Trussardi 是一个意大利时尚品牌的名称。它是一个专注于高级时装、鞋履、手袋、香水、手表和眼镜等奢侈品的品牌。
词义:Trussardi 是一个商标、品牌名。
词性:Trussardi 是一个名词。
词组搭配:Trussardi 还可以和其他单词组成短语,如 Trussardi 手袋、Trussardi 时装、Trussardi 眼镜等。
短语:Trussardi 的短语可以是 Trussardi 品牌、Trussardi 设计、Trussardi 风格等。
发音拼写:Trussardi 发音为 [trʌˈsɑrdi]。
1. Trussardi 品牌源于家族企业,致力于创新和高品质的设计。 (The Trussardi brand originated from a family business, committed to innovative and high-quality design.)
2. Trussardi 的女装系列在时尚圈备受瞩目,因其别致、现代、高雅和实用而闻名。 (Trussardi's women's wear collection is highly regarded in the fashion industry for its originality, modernity, elegance, and practicality.)
3. Trussardi 眼镜采用最新领域技术和高端材料,旨在为您的眼睛提供最佳的保护和视觉效果。 (Trussardi eyewear employs state-of-the-art technology and high-end materials to provide the best protection and visual effects for your eyes.)
4. Trussardi 设计的手表被视为高档的奢侈品,因其精湛的工艺、独特的风格和卓越的品质而备受推崇。 (Trussardi-designed watches are considered high-end luxury items, highly regarded for their exquisite craftsmanship, unique style, and superior quality.)
5. Trussardi 香水系列的瓶身设计简洁、典雅,香味清新、持久,是名副其实的经典之作。 (Trussardi's perfume line features simple and elegant bottle designs and fresh and long-lasting scents, making them real classics.)
6. Trussardi 的皮革材料和手工制作非常讲究,从选择优质皮革到每一个缝线都注重细节。 (Trussardi's leather materials and handmade craftsmanship are very particular, paying attention to the details from the selection of high-quality leather to every stitch.)
7. Trussardi 的男装系列以其简约、精致、舒适的风格而著称,是现代都市男性的首选。 (Trussardi's men's wear collection is renowned for its simple, delicate and comfortable style, making it the first choice for modern urban men.)
1. 她在Trussardi的店里买了一双漂亮的高跟鞋。
2. 许多名人都喜欢穿着Trussardi的服装。
3. Trussardi的皮革制品质量非常好,很耐用。