strum是什么意思 strum的中文翻译、读音、例句

strum是什么意思 strum的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:strum是一个动词,意为弹奏(吉他或类似乐器的弦乐器),也可以表示随意地弹奏。


1) She sat on the porch strumming her guitar. (她坐在门廊上弹奏吉他。)

2) He was absent-mindedly strumming the strings of his guitar. (他恍神地弹奏着吉他的琴弦。)

2. 同义词:strum的同义词包括pluck、plunk、twang、pluck、pluck away等,它们都表示弹奏弦乐器的动作。


1) The musician began to pluck the strings of his harp. (音乐家开始弹奏竖琴的琴弦。)

2) She plunked away on her banjo while singing a folksong. (她弹着班卓琴唱着民谣。)

3. 反义词:strum的反义词是mute,意为静音,停止弹奏。


1) She suddenly stopped strumming and went silent. (她突然停止了弹奏,变成了寂静。)

2) The guitarist muted his strings to create a softer sound. (吉他手减弱琴弦的声音,创造出柔和的音色。)

4. 习惯用法:strum + 某种乐器,通常用于描述某人正在弹奏某种乐器。


1) He was strumming his ukulele on the beach. (他在海滩上弹奏着他的尤克里里。)

2) The band started to strum their guitars, getting the crowd excited. (乐队开始弹着吉他,让观众兴奋起来。)

5. 派生词:strumming是strum的现在分词形式,用于形容正在进行的弹奏动作。


1) She was lost in thought while strumming her acoustic guitar. (她弹奏着木吉他时陷入了沉思。)

2) I could hear the sound of his fingers strumming the strings of his electric guitar. (我能听到他的手指弹着电吉他的琴弦声。)




1. He strummed his guitar and sang a love song.


2. She sat on the bench and strummed her ukulele until the sun set.





例句:Janette Strum from Sweden weeps near her injured son while they wait to be airlifted out of Phuket, Thailand. (詹妮特由近她受伤的儿子,而瑞典哭斯特鲁姆等候被空运出普吉岛,泰国。)


例句:It was claimed that Venables enjoyed listening to rock music, before attempting to strum the tunes on a guitar he was given from wardens. (监狱管理人员说,这是获悉乔恩喜欢听摇滚乐,催生他的求生信念才给布置的。)


例句:Watch that two-fisted Hound Dog out-strum, outrace, out-fight, and outwit the bad guys. (看看他的打斗,赛车... 拳打坏蛋...)


例句:He He would just sit at his desk and strum his guitar. (翻译:他... 他只是坐在他的办公桌 和他的吉他弹奏。)


strum一般作为名词、动词使用,如在pump strum(un. 泵吸入滤网)、strum box(舱底水滤盒)、strum plate(un. 泄水口滤栅\n[网络] 滤板;眼孔板;吸入管滤网)等常见短语中出现较多。

pump strumun. 泵吸入滤网
strum box舱底水滤盒
strum plateun. 泄水口滤栅\n[网络] 滤板;眼孔板;吸入管滤网


1. Watch that two-fisted Hound Dog out-strum, outrace, out-fight, and outwit the bad guys. (翻译:看看他的打斗,赛车... 拳打坏蛋...)

2. He He would just sit at his desk and strum his guitar. (翻译:他... 他只是坐在他的办公桌 和他的吉他弹奏。)

3. Strum's 13-year-old son, Jonathan, is still missing after a quake-triggered tsunami swept into the popular tourist resort. (翻译:斯特鲁姆的xx岁的儿子,乔纳森,仍然失踪后进入著名的旅游度假胜地席卷一地震引发的海啸。)

4. Whenever excited, the composer would strum his tune on the piano even at midnight. (翻译:只要一兴奋,哪怕是在深夜,作曲家也会在钢琴上弹奏他的曲子。)

5. Just a few signatures, and then he can sit back again at his piano and strum away. (翻译:只是几个签名而已 然后他就可以安心坐回他的钢琴旁 想怎么弹就怎么弹)

6. Janette Strum from Sweden weeps near her injured son while they wait to be airlifted out of Phuket, Thailand. (翻译:詹妮特由近她受伤的儿子,而瑞典哭斯特鲁姆等候被空运出普吉岛,泰国。)

7. You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments. (翻译:弹琴鼓瑟唱消闲的歌曲,为自己制造乐器,如同大卫所造的。)

8. His uncle used to sing songs to him and pretend to strum an imaginary guitar in his lap. (翻译:他的叔叔曾经为他唱歌并且假装漫不经心地弹奏他腿上的吉他。)



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