villagers是什么意思 villagers的中文翻译、读音、例句

villagers是什么意思 villagers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇解释:'villagers'指的是住在一个村庄里的人,通常指一群人共同生活在一个社区中。

2. 语法用法:'villagers'是一个名词,可用作主语、宾语、定语等。例如:The villagers gathered to discuss the latest news.(村民们聚集在一起讨论最新的消息。)

3. 文化意义:'villagers'通常与乡村生活、农村文化以及社区合作等价值观相关联。在许多文化中,村庄被认为是一个群体精神、和睦共处和传统文化的象征。

4. 实用搭配:'villagers'可以与许多动词和形容词搭配,如'help', 'support', 'local', 'traditional'等,以表达不同的含义。例如:The villagers supported the new community project. (村民们支持新的社区项目。)


1. The villagers are known for their generosity and hospitality to strangers.(村民以对陌生人的慷慨和好客著称。)

2. The villagers rely heavily on farming to make a living. (村民们靠种田为生。)

3. The new road project will greatly benefit the villagers by improving their transportation.(新的道路项目将通过改善村民的交通状况来极大地裨益他们。)

4. Many of the villagers have lived in the same community for generations.(许多村民一代接着一代地生活在同一个社区。)

5. The villagers were able to rebuild their homes with the help of volunteers after a devastating flood.(在一次毁灭性的洪水后,村民们得到志愿者的帮助重建了家园。)




1. Most of the villagers work as farmers. (大多数村民是从事农业的。)

2. The villagers were excited to see the new well built in their village. (村民们兴奋地看着新建的水井。)

3. The village has a population of around 500 villagers. (这个村庄有大约500名村民。)




例句:A conflict broke out during the negotiation between the villagers and the developers. (东禾村村长与发展商代表 在商讨期间发生冲突)


例句:The villagers will be offered a compensation package for resettling. (这些村民将得到拆迁补偿。)


例句:The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day. (村民每天的用水量限定为两升。)


1. The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day. (翻译:村民每天的用水量限定为两升。)

2. This memorial stone was laid by villagers to appease the spirits of the dead. (翻译:而这一个墓碑就是我们汀九村村民 为了超渡亡灵立的)

3. The villagers then collect and process the stools. (翻译:随后 村民们会收集加工这些粪便 The villagers then collect and process the stools.)

4. Most of the villagers survive off tiny plots of cropland. (翻译:大多数村民靠小块农地产出聊以为生。)

5. It was a Tanzanian team talking to the villagers, asking what they were interested in. (翻译:和村民交谈的是一个坦桑尼亚小组 询问村民对什么感兴趣 )

6. It means that the villagers' lives constantly intersect. (翻译:意味着这里居民的生活是 紧密联系着的。)

7. Fellow villagers, last year was peaceful and the weather was good. (翻译:各位观众,在过去的xx年 本镇风调雨顺,人口平安)

8. They despoiled the villagers of their belongings. (翻译:他们夺走了村民的财物。)

9. The villagers heard wolves, but the appearance of a striped hyena is a surprise. (翻译:村民们听见了狼嚎声 但却没想到缟鬣狗会意外出现)

10. It even chipped my ceramic sword! The villagers will be pleased. (翻译:呵呵呵 刀都钝了呢 山谷里的人肯定会很高兴的)

11. The villagers donated funds for a new mosque too. (翻译:村民们也捐款建了一座新清真寺。)

12. But there's no way the villagers would've held a festival in the forest. (翻译:可是 村里的人不可能在那片森林里举行什么夏祭)

13. The communists slaughtered over 100 villagers during their retreat. (翻译:这里的村民死伤至少有一百人 看来他们扫荡了整个村子)

14. The villagers cut out the fetus and threw it in the aquifer. (翻译:沃特金斯: 村民们把胎儿挖了出来, 丢入地下蓄水层。)

15. People would even leave money in their wills to pay the villagers' taxes so that villagers would pray for them. (翻译:人们甚至立遗嘱替村民交税, 这样村民就会为他们祷告。)



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