we are one是什么意思 we are one的中文翻译、读音、例句

we are one是什么意思 we are one的中文翻译、读音、例句

We are one 可以理解为“我们是一个整体”,它既可以作为一句口号,也可以成为某些公司、组织的口号。从以下三个方面来讲解:

1. 意义:

We are one 是表达团队、群体、组织之间拥有共同目标、价值观或相同利益的口号。它代表了团结一心,齐心协力,共同努力的精神,展现了人们在面对困难时会团结一致,共同战斗的精神。

2. 用法:

We are one 可以作为动词短语、形容词或名词使用,常常作为公司、组织的口号。


动词短语:We are one team.我们是一个团队。

形容词:We are one family.我们是一家人。

名词:We are one community.我们是一个社区。

3. 应用场景:

We are one 这个口号可以应用于各种场合,例如体育比赛、政治活动、商务合作等等。


体育比赛:Our team has always believed in unity and we are one.我们的团队一直相信团结一心,我们是一个整体。

政治活动:We are one country, one people, and one voice.我们是一个国家,一个人民,一个声音。

商务合作:We are one company, we work together and we achieve success together.我们是一家公司,我们共同努力,互相帮助,共同实现成功。

综上所述,We are one 这个口号在各种场合都有广泛应用,它代表了团结一致的精神。


读音:wǒ men shì yī tǐ de

例句:'We are one' is a powerful and inspiring message that encourages people to work together for a common goal.(“我们是一体的”这个强大而鼓舞人心的信息鼓励人们为共同目标而共同努力。)

we are one的意思是"我们在一起",在英美地区还有"我们是一体"的意思,在线读音是[weareone],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到78个与we are one相关的例句。

We are one的词典翻译


例句:- We sold every single one. (- 所有的画都卖完了 - None? - We sold every single one.)


例句:If we but love one another... (如果我们彼此相爱 If we but love one another...)


we are one一般作为名词使用,如在we(我们 )、we and they(我们和他们;自己人和非自己人)、editorial we([网络] 第一人称复數)等常见短语中出现较多。

we and they我们和他们;自己人和非自己人
editorial we[网络] 第一人称复數
Here we are咱们到了!
Here we are!我们到啦
royal 'we'[网络] 国王才能使用
royal we[网络] 国王才能使用
shall we[网络] 我们…好吗;我们去…好吗;要这样吗
the royal we[网络] 皇室之身


1. Like you said, there's a procedure. (翻译:We get one quick look at best.)

2. We break our eggs one by one... and add the sugar. (翻译:We break our eggs one by one... 我们把鸡蛋一个一个打开... ...)

3. We have one basic purpose.: (翻译:我们有一个基本目标: We have one basic purpose.)

4. ♪ Open up a fat one and smoke up the sess, see these, we the ones with the Wheaties ♪ (翻译:[Open up a fat one and smoke up thesess, see these, we the ones with the Wheaties])

5. We need one-and-a-half million quid, Jim. (翻译:就缺150万磅 吉姆 We need one -and -a)

6. Then we have one more chance. (翻译:那就还有一次机会 Then we have one more chance.)

7. Our love will always last like we have one breath forever. (翻译:Our love will always last like we have one breath forever.)

8. We need one of your ideas. (翻译:咱们需要你想出主意 We want one of your ideas.)

9. From now on, we trust no one but ourselves. (翻译:we trust no one but ourselves.)

10. We got an e-mail about it. (翻译:We got an e -mail about it. Just his plus one.)

11. - We were outnumbered 10 to one-- a stupid rebellion then. (翻译:- Shame how it all turned out. - We were outnumbered 10 to one --)

12. We fought side by side one afternoon. (翻译:The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon.)

13. What if we kept just one sheet? (翻译:What if we kept just one sheet?)

14. Together we shall always be as one (翻译:Together we shall always be as one 共享坚定爱情)

15. We read this one all wrong. (翻译:我们完全理解错了 We read this one all wrong.)

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