upto是什么意思 upto的中文翻译、读音、例句

upto是什么意思 upto的中文翻译、读音、例句

意思:up to是一组常用的介词和副词,意思通常是“直到某个时间或地点”的意思,也可以表示“达到某个程度或数量”。Upto是up to的缩写形式,两者用法一样。



词组搭配:upto可以和各种词组搭配使用,比如upto date(最新的)、upto the mark(符合标准)、upto speed(达到速度)、upto par(达到标准)等等。这些词组通常用于形容某个事物是否合格或达到要求等。

相关短语:和upto相关的常用短语有up to you(由你决定)、up to scratch(符合规定)、up to no good(在干坏事)、up to the minute(最新的)等等。

发音拼写:upto的发音为/ʌp tə/,t后面的o是无声字母,读音时应当快速略过。在拼写上,upto通常写成两个单词up to,但是在口语和非正式场合中,可以使用upto这个缩写形式。




1. The offer is valid for upto three days.(这一报价有效期限最多三天。)

2. We can accept upto 10 participants for this study.(我们可以接受最多10个参与者参加研究。)

3. The river was upto my waist.(河水淹到了我腰部。)

4. You can stay upto 5 nights at this hotel.(你可以在这家酒店最多住5晚。)




例句:The layout of different types of vehicles is different. A private car which is to carry upto eight persons is generally four seats. (由于汽车的型号不同汽车的设计也有所不同?一辆私家车最多可以承载人数的上限是八个人?一般的需要四个座位。)


例句:Hecouldbe facing upto30 yearsinprison onchargesrelated tohisactivities atbitinstant. (他可能因为在Bitinstant的某些行为 面临xx年的监禁)


例句:I look upto the sky, when the milky accompany me the ball. (抬头仰望着漫天星河,那时候陪伴我的那颗。)


例句:She's trying on upto number 226. (翻译:- 试图来装备226。糖果小姐,较少关注只是一个事...)


1. I look upto the sky, when the milky accompany me the ball. (翻译:抬头仰望着漫天星河,那时候陪伴我的那颗。)

2. She's trying on upto number 226. (翻译:- 试图来装备226。糖果小姐,较少关注只是一个事...)

3. What I'm upto is daunting. But I have complete faith in our love (翻译:我选的这条路很艰难 对我们的爱有绝对的信心)

4. Just like the long march for china rise from a semicolony upto a modern independent country. (翻译:就像二万五千里长征使中国从一个半殖民地半封建的国家,变成为一个拥有独立主权的现代国家。)

5. Eleanor waldorf is gearing upto take her company public, and I've been courting herfor months to let me handle the deal. (翻译:Eleanor Waldorf正在 积极筹备她的新公司上市 为了让她叫给我处理 我已经慇勤了她好几个月)

6. May take upto two minutes, if there is no connection at all ! (翻译:如果没有任何连接的话,他可能会花费长达2分钟的时间。)

7. Thank you for keeping me me safe upto now. (翻译:谢谢你们 带领着我一直平安无事的走到现在)

8. "Kumud was saying, Dev and Paro are upto new antics" (翻译:库玛德说,德夫和帕萝 是一对滑稽的家伙.)

9. I believe a child can experience... a hundred times worse the abuse than what Gish went through... and still grow upto be... somebody that would never, ever, ever hurt another living being. (翻译:我相信一个孩子可以经历... 比贾卓士糟一百倍的性侵犯 但仍然会长大成为一个...)

10. Upload any files upto 5GB that do not violate our Terms of Service. (翻译:只要不违背我们的服务条款,可以上传任何大于5G的档案。)

11. Your trousers are half open... and my skirt is upto the waist (翻译:{\1cHFF8000}你的裤子半开着... {\1cHFF8000}而我的裙子也在腰上。)

12. Just like the long march for China, rising from a semicolony upto a modern independent country, with countless difficulties. (翻译:正如一百多年中华民族从半殖民地社会向着现代化国家的复兴之路,多灾多难,历尽艰辛!)

13. I stayed here for one week from air raid upto now (翻译:你坐下,我们来吧 空袭后到现在我在这待了1周了)



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