pupil是什么意思 pupil的中文翻译、读音、例句

pupil是什么意思 pupil的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:pupil of the eye(瞳孔)、dilated pupil(扩张的瞳孔)、pupil teacher ratio(师生比)等。




1. He is a very diligent pupil and always hands in his homework on time.(他是一个非常勤奋的学生,总是按时交作业。)

2. The teacher noticed that one of her pupils was struggling to understand the concept, so she offered to help him during lunchtime.(老师注意到其中一位学生难以理解这个概念,所以她在午餐时间为他提供帮助。)

3. In low light conditions, the pupils of our eyes enlarge to let more light in.(在光线较暗的情况下,我们的瞳孔会扩大,以便更多的光线进入眼睛。)

4. The school is struggling to maintain a good pupil teacher ratio due to budget cuts.(由于预算削减,学校正在努力保持良好的师生比。)

5. The optometrist checked my pupils and found that they were both the same size, which is a good sign.(验光师检查了我的瞳孔,并发现它们大小相同,这是一个好的迹象。)

pupil 的中文翻译为学生、瞳孔。



1. She is a bright pupil and always gets top grades in her class.(她是个聪明的学生,总是在班里得到最高的分数。)

2. The teacher noticed that the pupil's pupils were dilated, which could be a sign of drug use.(老师注意到学生的瞳孔扩大了,这可能是吸毒的迹象。)




例句:My greatest pupil. Published at 16, PhD at 20. (你是我最得意的学生,xx岁发表论文,20获得博士学位.)


例句:After all these years... isn't that Father's pupil Sanat? (这么多年过去了... 那人不是爸爸的学生桑特吗?)


例句:The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to pide. (这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。)


例句:Oliver Tate was a popular and much-loved pupil. (翻译:奥利弗・泰特曾是一名 极受欢迎和受人钦慕的学生)


pupil一般作为名词使用,如在dilatation of pupil([医] 瞳孔开大)、dilated pupil([医] 瞳孔散大)、double pupil(重瞳(畸形))等常见短语中出现较多。

dilatation of pupil[医] 瞳孔开大
dilated pupil[医] 瞳孔散大
double pupil重瞳(畸形)
emergent pupil出射光瞳;出瞳
entrance pupil[化] 入瞳; 入射光瞳
exit pupil[化] 出瞳; 出射光瞳
eye pupil眼瞳
fixed pupil[医] 固定性瞳孔
hastate pupil[昆] 戟形瞳


1. The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to pide. (翻译:这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。)

2. Oliver Tate was a popular and much-loved pupil. (翻译:奥利弗・泰特曾是一名 极受欢迎和受人钦慕的学生)

3. It is said that when Jack was a pupil his mother despaired of him. (翻译:听说杰克的母亲很为他小学时候的操行担心。)

4. Comparison of pupil diameter between diabetic and non diabetic patients after mydriasis (翻译:糖尿病与非糖尿病患者散瞳后瞳孔直径的比较)

5. Ms Cadwell, with a big smile, is off to another pupil. (翻译:卡德韦尔女士脸上洋溢着笑容,她离开了爱莎走向另一个学生。)

6. It was said that she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist . (翻译:据说她是匈牙利伟大的钢琴家弗朗兹。李斯特的学生。)

7. Another sign she's interested is pupil dilation. (翻译:另一个她对你有兴趣的信号是瞳孔的扩张。)

8. There's no difference, being his son or his pupil. (翻译:其实当叶问的儿子 跟当叶问的徒弟没什么分别)

9. Labour was the son of Necessity, the nurseling of Hope, and the pupil of Art. (No. 33) (翻译:“工作”是必需品的儿子,是希望的护士,是艺术的学生。)

10. - With your pupil Savchenko. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})

11. It was a diplomatic move to dedicate these sonatas to this relatively inexperienced pupil. (翻译:把这些奏鸣曲献给这个相对没有经验的女学生,那是一着外交上的妙棋。)

12. I've got some great news for our star pupil. (翻译:我得到一个很棒的大新闻 属于我们的高材生)

13. The pupil lisped out the answer. (翻译:小学生口齿不清地说出答案。)

14. And she is a former pupil of Mrs. Goddard's. (翻译:她以前是 Mrs. Goddard的学生.)

15. This is Xiaoyong , He's a clever pupil. (翻译:它是一个聪明的小学生。)



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