guanlu是什么意思 guanlu的中文翻译、读音、例句

guanlu是什么意思 guanlu的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. "guanlu" 作为缩写词,通常指 "官路",即指从政治、官场方面获取财富和利益的途径。


- He succeeded in business by following the guanlu.

- Corruption exists when guanlu is the only way to get rich.

2. "guanlu" 也可以指 "观路",即指路上的景色和风景。


- The guanlu on the way to the mountain top is breathtakingly beautiful.

- The tour guide recommended taking a long walk along the guanlu to relax.

3. "guanlu" 还可以指 "关路",即指道路被封闭或者关闭的情况。


- The typhoon caused the guanlu to be blocked and many people were trapped.

- The government announced that the guanlu will be closed for construction next month.

4. "guanlu" 还可以指 "管路",即指管理路线和交通的职位或者部门。


- The guanlu department was responsible for monitoring and regulating the traffic during the holiday season.

- He was promoted to a senior position in the guanlu after many years of hard work.

5. "guanlu" 还可以指 "惯例",即指约定俗成的做法和规则。


- In this industry, it is a guanlu to offer discounts during the holiday season.

- The company follows the guanlu of giving new employees a welcome gift.


guanlu是个汉语词语,拼音为guān lù,意为官方的接待规程或礼节。一般指官方接待、招待外宾或客人的规定礼仪。


1. 我们需要遵守国际间的接待规程,按照guanlu对外宾进行接待。

We need to follow the international reception protocol and receive foreign guests according to the guanlu.

2. 这位外宾来到了中国,我们要为他安排一份恰当的guanlu。

This foreign guest has come to China, and we need to arrange a proper guanlu for him.

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