migrant是什么意思 migrant的中文翻译、读音、例句

migrant是什么意思 migrant的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和含义:migrant是指迁移、移居的人,通常是在经济、政治、社会等因素的影响下,从一个地方到另一个地方寻求生计或安居乐业。该词也可被用作形容词,表示“迁移的”或“流动的”。

2. 类别和特点:根据移民的目的和方式,migrant可以被分为不同的类型,如经济移民、政治避难者、家庭团聚移民等。这些人通常处于较为脆弱的处境,需要特别关注和保护。

3. 影响和挑战:migrant在迁移过程中可能面临各种挑战和困难,比如文化冲突、语言障碍、就业歧视等。同时,他们也会对目的地国家的社会、经济和文化等方面造成一定的影响和压力。

4. 政策和措施:为了保护和维护migrant的权益,许多国家都制定了相应的政策和措施。比如提供基本的社会保障和医疗服务、加强劳动力市场的监管和管理、推广多元文化等。


1. The government is planning to provide more support and assistance for migrant workers. (政府计划为移民工人提供更多的支持和帮助。)

2. The city has seen a large influx of migrants in recent years, which has put pressure on housing and public services. (近年来,该城市迎来了大量的移民,这给住房和公共服务带来了压力。)

3. Some migrant children have difficulty adapting to the new school environment and may suffer from discrimination or bullying. (一些移民儿童在适应新的学校环境时面临困难,可能会遭受歧视或欺负。)

4. The NGO is working to provide legal aid and protection for migrant women who may be at risk of exploitation and abuse. (该非政府组织正在努力为可能面临剥削和虐待风险的移民妇女提供法律援助和保护。)

5. The migrant crisis has become a major humanitarian issue that requires a coordinated and comprehensive response from the international community. (移民危机已成为一个重要的人道主义问题,需要国际社会协调和全面的应对。)



1. The migrant workers left their homes to find work in the city. (移民工人离开家乡到城市寻找工作)

2. The government implemented a policy to attract more migrants to invest in the country. (政府实施政策鼓励更多的移民投资国家)

3. The migrant community is struggling to integrate into society due to language barriers. (移民社区由于语言障碍而努力融入社会)

4. Many refugees have become migrants in search of a safe haven. (许多难民成为移民寻求安全避难)

5. The government is providing language classes for migrants to help them assimilate. (政府为移民提供语言课程来帮助他们融入)

6. The migrant workers are often exploited by their employers due to their vulnerable status. (移民工人由于其脆弱地位经常遭到雇主的剥削)

7. The migrant families face many challenges in adapting to the new environment. (移民家庭面临许多适应新环境的挑战)

8. The immigration policy has been reformed to make it easier for migrants to obtain residency. (移民政策得到改革,以便移民更容易获得居留权)

9. The migrant crisis has become a major issue for many countries around the world. (移民危机已成为世界许多国家的重要问题)





1. Many people are forced to become migrants because of war or poverty. (许多人因战争或贫困被迫成为移民。)

2. The swallows are migratory birds that fly south for the winter. (燕子是候鸟,它们在冬天飞向南方。)

3. The construction industry relies heavily on migrant workers. (建筑业在很大程度上依赖于流动工人。)




例句:On Implementation of "Unionize Workers and Safeguard Their Rights" for Migrant Workers (对农民工“组织起来、切实维权”实现形式的探讨)


例句:In 2006, young Qatari students took me to go and see the migrant worker camps. (xx年,几个年轻的卡塔尔学生 带我去探访了移民工人的住所)


例句:A group of migrant workers were gunned down as they slept by suspected separatist rebels in India's northeast Assam State. (当他们在印度的阿萨姆州东北部由可疑分离主义者叛徒睡了的时候,一群移居的工人被击毙。)


例句:With the accelerated process of China industrialization, migrant fanner workers' social security problems become common concern. (翻译:随着我国工业化进程的加快,农民工的社会保障问题受到普遍关注。)


migrant一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在economic migrant(经济移民(以找工作或寻求更高生活水平为目的))、global migrant([网络] 全球移民)、migrant bird([鸟] 候鸟)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic migrant经济移民(以找工作或寻求更高生活水平为目的)
global migrant[网络] 全球移民
migrant bird[鸟] 候鸟
migrant birds候鸟
migrant children流动儿童
migrant education移民教育
migrant erysipelas[医] 游走性丹毒
migrant labor流动劳动力
migrant labour移民劳工; 流动劳动


1. A group of migrant workers were gunned down as they slept by suspected separatist rebels in India's northeast Assam State. (翻译:当他们在印度的阿萨姆州东北部由可疑分离主义者叛徒睡了的时候,一群移居的工人被击毙。)

2. With the accelerated process of China industrialization, migrant fanner workers' social security problems become common concern. (翻译:随着我国工业化进程的加快,农民工的社会保障问题受到普遍关注。)

3. In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. (翻译:在我看来,对农民工的评价中,肯定一切或否定一切都是片面的。)

4. Indeed, it is a rare but fortunate opportunity for a migrant to address a gathering like this. (翻译:确实,让一个移民在这种场合发言, 是稀有而幸运的机会。)

5. Above, a migrant tobacco worker and his son ride to work near Koram. (翻译:上图,一个烟草工人和他的儿子在去Koram工作的路上。)

6. Yet it owes more to the alacrity with which they, before any other community, seized on the opportunities of migrant labour. (翻译:但他们的灵敏也不容忽视,他们赶在了其他地方的人之前得到了做农民工的机会。)

7. Kazakhstan also limited the time Kyrgyzstani migrant workers could stay. (翻译:哈萨克斯坦也限制了吉尔吉斯工人的停留时间。)

8. As introductions said, bird flu often emerges on sparrows, fowls and migrant birds are relatively easy to suffer from this kind of disease. (翻译:据介绍,禽流感通常出现在雀鸟身上,家禽及候鸟患上此病几率较高。)

9. An accident in front of our highway, turns out to have been two white truck drivers and a migrant family that happened to be black. (翻译:还记得我们公路上 发生的一起车祸, 事故涉及两个白人卡车司机 和一家碰巧是黑人的移民。)

10. Delores sanchez,a female,22,migrant farm laborer abducted at a bus stop. (翻译:Delores Sanchez 女性 xx岁 农场工作的移民 在公车站被绑架)

11. The confidence of migrant workers with job searching is polarizable. (翻译:农民工工作搜寻的信心具有两极分化的趋势。)

12. A few years ago it began to register migrant workers, allowing them, in theory at least, to access healthcare. (翻译:几年前,该国开始对移民员工进行登记注册,至少从理论上允许他们取得医疗保障。)

13. Annually, migrant savings are estimated to be 500 billion dollars. (翻译:事实上,移民存款据估计每年 达五千亿美元。)

14. The plot traces the journey of George and Lennie, two migrant workers in California farm country. (翻译:故事叙述了加州农场民工乔治与伦尼的旅程。)

15. It's a boat that was smuggling migrant workers with the aim of trying to get into the Unites States of America. (翻译:飓风要回来吗? 我几个小时前和船长核对过了 他说天气会好转)



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