i want to stay是什么意思 i want to stay的中文翻译、读音、例句

i want to stay是什么意思 i want to stay的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'i want to stay'是一个完整的英语短语,其中单词的词性分别为代词、动词和形容词。其中,'i'代表主语,'want to'是一个动词短语,表示愿望或意愿,'stay'则表示动作或状态的延续。

2. 含义:'i want to stay'的含义是“我想要留下”,表达了说话人的意愿或决心,说明他希望维持某种状态或继续某种行为。

3. 用法:'i want to stay'常用于口语或书面语中,可以作为单独的句子使用,也可以嵌入到更复杂的句子中。它可以表示对某个地方、人或事情的喜爱,也可以表示对某种状态的坚持。

4. 变体:'i want to stay'可以根据具体情况和语境进行变体,比如可以用缩写词形式'iwts'代替完整表达,也可以用过去时态'he wanted to stay'表示曾经的意愿。


1. I want to stay in this job for as long as possible.(我希望尽可能长时间地留在这个工作中。)

2. She wants to stay in the city to pursue her dreams.(她希望留在城市里追求自己的梦想。)

3. He told his boss that he wanted to stay on for another year.(他告诉老板他想再留xx年。)

4. They want to stay in touch with each other even after they graduate.(他们希望即使毕业后也能保持联系。)

5. If you want to stay healthy, you need to eat well and exercise regularly.(如果你想保持健康,就需要饮食健康和经常锻炼。)


读音:wǒ xiǎng liú xià lái


1. I want to stay here forever. (我想永远留在这里。)

2. He said he wants to stay in China for another year. (他说他想在中国再呆xx年。)

3. She wants to stay in the hotel and relax all day. (她想待在酒店里整天休息。)

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