pastemask是什么意思 pastemask的中文翻译、读音、例句

pastemask是什么意思 pastemask的中文翻译、读音、例句

pastemask 不是一个单词,没有确切的定义。根据字面意思,由 "paste" 和 "mask" 拼接而成,可以猜测出它的大概意思为 "粘合式面罩" 或 "粘性口罩"。然而,这个词并没有被广泛使用或正式定义过,可能只是某些厂商或个人自己取的名字。

以下是一些类似 pastemask 的英文词汇以及相关的例句:

1. face shield(面罩)- The dentist wore a face shield during the procedure to protect his eyes and face from debris.(牙医在操作期间戴了面罩,以保护他的眼睛和脸部免受杂物的伤害。)

2. respirator(呼吸器)- The firefighters wore respirators to protect themselves from the hazardous smoke.(消防员戴上呼吸器,以保护自己免受有害烟雾的侵害。)

3. mask(口罩)- Wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.(戴口罩可以帮助防止呼吸道病毒的传播。)

4. full face mask(全面罩)- The scuba diver wore a full face mask to breathe underwater and see more clearly.(潜水员戴着全面罩在水下呼吸和观察更清晰。)

5. dust mask(防尘口罩)- The construction worker wore a dust mask to protect himself from inhaling harmful particles.(建筑工人戴上防尘口罩,以保护自己不吸入有害颗粒。)

6. surgical mask(外科口罩)- The doctor wore a surgical mask during the operation to prevent the spread of bacteria.(医生在手术期间戴上外科口罩,以防止细菌的传播。)

7. gas mask(防毒面具)- The soldier wore a gas mask to protect himself from chemical warfare.(士兵戴上防毒面具,以保护自己免受化学战争的危害。)



例句:The use of a pastemask is essential in ensuring that the paste is applied accurately and efficiently onto the surface.(使用粘贴面罩是确保膏状物准确有效地涂在表面上的关键。)

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