surrend是什么意思 surrend的中文翻译、读音、例句

surrend是什么意思 surrend的中文翻译、读音、例句

'surrend' 不是一个单词,可能是拼写错误或缩写。以下是 "surrender" 的相关信息:



词组搭配:surrender to (投降于), surrender oneself (屈服)

短语:give up,yield,capitulate,concede



1. The enemy forces decided to surrender after seeing that they were outnumbered.(敌方部队看到自己人数不足,决定投降。)

2. The captain ordered his troops to surrender to the enemy in order to avoid bloodshed.(为了避免流血,上尉命令他的部队向敌人投降。)

3. The criminal surrendered to the police after weeks of being on the run.(逃犯逃了几个星期后向警方自首。)

4. The athlete had to surrender his medal after being found guilty of doping.(运动员被发现服用兴奋剂,必须交出奖牌。)

5. The company had to surrender its patents to the government in exchange for financial aid.(公司不得不将专利交给政府以换取财政援助。)

6. It takes great courage to surrender oneself to God.(向上帝屈服需要极大的勇气。)

7. The politician decided to surrender his position after being caught in a corruption scandal.(政治家在腐败丑闻中被抓后决定辞职。)

surrender 的中文翻译为「投降」,读音为[səˈrendər]。


1. The enemy finally decided to surrender and lay down their arms. (敌人最终决定投降,并放下武器。)

2. The suspect was surrounded by police and eventually surrendered. (嫌疑人被警方包围,最终投降。)

3. With tears in her eyes, she surrendered herself to the sorrow of losing her beloved pet. (她眼含泪水,将自己投降给失去心爱宠物的悲痛中。)




例句:The extent of in sur ance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risks clauses. (保险范围是写在基本保险单内和各种险别条款里。)

例句:Another fierce glare lit up the forest and an instant crash followed that seemed to rend the treetops right over the boys' heads. (又一道强光照亮了树林,响雷紧随其后,仿佛就要把孩子们头顶上的树梢一劈两半。)


1. And when Noah had done built his Ark, I understand that somebody began to rend a song. (翻译:Noah建完方舟后,我知道有一首歌在被人传唱。)

2. Nothing more! By accident I got "Adolphe" into my hands! (翻译:我在书架那里看到了阿道弗 Je suis tombé sur Adolphe, dans la bibliothèque, là.)

3. Excuse me for asking, but... can anyone confirm that you were in Big Sur last night? (翻译?)

4. Will enraged regeneration and the rend bonus be all that we see for the expansion, or is more being considered? (翻译:那么现在的激怒和流血奖励将会是我们最终看到的版本,或者还有可能被重新设计么?)

5. OBJECTIVE: To study curative effects of cadaveric rend transplantation which is used to treat end stage urinemia. (翻译:目的:探讨尸体肾移植对终末期尿毒症的治疗效果。)

6. It's a couple of schnell battalions, combat rejects defending the beach... at Colleville-sur-Mer. (翻译:几支部队的先头小组 还剩下一些散兵困守在海滩)

7. To rip or tear; rend. (翻译:撕裂,扯裂扯或撕;撕裂。)

8. This is one of our field tests at Big Sur. (翻译:这是我们在大苏尔地区进行的 实地测试中的一次。)

9. Untouched by modernity, these song have been rendered beautifully by Sur Sudha in their instruments. (翻译:这些歌曲,是现代多未曾触及的,已经由SurSudha用他们的乐器完美呈现。)

10. Maybe on Altair IV, but not on Earth. (翻译:要有也是在牵牛星上 地球上绝对没有 Si, peut -être sur Altaïr 4, mais pas sur Terre.)

11. Luckily, sometimes, you hit on far-out specs. Me... (翻译:幸好有时候我们能遇到真正酷的眼镜 Heureusement, des fois, on tombe sur des lunettes vraiment cool!)

12. She carried the wheat to the mill, and the miller ground it into flour. He put the flour into a sack for the little rend hen. (翻译:她把麦子运到磨房,磨坊主把麦子磨成了面粉,并帮小红母鸡把面粉装到了一个袋子里。)

13. Hal Jordan, I am Abin Sur, protector of Sector 2814. (翻译:哈尔乔丹 我是阿宾苏尔 2814扇区的守护者)

14. According to Abin Sur's last transmission, he seemed to know what it was. (翻译:从阿宾苏尔最后的话看 他似乎知道来者何人)

15. “So you didn’t, ” he 32)sur-mised. (翻译:“所以你才没有来,”他猜测着。)

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