snow angel是什么意思 snow angel的中文翻译、读音、例句

snow angel是什么意思 snow angel的中文翻译、读音、例句

Snow angel是一个由“snow”和“angel”组成的词组,表示在雪地上留下的天使形状的印记。这个词汇在英语中被广泛使用,因为冬季经常下雪,雪天中也是许多人参与户外冰雪运动的好时机。下面从以下三个方面介绍这个单词:


Snow angel是一种在雪地上留下的图形,通常是手臂向外伸展,腿伸直,呈“Y”形,就像一个天使展翅飞翔的样子。这个词在英语中被广泛使用,不仅是一个具体的图案,更是一个冬季活动的代名词。人们经常在下雪的天气里做雪天使来纪念这个季节,或者为了让孩子们在户外玩耍时有更多乐趣。



3. 形象和用法

Snow angel是一个非常形象的词,它可以用来形容一个人留下的雪天使图案,也可以用来形容一个人在雪地上的姿势或动作。此外,这个词在日常英语中也可以用来比喻其他类型的天使,例如被人视为善良、纯洁、仁慈和宽容的人。


1. When the snow began to fall, the children ran outside to make snow angels.(当雪花开始飘落时,孩子们跑到外面做雪天使。)

2. The snow angel in our backyard is so perfect, it looks like a real angel.(我们后院的雪天使非常完美,看起来像个真正的天使。)

3. She fell backward into the snow and made a snow angel, giggling as she flapped her arms and legs.(她向后倒在雪地上做了一个雪天使,在挥动胳膊和腿的同时咯咯笑着。)

4. He was called a snow angel for his kindness to the homeless during the winter.(他因在冬季对无家可归者施以仁慈而被称为雪天使。)

5. Last year we made snow angels during the first snowfall, it was a great way to welcome the winter season.(去年我们在第一场雪中做了雪天使,这是一个迎接冬季的绝佳方式。)

snow angel的意思是在雪地中留下的天使形状的印迹。它的中文翻译是雪天使、雪地天使。读音为/snoʊ ˈeɪndʒəl/。


1. After a heavy snowfall, the children went outside to make snow angels.


2. She lay down in the fresh snow, moving her arms and legs to make a perfect snow angel.


snow angel的意思是"雪地天使、雪天使音响",还有雪天使的意思,在线读音是[snowangel],snow angel是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到51个与snow angel相关的例句。

Snow angel的词典翻译


例句:Just building shelters in the snow (Just building shelters in the snow)


例句:The sky blue wall blends with the snow-white bed and it creates a picture of a cloud slowly taking an angel up to heaven. (房间里的淡蓝色衬托着雪白的床,像一朵白云一样,把天使带入天堂。)


例句:- Angel kills her and comes back to the fold. (- Angel杀掉猎人然后回到我们这来 - Angel - Angel kills her and comes back to the fold.)、雪天使

例句:No, Angel No.1 is waiting for us (翻译:Angel No. 1 is waiting for us)


snow angel一般作为名词使用,如在angel(天使 )、in the snow(在雪地里)、snow in(像雪片般地飞来)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the snow在雪地里
snow in像雪片般地飞来
to snow[网络] 下雪
directional angel方位角
dot angel点状亮影
error angel误差角
evil angel恶天使,恶魔
fallen angel恶魔,魔鬼


1. - Angel kills her and comes back to the fold. (翻译:- Angel杀掉猎人然后回到我们这来 - Angel - Angel kills her and comes back to the fold.)

2. No, Angel No.1 is waiting for us (翻译:Angel No. 1 is waiting for us)

3. Perfection for the Heavens Angels! (翻译:Heaven Angel的 特别装扮搭配完成了)

4. White as snow it blossoms. (翻译:White as snow it blossoms)

5. # Send me an angel in the morning, baby (翻译:# Send me an angel in the morning, baby)

6. When the sun comes up, its warmth and beauty will glow! (翻译:And we melt the white snow)

7. We still watch Game of Thrones. (翻译:the guy who plays Jon Snow was a jerk.)

8. ¶ with a head full of snow (翻译:# with a head full of snow #)

9. Where bright angel feet have trod (翻译:Where bright angel feet have trod)

10. And why is my surname snow? (翻译:我为什么姓雪诺? And why is my surname snow?)

11. # Send me an angel in the morning, darling (翻译:# Send me an angel in the morning, darling)

12. Yes, Angel No. 1 is involved (翻译:Angel No. 1 is involved)

13. Well, then go ask your boyfriend. (翻译:- Angel advice. then go ask your boyfriend.)

14. Better than a first kiss Snow falling at Christmas (翻译:Better than a first kiss Snow falling at Christmas)

15. Aldous Snow is one of the last remaining rock stars. (翻译:Aldous Snow是现在仅存不多的摇滚明星)

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