it depends是什么意思 it depends的中文翻译、读音、例句

it depends是什么意思 it depends的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:‘it depends’是一个英语短语,意思是‘看情况’或‘这要看情况而定’。它常用于回答一个问题时,表示答案的确定与否需要根据具体情况而定。

2. 词性:‘it depends’是一个常用的短语,由一个主语‘it’和一个动词‘depends’组成。动词‘depends’是个不及物动词,表示‘取决于’。

3. 常用场景:‘it depends’这个短语在英语中非常常见,通常用于以下场景中:

- 当被问及是否能够完成某项任务,但答案不确定,需要根据具体情况而定时,可使用‘it depends’回答。

- 在需要权衡利弊的场合,使用‘it depends’表达出不确定性,表示需要进一步考虑情况。

- 在商业谈判中,当被问及价格或交易条件时,使用‘it depends’表达出你并不打算在这个问题上做出决定,需要看具体情况而定。

4. 词组搭配:‘it depends’可以和许多其他词组一起使用,例如:

- It depends on the weather.(这要看天气而定。)

- It depends on the situation.(这要看情况而定。)

- It depends on the budget.(这要看预算而定。)

- It depends on the availability of resources.(这要看资源的可用性而定。)

5. 相关短语:‘it depends’也可以和其他相关短语一起使用,例如:

- it depends on the circumstances(这要看情况而定。)

- it depends on the situation at hand(这要看当前的情况而定。)

- it depends on the outcome(这要看结果如何而定。)

6. 发音拼写:‘it’的发音是/ɪt/,‘depends’的发音是/dɪˈpɛndz/。整个短语的发音是/ɪt dɪˈpɛndz/。


读音:[ɪt dɪˈpɛndz]


1. A: "Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?"

B: "It depends on the weather forecast. I haven't checked it yet."



2. "Can we finish this project by next week?"

"Well, it depends on how much progress we make each day."



3. A: "Are you going to the party tonight?"

B: "It depends. I have to finish some work first."



it depends的意思是"视情况而定",作为名词时有"视情况而定"的意思,读音为[itdepends],it depends是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到71个与it depends相关的例句。

It depends的中文翻译


例句:But it depends on Jenson. (但这取决于简森。)


it depends一般作为名词使用,如在that depends(要看情况而定\n[法] 要看情况而定)、it just depends(这要看情况而定)、that all depends([网络] 要看情况而定;需要看情况而定)等常见短语中出现较多。

that depends要看情况而定\n[法] 要看情况而定
it just depends这要看情况而定
that all depends[网络] 要看情况而定;需要看情况而定
That depends.那得看情况。
That all depends.那得看情况。


1. And to extirpate their wives depends on God. (翻译:消灭朋友老婆,要靠上帝。)

2. The price depends on the intricacy of the work. (翻译:价格取决于工艺的精细程度。)

3. Depends a bit on whether you actually were spying or not. (翻译:部分取决于你到底是不是间谍 Depends a bit on whether you actually were spying or not.)

4. It all depends on what we truly value and if we can summon the will to act. (翻译:一切都取决于... ... It all depends...)

5. Depends on the craftsmanship (翻译:要看这个山寨的汽车旅馆布谷钟的 depends on the craftsmanship)

6. Well, it depends on what you think is concrete evidence. (翻译:这要看什么算是具体证据了 Well, it depends on what you think is concrete evidence.)

7. Honestly, it depends on what he has to say. (翻译:其实要看他说什么 Honestly, it depends on what he has to say.)

8. Depends if someone finishes early. (翻译:Depends if someone finishes early.)

9. Depends what you write with them (翻译:这要看铅笔写了些什么 Depends what you write with them)

10. Well, a ticket for the south, that depends... (翻译:一张去南方的票啊 价格是有浮动的 Alors, un billet pour le Sud, ça dépend.)

11. It depends on the darkness of your skin. (翻译:这取决于你肤色的深浅。)

12. - It depends. Are you going for no bail? (翻译:- 那可不一定 你是不是要申请羁押 不得保释?)

13. Intended to cause the ... - depends on you, Brian ... (翻译:本来不打算使... - 取决于你,布莱恩...)

14. And the chemicals, or the amount of chemicals, depends on the temperature; it depends on the pH, it depends on the nutrients. (翻译:这些化学成分, 或是说化学成分的量, 取决于海水温度,还有pH值, 以及水中的养分。)

15. Her entire year depends on it. (翻译:她整年都依赖它。Her entire year depends on it.)

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