'Clione' 是一个单词,它的词性为名词,指的是海洋中的一种裸鳃水母。该词的发音为 /klɪəni/,拼写为 clione。
1. clione limacina:裸鳃水母;
2. pteropod clione:翼足目裸鳃水母属;
3. clione antarctica:南极裸鳃水母。
1. clione feeding:裸鳃水母采食;
2. clione parasite:裸鳃水母寄生虫。
1. The clione is a type of sea angel that looks like a cross between a jellyfish and a butterfly.
2. The clione is a predatory species that feeds on small crustaceans and other planktonic animals.
3. The pteropod clione is a common species found in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans.
4. Clione antarctica is a species of sea angel that is native to the waters surrounding Antarctica.
5. The clione feeds by using its tentacles to capture small prey, which it then consumes by engulfing them whole.
6. Scientists believe that changing ocean temperatures could have a significant impact on the distribution of clione populations.
7. The clione parasite is a type of flatworm that lives inside the bodies of clione sea angels.
1. Clione是北极海域中的一种非常特别的生物,它长着两个翅膀,好像一只小天使。
2. 裸胸海蛳螺通常生活在冰冷的北极海洋中,需要强壮的身体才能适应寒冷的环境。
例句:Experiment one, trial one. (Experiment one, trial one.)
例句:One two three four One two three four One two three four (一二三四 一二三四 一二三四 One two three four One two three four One two three four)
例句:And there you have it: a fully functioning CLI PHP program that accepts either user input or a list of files and randomizes the relative contents of each file. (现在您拥有这样一个程序:完全运行的CLI php程序,它可以接受用户输入,也可以接受文件列表并随机排列每个文件的相关内容。)
1. And there you have it: a fully functioning CLI PHP program that accepts either user input or a list of files and randomizes the relative contents of each file. (翻译:现在您拥有这样一个程序:完全运行的CLI php程序,它可以接受用户输入,也可以接受文件列表并随机排列每个文件的相关内容。)
2. Meach goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own cli amour of silence. (翻译:人走进喧哗的群众里去,为的是要淹没他自身的沉默的呼号。)
3. – They will come one and all! (翻译:– They will come one and all!)
4. One, two, one, two, three, four! (翻译:一, 二, 一, 二, 三, 四! One, two, one, two, three, four!)
5. One, two, one, two, one, two. (翻译:Run! One, two. One, two.)
6. 'Would I swap one for one, and which one? (翻译:我会同意以一换一吗 换哪个 Would I swap one for one and which one?)
7. One live as two, two live as one (翻译:One live as two, two live as one)
8. With STL/CLI, you get implementations of all your favorites from STL, including vectors, lists, deques, maps, sets, and hash maps and sets. (翻译:有了 STL/CLI 后,您可以通过 STL 实现您喜欢的所有内容,包括矢量、列表、双端队列、映射、集合以及哈希映射和集合。)
9. All right, one for the big daddy... (翻译:one for the big daddy -)
10. No one wants to be defeated (翻译:No one wants to be defeated)
11. The main difference between an ODBC application and a CLI application is in the way the database driver is loaded. (翻译:ODBC应用程序与CLI应用程序之间主要的不同在于装载数据库驱动程序的方式。)
12. One born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires. (翻译:One born with the strength)
13. I want to thank you, Ivan, for allowing me to use it. (翻译:我们的 One of ours. 你们的 One of yours?)
14. The summers die one by one (翻译:无数个夏季消逝 The summers die one by one)
15. No, one was for him and one was for his girlfriend (翻译:one was for him and one was for his girlfriend)