uac是什么意思 uac的中文翻译、读音、例句

uac是什么意思 uac的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:UAC 是 User Account Control 的缩写,是 Windows 操作系统中一种安全机制,用于控制用户或程序的访问权限。


词组搭配:UAC prompt(UAC 提示框)、UAC elevation(UAC 提升)


发音拼写:/juː eɪ siː/


1. I tried to install a program on my computer, but UAC prompted me to confirm whether I wanted to proceed with the installation or not.(我尝试在电脑上安装一个程序,但 UAC 提示我确认是否要继续安装。)

2. UAC is a security feature in Windows that helps prevent unauthorized changes to your computer.(UAC 是 Windows 中的一项安全功能,有助于防止未经授权的更改您的电脑。)

3. You can adjust the UAC settings to suit your needs, but please be aware that turning it off completely can leave your computer vulnerable to attacks.(您可以调整 UAC 设置以适应您的需求,但请注意,完全关闭 UAC 可能会使您的计算机容易受到攻击。)

4. Some programs may require UAC elevation in order to function properly.(某些程序可能需要 UAC 提升才能正常运行。)

5. If you don't want to see UAC prompts every time you make a change, you can lower the UAC settings to a less strict level.(如果您不想每次进行更改时都看到 UAC 提示框,您可以将 UAC 设置降低到较不严格的级别。)

6. UAC can be a bit annoying at times, but it's an important security measure that you should keep enabled.(有时 UAC 可能会有点烦人,但它是一项重要的安全措施,您应该保持其启用。)

7. UAC is a good example of how operating systems are constantly evolving to meet new security threats.(UAC 是操作系统不断演变以应对新安全威胁的一个很好的例子。)


读音:yònɡ hù zhànɡ hù kònɡ zhì

例句:UAC是一种微软Windows操作系统中用于提供用户账户控制权限的功能。 (UAC is a feature used in Microsoft Windows operating systems to provide user account control privileges.)




例句:Scroll down to the bottom, where you'll find nine different group policy settings for granular configuration of UAC. (滚动到底部,你将找到9个不同的组策略设置,它们就是UAC的精细配置)


例句:The UAC initiates the session and the UAS will accept the session. (UAC 发起会话,而 UAS 将接受会话。)


例句:To contain and neutralize the threat, protect the civilians and retrieve UAC property. (控制并消灭威胁,保护平民 取回... ...)


例句:Now, you can take advantage of ASP. NET provider services and also embed UAC manifests for application running on Windows Vista. (翻译:现在,从ASP.NET提供商的服务和为运行于WindowsVista系统上的应用程序嵌入UAC验证中,你能获益多多。)


1. To contain and neutralize the threat, protect the civilians and retrieve UAC property. (翻译:控制并消灭威胁,保护平民 取回... ...)

2. Now, you can take advantage of ASP. NET provider services and also embed UAC manifests for application running on Windows Vista. (翻译:现在,从ASP.NET提供商的服务和为运行于WindowsVista系统上的应用程序嵌入UAC验证中,你能获益多多。)

3. Disable UAC from the Command line. (翻译:通过命令行禁用uac。)

4. Fuck UAC, we take this back, they'll just... (翻译:去他妈的联合宇航,带它回去会... ...)

5. The first application compatibility technology that is part of UAC is called Installer Detection. (翻译:UAC包含的第一种应用程序兼容性技术名为“安装程序检测”。)

6. There are two ways to disable UAC. (翻译:有两种方式可以禁用UAC。)

7. UAC foods has recognized that it won't sell if it's in stores. (翻译:UAC foods意识到一旦上架,就卖不出去了。)

8. Even then, they were bombarded by UAC interruptions, demanding permission to continue with whatever they were trying legitimately to do. (翻译:即便如此,他们也屡遭UAC中断的狂轰烂炸,无论试行何种合法操作,都要取得许可方能继续。)

9. When you are trying to make configuration changes, it seems like every couple of seconds you are hitting another UAC prompt. (翻译:当你想改变设置时,貌似每几秒钟你就会碰到一个UAC提示。)

10. UAC employs 85 permanent research staff on Olduvai. (翻译:联合宇航有85名永久驻留奥杜威的研究人员)

11. Less Annoying - Vista may be more secure, but it came at quite a cost: the User Account Control, or UAC. (翻译:不再那么讨厌---Vista可能更安全,但这是要付出代价的:用户帐户控制或UAC。)

12. Another 79 UAC employees are on site. (翻译:六名科学家被锁在里面 此外那里还有79名联合宇航公司的雇员)

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