dilute是什么意思 dilute的中文翻译、读音、例句

dilute是什么意思 dilute的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和含义:


2. 同义词和反义词:

同义词:weaken, thin, reduce the concentration of

反义词:concentrate, strengthen, thicken

3. 词根和词源:


4. 常见用法:

常见搭配:dilute solution(稀释溶液)、dilute acid(稀酸)


5. 例句:

1. The juice is too sweet. Dilute it with some water.


2. The chemical needs to be properly diluted before use.


3. We need to dilute the acid to a safe concentration before handling it.


4. The researchers diluted the sample to get accurate measurement results.


5. If you dilute the paint too much, the color will become pale and weak.





1. You need to dilute the solution with water before using it.(使用前,你需要用水稀释该溶液。)

2. The company's profits were diluted by the high cost of raw materials.(公司的利润因原材料成本高而被稀释了。)

3. His influence on the team was diluted after he left.(他离开后,他对团队的影响力被淡化了。)

4. The media's coverage of the event diluted the message that the organizers wanted to convey.(媒体对这个事件的报道弱化了组织者想要传达的信息。)




例句:The industrial crude fat was obtained by treatment of soybean lecithin with dilute H2SO4. (大豆油脚经稀硫酸预处理得工业酸油。)


例句:by soaking the alunite ripe breeze dilute sulfuric acid was introduced. Technological process and experimental conditions are described. (介绍一种利用明矾石熟矿粉稀酸浸取特性来生产钾明矾的工艺方法,简要叙述了工艺过程和试验情况。)


例句:The density of such films can be continuously tuned from dilute, close-packed to overpacked monolayers of interlocking single layers. (这种单片的密度可以从稀疏调整到连续不断,也可将重叠在一起的调整到连续的单层膜。)


例句:That would dilute down to one part per billion mercury, which is well within what the World Health Organization considers safe. (翻译:这能将水银稀释至十亿分之一, 也就是在世界卫生组织看来 算是安全的程度。)


dilute一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在dilute by(因…而减色,由于…而被削弱)、dilute with(以…稀释; 以…削弱)、dilute acid([化] 稀酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilute by因…而减色,由于…而被削弱
dilute with以…稀释; 以…削弱
dilute acid[化] 稀酸
dilute alloy低合金
dilute base
dilute gas渗冷气体
dilute juice稀汁
dilute medium稀释介质
dilute method稀释法


1. The density of such films can be continuously tuned from dilute, close-packed to overpacked monolayers of interlocking single layers. (翻译:这种单片的密度可以从稀疏调整到连续不断,也可将重叠在一起的调整到连续的单层膜。)

2. That would dilute down to one part per billion mercury, which is well within what the World Health Organization considers safe. (翻译:这能将水银稀释至十亿分之一, 也就是在世界卫生组织看来 算是安全的程度。)

3. We'll find a broker... to play a few tricks... to dilute their shares (翻译:像波仔说的那样 到时找几个股票经纪玩下财技 把他们那份冲淡)

4. The potential applications and study emphases of solvent sublation in the separation of organic compounds from their dilute solutions are discussed. (翻译:展望了利用溶剂气浮法分离有机物稀溶液的工业化应用前景和研究重点。)

5. But one of the things we're discovering is that wind, like solar, is an actually relatively dilute source of energy. (翻译:们发现 风能,就像太阳能一样 是一种相对来说利用效率不高的能量。)

6. Because dark energy, unlike matter or radiation, does not dilute away as the universe expands. (翻译:因为暗能量 与物质和辐射不同 它不会因为宇宙的膨胀而被稀释 )

7. Human eccrine sweat is essentially a dilute solution of sodium chloride with trace amounts of other plasma electrolytes. (翻译:人体的汗液实质上是一种含有痕量其它血浆电解质的稀氯化钠溶液。)

8. In this way, when you have a large amount of good kamma, you can counteract or dilute the effects of bad kamma. (翻译:同样道理,当你有大量的善业,就可对抗或稀释恶业的效果。)

9. Overwash, spraying or dip in after dilute it with water. (翻译:用水稀释后冲洗或喷雾或浸涤。)

10. They dissolve readily in water, dilute acids, and alkalis but do not coagulate readily on heating. (翻译:组蛋白在水中很容易溶解,其水溶液呈弱酸性和碱性,加热时不立即凝结。)

11. In severe cases, the kidneys can't keep up with the resulting volumes of dilute urine. (翻译:在严重的情况下 肾脏无法负荷被稀释的尿液的体积 )

12. You had a dilute hydrochloric acid solution coming down one shaft and hydrated zinc coming down the other shaft and when they combined in the queen's chamber, they created hydrogen. (翻译:把稀释的盐酸从其中一条孔道倒下去... 然后再把水合锌从另一条孔道倒下去... 它们就会在王后室发生化学反应, 产生氢气)

13. to a thin cake batter to be dilute, to ensure liquidity in the pot, and do not spread the batter with a spatula. (翻译:要饼薄,面糊须调稀,保证能在锅内流动,这样就不必用锅铲将面糊摊开。)

14. The ever decreasing slope and the plateau of the first part of the isotherm are found in most cases of adsorption from dilute solutions. (翻译:该条等温线第一部份所呈现的坡度递减,并在高处转平的情形,是大部份稀薄溶液的常见吸附情形。)

15. Because dark energy, unlike matter or radiation, does not dilute away as the universe expands. (翻译:因为暗能量 与物质和辐射不同 它不会因为宇宙的膨胀而被稀释)



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