻译:Splendid. Bernard, do you have a spare key?)

4. - Can you spare any units? (翻译:- Can you spare any units?)

5. At this time, year already 75-year-old Archimedes, also immediately spare no effort oneself of havings then can, help motherland, stroke enemy. (翻译:这时,年已xx岁的阿基米德,也立刻竭尽自己的所有才能,帮助祖国,打击敌人。)

6. Uh, if perhaps sometime you have a spare moment, (翻译:如果什么时候你有空的话 Uh, if perhaps sometime you have a spare moment,)

7. It could spare you a lot of heartache. (翻译:It could spare you a lot of heartache. 这会让你的心里好受些)

8. The Cabinet has announced that it will form a special committee to study... the Bay Bridge bombardment, vowing to spare no effort to uncover... (翻译:关于湾岸大桥爆炸事件 政府特别设置调查委员会 并表示将尽全力来查明真相)

9. But the rewards validate the effort. (翻译:但成果绝对值回努力 But the rewards validate the effort.)

10. I could have made more effort. (翻译:我本来可以多为他做些什么 I could have made more effort.)

11. But soon you will join the 20th century, with three years to spare! (翻译:with three years to spare!)

12. As a result, we must spare no effort to solve the problem of gender inequality. (翻译:因此,我们必须不遗余力地解决性别不平等的问题。)

13. So I go in the back to get the spare tire, and the spare tire's flat. (翻译:那我就走到车后面去取备用轮胎 结果,备胎也没气。)

14. Spare me your foul gaze, woman. (翻译:不要用邪恶的眼神注视我 女人 Spare me your foul gaze, woman.)

15. The thing to remember is you must visualise a spare. (翻译:要记住的是你必须能想象到空挡。The thing to remember is you must visualise a spare.)

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