kelly clarkson stronger是什么意思 kelly clarkson stronger的中文翻译、读音、例句

kelly clarkson stronger是什么意思 kelly clarkson stronger的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Kelly Clarkson Stronger' 是由美国歌手Kelly Clarkson演唱的一首歌曲,意为更强大或更坚强。下面是更详细的介绍:




短语:stronger than ever(比以往任何时候都更强大)、grow stronger(变得更加强大)、feel stronger(感觉更强大)、stay strong(保持强大)等。



1. She worked hard every day to become stronger and more resilient.(她每天都在努力变得更加强大和有韧性。)

2. This experience has made me stronger and more determined.(这次经历让我变得更加坚强和有决心。)

3. The competition just made our team stronger and more unified.(比赛让我们的团队变得更加强大和团结。)

4. She lifted weights to make her muscles stronger.(她举重来增强她的肌肉。)

5. He felt stronger and more confident after completing the challenging task.(完成了具有挑战性的任务后,他感觉更加强大和自信。)

6. The army trained hard to become stronger and better prepared for battle.(军队努力训练,变得更加强大和更好地为战斗做好准备。)

7. Despite the difficult circumstances, he remained strong and continued to fight for what he believed in.(尽管环境困难,他仍然坚强,继续为自己信仰的事业而奋斗。)

"Kelly Clarkson Stronger" 中文翻译为 "凯莉·克拉克森-更强大"。

读音:kelly klahr-kuh-suhn strong-guhr


1. "Kelly Clarkson的歌曲 Stronger 让我感到更有力量来面对挑战。" (Kelly Clarkson's song "Stronger" makes me feel more empowered to face challenges.)

2. "听了 Stronger 这首歌,我觉得自己可以克服一切困难。" (After listening to "Stronger", I feel like I can overcome any obstacle.)

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