'lovejoy' 并非一个常见的英语单词。如果您有更多上下文信息,请告诉我,我会尽力为您提供更准确的答案。
Lovejoy 是一个姓氏,没有特定的中文翻译,读音为/lʌvdʒɔɪ/。以下为例句:
1. Lovejoy is a common surname in English-speaking countries.(Lovejoy 是英语国家普遍的姓氏。)
2. The Lovejoy family has lived in this town for generations.(Lovejoy 家族在这个小镇上已经生活了好几代人。)
3. I've heard of a comet called Lovejoy.(我听说过一颗叫做 Lovejoy 的彗星。)
例句:Historian Paul Lovejoy relates that the cultivation of kola nuts in West Africa is hundreds of years old. (历史学家保罗·洛夫乔伊提到,在西非,可乐果已有数百年的种植历史。)
例句:"The good news is that deforested areas can be reforested and provide a safety margin, " said Lovejoy, maintaining some optimism. (尽管如此,洛夫乔伊还是表现的很乐观 “好消息是被砍伐的区域将重新植树造林,为亚马逊提供一个安全区域。” )
例句:The writer's name, Murray Saffrin, would be better than Lovejoy. (作者的名字默里・萨福瑞 比勒沃乔伊更好。)
例句:"My customers used to be able to pay me by credit card, but they've maxed all out their cards, " Lovejoy said. (翻译:“顾客通常用信用卡支付,但现在他们的卡已经透支了。”Loverjoy说道。)
LOVEJOY | 拉夫乔伊(人名) |
1. The writer's name, Murray Saffrin, would be better than Lovejoy. (翻译:作者的名字默里・萨福瑞 比勒沃乔伊更好。)
2. "My customers used to be able to pay me by credit card, but they've maxed all out their cards, " Lovejoy said. (翻译:“顾客通常用信用卡支付,但现在他们的卡已经透支了。”Loverjoy说道。)
3. In retrospect, Lovejoy says, "I would screen a little bit better and make sure they understood that this wasn't a vacation. " (翻译:洛夫乔伊检讨道:“我应该在筛选的时候做得更好些,应该让他们明白,这个项目并不是度假。”)
4. Lovejoy and other biologists began a remarkable experiment on the fast eroding fringe of rain forest near the Brazilian city of Manaus. (翻译:洛夫乔伊博士和其他一些生物学家在巴西马瑙斯市附近遭受快速侵蚀的热带雨林地区边缘开始了一项备受瞩目的实验。)
5. "The good news is that deforested areas can be reforested and provide a safety margin, " said Lovejoy, maintaining some optimism. (翻译:尽管如此,洛夫乔伊还是表现的很乐观“好消息是被砍伐的区域将重新植树造林,为亚马逊提供一个安全区域。”)
6. Comet Lovejoy hits its peak over the next few days. (翻译:洛夫·乔伊彗星将于近日升至最高点。)