词义:Wildfire s是一款htc公司生产的安卓智能手机型号,属于高端智能手机之一。
词性:Wildfire s为专有名词,属于名词。
词组搭配:Wildfire s常与手机配件、手机保护壳、手机维修等词组搭配使用。
发音拼写:/ˈwaɪldfaɪr/ /s/
1. My old phone broke down, so I just got a new Wildfire s.
我的旧手机坏了,所以我刚刚买了一个新的Wildfire s。
2. The Wildfire s is known for its sleek design and exceptional camera.
Wildfire s以其流畅的设计和出色的摄像头而闻名。
3. I dropped my Wildfire s and the screen cracked. I need to find a repair shop.
我把我的Wildfire s掉了,屏幕破了。我需要找一个维修店。
4. The Wildfire s has a fast processor and can handle multiple apps at once.
Wildfire s拥有快速的处理器,可以同时处理多个应用程序。
5. I love my Wildfire s and wouldn't trade it for any other phone.
我喜欢我的Wildfire s,并且不愿意用其他手机交换它。
读音:yě huǒ S
1. 我的手机是野火S型号,功能非常强大。
Translation: My phone is the Wildfire S model, with powerful functions.
2. 野火S是一款非常受欢迎的智能手机。
Translation: The Wildfire S is a very popular smartphone.