qin是什么意思 qin的中文翻译、读音、例句

qin是什么意思 qin的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'qin'可以作为名词、动词、形容词等多种词性。

2. 含义:'qin'可以表示亲人、弦乐器、亲密关系、勤奋等含义。

3. 发音:'qin'的发音为/kɪn/,需要注意词尾的'n'不能省略。

4. 拼写:'qin'是英文中较少出现的单词,需要注意其正确拼写。

5. 用法:'qin'在口语中使用频率较低,但在文学作品、音乐领域等方面经常出现。


1. 她与儿子之间的亲情是非常深厚的。Her love for her son is very deep.

2. 被称为“乐器之王”的古琴已有几千年的历史。The guqin, known as the "king of instruments," has a history of thousands of years.

3. 我们彼此之间的关系非常亲密。Our relationship with each other is very close.

4. 只有通过不懈的努力,才能取得成功。Success can only be achieved by constant hard work.

5. 他在作品中巧妙地用古琴来表现内心的情感。He skillfully used the guqin in his work to express his inner feelings.


1. 我会弹一曲古琴,来缓解疲惫的身心。(中文翻译:I can play a tune of Guqin to relieve my tired body and mind.)

2. 中国古代的乐谱中,琴谱是一种非常宝贵的文物。(中文翻译:In ancient Chinese music scores, Qinpu is a very valuable cultural relic.)

3. 他的琴声如同流水,让人心旷神怡。(中文翻译:His Guqin sound is like flowing water, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.)

4. 在中国的古代文化中,琴被视为一种高雅艺术的象征。(中文翻译:In ancient Chinese culture, Qin is regarded as a symbol of elegant art.)

5. 那位艺术家在一场音乐会上演奏了一段传统的古琴曲。(中文翻译:The artist played a traditional Guqin piece at a music concert.)

6. 他会弹一首非常具有代表性的琴曲,让人们在听到它的时候感受到古代中国的韵味。(中文翻译:He can play a very representative piece of Guqin music, which makes people feel the charm of ancient China.)

7. 那个建筑物的基础非常牢固,可以经受住地震等自然灾害的考验。(中文翻译:The foundation of that building is very strong and can withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes.)

8. 在计算机科学中,快速排序算法是一种非常高效的排序方法。(中文翻译:In computer science, QuickSort algorithm is a very efficient sorting method.)

9. 他喜欢靠近海边,听着海浪的声音来放松自己的心情。(中文翻译:He likes to be close to the seaside and relax himself by listening to the sound of the waves.)

qin 的中文翻译是 "琴",读音为 qín。


1. 我会弹古琴,你想听吗?(Wǒ huì tán gǔqín, nǐ xiǎng tīng ma?) - I can play the guqin, do you want to listen?

2. 他获得了国际钢琴比赛的冠军。(Tā huòdé le guójì gāngqín bǐsài de guànjūn.) - He won the championship in international piano competition.

3. 她弹奏的钢琴曲很优美。(Tā tánzòu de gāngqín qǔ hěn yōuměi.) - The piano piece she played was very beautiful.




例句:You will never see me again. You must compose the Qin anthem. (你就不能再见到我了 你必须给父王谱写秦颂)


例句:It was built in Qin Dyansty and rebuilt in Ming Dynasty. (它始建于秦汉赵孟俯和明代重建。)


例句:Your grasp of the qin is still shallow. (你之所以琴艺多年 流于浮华,只因不做深究)


例句:You're my daughter, the princess of Qin. (翻译:可你是嬴政的女儿,是秦国的公主 我不嫁王贲)


qin一般作为名词使用,如在Qin dynasty([网络] 秦朝;秦代;秦王朝)、Qin Hui(秦桧)、Qin Mountains([网络] 秦岭)等常见短语中出现较多。

Qin dynasty[网络] 秦朝;秦代;秦王朝
Qin Hui秦桧
Qin Mountains[网络] 秦岭
Qin River[网络] 沁河;同本义
Qin script[网络] 秦剧
Qin tomb[网络] 秦始皇陵
yue qin[网络] 秦悦


1. Your grasp of the qin is still shallow. (翻译:你之所以琴艺多年 流于浮华,只因不做深究)

2. You're my daughter, the princess of Qin. (翻译:可你是嬴政的女儿,是秦国的公主 我不嫁王贲)

3. Application of trehalose in chilled pork... li Qin et al. (翻译:海藻糖在冷冻猪肉中的应用研究…李勤等。)

4. H'm, right, Moncler Uomo Gilet, this is the Qin Dynasty that I know. (翻译:嗯,没错,这才是我认识的那个秦朝。)

5. The state of Qin became weaker and weaker. (翻译:秦国变得越来越弱。)

6. Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon. (翻译:先秦诸子散文是特殊的文学现象。)

7. To burn it down... is an easy thing for the Qin Empire (翻译:大人,要烧平少林寺 我们大清帝国做起来太容易了)

8. Your promotion has come to nothing... and so has your Qin anthem. (翻译:乐府令大人,你的官白当了 你的秦颂也白写了)

9. Beidi, as an important tribe in the pre-Qin period, is split into Chidi and Baidi. (翻译:北狄是先秦时期重要的一支部族,分为赤狄、白狄二支。)

10. Our Qin men killed 400,000 Zhao men overnight. (翻译:и瓣 丁炳窾化瓣 糃ぃㄏ)

11. This is the instrument Boya... played to Ziqi The Qin (翻译:这就是当年伯牙弹奏给 子期听的时候用的乐器...)

12. It is one of the approaches to reveal the history of forepart Qin to identify the credit and shadiness of the tales. (翻译:辨清传说的可信之处和信史的可疑之处,是揭示早期琴史的途径之一。)

13. If they were wounded by the Qin, then they can only be Zhao people. (翻译:璶琌砆瓣甮端 ê碞﹚琌и化瓣)

14. You are now the Qin court composer... with the status of a duke. (翻译:你现在是秦国的大乐府令 位列九卿之尊 享受公侯之荣)

15. No one amongst the Qin martial artists in Fujin province can match with me (翻译:整个福建省武举人的功夫 都不及少林寺叁十六房)



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