necks是什么意思 necks的中文翻译、读音、例句

necks是什么意思 necks的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:necks 是 neck 的复数形式,意为“颈部”或“脖子”。

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:stretch one's neck(伸长脖子), neck and neck(并驾齐驱), neck of the woods(某个地区)

4. 短语:break someone's neck(极力努力), on someone's neck(不断催促或监督某人)

5. 发音拼写:[neks]


1. She always wears a scarf to keep her neck warm in winter.(她总是在冬天戴围巾保暖)

2. The giraffe has a very long neck.(长颈鹿有很长的脖子)

3. The two runners were neck and neck until the finish line.(两个跑步者一直并驾齐驱,直到终点线)


5. He's always on my neck about finishing my homework on time.(他总是在我身后催促着我按时完成作业)




1. Giraffes have long necks that allow them to reach tall trees for food.(长颈鹿有长长的脖子,可以到达高高的树上寻找食物。)

2. He wore a necklace around his neck.(他在脖子上戴了一条项链。)

3. She complained of a stiff neck after sleeping in an uncomfortable position.(她抱怨睡觉姿势不舒服,脖子很僵硬。)

4. The violinist's neck was aching after playing for hours.(小提琴手演奏了几个小时后,脖子很疼。)




例句:The gypsies at the plantation have- spotted handkerchiefs they wear around their necks. (种植园里的吉卜赛人 不是经常在脖子处戴上带斑点的手巾吗)


例句:And at the moment, the only thing the law wants with Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny is their necks in nooses. (但现在 法律唯一想做的就是把 杰克·拉克姆和安妮·伯妮绞死 为了达到保护的目的)


necks一般作为名词使用,如在polo necks(adj. 高翻领的)、scoop necks((女服的)低圆领(等于 scoop neckline))、turtle necks([网络] 高领)等常见短语中出现较多。

polo necksadj. 高翻领的
scoop necks(女服的)低圆领(等于 scoop neckline)
turtle necks[网络] 高领
v necks[网络] V领;V脖子;领衫


1. But nowadays new officers like to try out their swords... on white necks. (翻译:-但现在的新长官也想能说得起话... -在白颈.)

2. A few had razored off the necks or sleeves of their T-shirts. (翻译:有些人还把他们的T恤领子或袖子用刀裁掉了。)

3. Then, she wrings the birds’ necks and cuts them open to examine their entrails for divine messages. (翻译:然后,她扭断鸟脖, 打开鸟体以检查其内脏 有无神的旨意。)

4. It was worn around the necks of the soul-washers of the Asante king. (翻译:这是阿桑特国王挂在脖子上 用来净化灵魂所使用的。)

5. I have sworn to blunt it on the Soplicas' necks. (翻译:我发誓一定要用这把刀,砍下苏普里卡的脑袋)

6. We spent all day wading through viscous mud and water up to our necks . (翻译:我们花了一整天涉水走过没到颈子的黏糊糊的泥水。)

7. They're craning their necks to catch a glimpse of their idols. (翻译:一个个都伸着脖子 等着瞻仰您二位的风采呢)

8. Our good dancers all moved with good variability in their heads, necks and torsos. (翻译:们的优秀舞蹈演员始终在头部、颈部和躯体的动作上不断变化。)

9. Necks and gizzards and livers have to be cleaned and stuffed into a cavity. (翻译:火鸡的脖子,砂囊和肝脏需要进行清理并填回腹腔。)

10. They are attached to our own necks, and it must be our fault if they do not make a tuneful and melodious sound." (翻译:它们系在我们的脖子上, 如果它们不能发出和谐悦耳的声音, 那么一定是我们的错。“ )

11. Some still wear the witch doctor's fetish around their necks. (翻译:有的人还在脖子上载著 他们的巫医给的护身符)

12. Our good dancers all moved with good variability in their heads, necks and torsos. (翻译:们的优秀舞蹈演员始终在头部、颈部和躯体的动作上不断变化。)

13. They put you on a pedestal, look up to you, and then blame you for the crick in their necks. (翻译:他们把你捧得很高 什么都指望你 却也怪你太出风头)

14. But all the rest are just goose - fleshed necks in white collars. (翻译:不过是些白领子里伸出来的 疙疙瘩瘩的鹅颈子)

15. Or hanging around the necks of some crowned dames? (翻译:我想知道你到底把这些事情的真相藏在哪里了)



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