whaling是什么意思 whaling的中文翻译、读音、例句

whaling是什么意思 whaling的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: 'whaling'是指捕鲸的行业或者活动。

2. 历史: whaling是一个古老的行业,最早可以追溯到公元前xx年左右。

3. 环保: whaling在过去几xx年中受到了越来越多的反对,因为捕鲸对海洋生态系统和一些鲸类物种的生存都带来了很大的威胁。

4. 国际条约: 因为whaling的存在,国际社会达成了一些保护鲸类的协议和条约,如xx年的国际捕鲸委员会(International Whaling Commission, IWC)的禁捕协议。

5. 经济影响: whaling在一些国家是重要的产业,因为我们需要鲸油、鲸肉、鲸骨等产品,这些产品可以被用于照明、食品加工、艺术品制作等领域。


1. 历史上的whaling行业是一个血腥的产业。

2. 环保组织呼吁人们停止whaling活动,以保护海洋生态系统。

3. 国际社会达成了一些旨在保护鲸类的协议和条约,其中包括绝大多数国家的国际捕鲸委员会的禁捕协议。

4. 由于捕鲸禁令的实施,whaling在一些国家的经济产业受到了很大的打击。

5. 鲸油、鲸肉和鲸骨等whaling产品在一些国家是重要的出口产品。


1. The whaling industry in the past was a bloody business.

2. Environmental organizations are calling for an end to whaling activities to protect the marine ecosystem.

3. The international community has reached some agreements and treaties aimed at protecting whales, including the International Whaling Commission's ban on whaling agreements in most countries.

4. Due to the implementation of the whaling ban, the economy of whaling industry in some countries has been greatly affected.

5. Whale oil, whale meat, and whale bone, etc., whaling products, are important export products in some countries.

whaling的中文翻译为捕鲸,读音为[wéi líng]。


1. Many countries have banned the practice of whaling.


2. International whaling has caused a significant decline in whale populations.


3. The whaling industry has a long and controversial history.





例句:If the whaling disappears it would make me feel sad, because that means that the particular form of the culture fades out. (如果捕鲸业消失,我将为此感到难过,因为这意味着这种特殊的文化形式在慢慢消亡。)


例句:There are several facets in the interests out of Antigua in whaling. (安提瓜对捕鲸业的兴趣 有几个方面值得注意)


例句:The Pequod was a fairly small whaling ship the was sailing the next day. (佩廓德号是一条相当小的捕鲸船,次日就要出海了。)


例句:Last month, another Japanese whaling ship collided with a high-tech trimaran owned by Sea Shepherd. (翻译:上个月,另一艘日本捕鲸船与海洋看守保护协会所属的高科技三体船相撞。)


whaling一般作为名词、动词使用,如在pelagic whaling(远洋捕鲸(业))、whaling area(捕鲸作业区)、whaling boat(捕鲸船)等常见短语中出现较多。

pelagic whaling远洋捕鲸(业)
whaling area捕鲸作业区
whaling boat捕鲸船
whaling fleet捕鲸船队
whaling glass放大镜
whaling gunn. 捕鲸炮
whaling gunswhaling gun\n捕鲸炮[亦作 whale gun]
whaling line捕鲸铦纲
whaling port捕鲸船船籍港


1. The Pequod was a fairly small whaling ship the was sailing the next day. (翻译:佩廓德号是一条相当小的捕鲸船,次日就要出海了。)

2. Last month, another Japanese whaling ship collided with a high-tech trimaran owned by Sea Shepherd. (翻译:上个月,另一艘日本捕鲸船与海洋看守保护协会所属的高科技三体船相撞。)

3. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling. (翻译:委员会要求全球禁止捕鲸。)

4. Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira. (翻译:国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。)

5. He positioned his small boat in the North Atlantic between a Norwegian whaling ship and a pod of humpback whales. (翻译:当时他坐着小船来到北大西洋 一边是那艘挪威捕鲸船 一边是一群座头鲸)

6. The whaling port of Ayukawa, for example, had no defence when the wave wiped out the industry. (翻译:比如位于鲇川的捕鲸港口,彻底被海浪冲洗一空。)

7. The wreck of the catcher boat Petrel lies stranded at the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken. (翻译:这艘破损的捕鲸船海燕号狼狈不堪地滞留在被废弃的格吕特·维肯捕鲸站。)

8. The wreck of the catcher boat Petrel lies stranded at the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken. (翻译:这艘破损的捕鲸船海燕号狼狈不堪地滞留在被废弃的格吕特维肯捕鲸站。)

9. Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira. (翻译:国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。)

10. Still, looking at a replica of a whaling ship in the museum, Mr Lang wonders whether groundfish boats will end up in a museum, too. (翻译:然而,看着博物馆里陈列的捕鲸油轮模型,朗先生怀疑,底栖鱼类捕捞船只最后会不会也被陈列在博物馆里。)

11. Despite all attempts at banning whaling, there are still countries and pirates currently engaged in the slaughter of these inoffensive creatures. (翻译:尽管已尽力禁止捕杀 还是有国家和私商 仍然参与到对这些无害生物的杀戮之中)

12. so that, by the time the captain's party was ready to sail, there were several other whaling vessels on the point of starting. (翻译:于是,到船长的捕鲸队准备停当的时候,几艘其他的捕鲸船也正要出发了。)

13. Around 1850, one of the biggest U.S. industries was whaling. (翻译:xx年左右,捕鲸是美国最大的产业之一。)

14. And then comes whaling and dolphin-slaying, where the cultural gap with much of the Western world appears at its widest. (翻译:然后就是对鲸鱼和海豚的捕杀,在这点上,日本与西方世界的文化差异从未如此之大。)

15. The company behind Iceland's fin whaling industry is planning a huge export of whalemeat to Japan. (翻译:冰岛长须鲸加工工业公司计划向日本出口大量鲸鱼肉。)



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