hippocampus是什么意思 hippocampus的中文翻译、读音、例句

hippocampus是什么意思 hippocampus的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. The hippocampus is a structure critical for spatial memory and cognition.(hippocampus是一个对于空间记忆和认知至关重要的结构。)

2. Damage to the hippocampus may lead to a decline in memory function.(hippocampus损伤可能导致记忆功能退化。)

3. Recent studies have found that the hippocampus is involved in the consolidation of memory.(最近的研究发现,hippocampus参与记忆的巩固。)

4. The hippocampus has been shown to play a key role in the formation of long-term memories.(hippocampus在长期记忆形成中扮演着关键的角色。)

5. The hippocampus is structurally and functionally connected to many other brain regions.(hippocampus与许多其他脑区结构上和功能上相互连接。)



1. Der Hippocampus ist ein Teil des limbischen Systems im menschlichen Gehirn. (德语:海马体是人类大脑边缘系统的一部分。)

2. El hipocampo es una región clave del cerebro para la formación de la memoria. (西班牙语:海马体是大脑中重要的记忆形成区域。)

3. L'hippocampe joue un rôle crucial dans la mémoire spatiale. (法语:海马体在空间记忆中起着至关重要的作用。)

4. Il ippocampo è una struttura neurale presente in numerosi mammiferi. (意大利语:海马体是许多哺乳动物中存在的神经结构。)

5. Το ιπποκάμπιο είναι ένα σημαντικό μέρος του εγκεφάλου που ασχολείται με τη μνήμη. (希腊语:海马体是大脑中负责记忆的重要部分。)

6. Hippocampus er en nøkkelstruktur i hjernen for dannelse av minner. (挪威语:海马体是大脑形成记忆的重要结构。)

7. Hippokampus ist in der Hirnregion verantwortlich für das Erinnern von Erlebnissen. (荷兰语:海马体在大脑中负责记录经历的记忆。)

8. Hippocampus é uma região cerebral importante para o armazenamento de informação. (葡萄牙语:海马体是大脑中存储信息的重要区域。)

9. Hippokampuksen vaurioituminen voi aiheuttaa vakavia muistihäiriöitä. (芬兰语:海马体损伤可能导致严重的记忆障碍。)




1. The hippocampus is responsible for the formation of long-term memories.


2. Damage to the hippocampus can result in difficulty forming new memories.


3. Research has shown that the hippocampus plays a critical role in spatial navigation.





例句:Effect of Baisong tablets on the level of CNTF and its mRNA in hippocampus of chronic stress depression rats (白松片对抑郁模型大鼠海马神经元睫状神经生长因子及其mRNA表达水平的影响)


例句:Objective to study the effects of aluminum trichloride on learning memory and apoptosis of hippocampus cell. (目的研究三氯化铝对大鼠学习记忆及海马神经细胞凋亡的影响。)


例句:Influence of estrogen on the capability of rat cognition after cutting off diazoma-hippocampus circuit (雌激素对大鼠隔海马通路损伤后认知能力的影响)

4.海马 、鱼

例句:And you can think of the hippocampus almost like the informational inbox of your brain. (翻译:你们可以把海马体想成 大脑的信息收件箱。)


hippocampus一般作为名词使用,如在fimbria of hippocampus(海马伞)、genus Hippocampus([网络] 海马;海马属)、hippocampus bargibanti(巴氏海马;巴氏豆丁海马)等常见短语中出现较多。

fimbria of hippocampus海马伞
genus Hippocampus[网络] 海马;海马属
hippocampus bargibanti巴氏海马;巴氏豆丁海马
hippocampus colemani克里蒙氏海马;科氏海马;克里蒙氏豆丁海马;小倩豆丁
hippocampus histrix马棘海马, 刺海马;海马
hippocampus hystrix长棘海马
hippocampus kelloggi克氏海马;大海马;海马
hippocampus kuda库达海马;管海马;海马, 库达海马
hippocampus pontohi彭氏海马;潘氏海马;彭氏豆丁海马


1. Influence of estrogen on the capability of rat cognition after cutting off diazoma-hippocampus circuit (翻译:雌激素对大鼠隔海马通路损伤后认知能力的影响)

2. And you can think of the hippocampus almost like the informational inbox of your brain. (翻译:你们可以把海马体想成 大脑的信息收件箱。)

3. The hippocampus -- or exercise actually produces brand new brain cells, new brain cells in the hippocampus, that actually increase its volume, as well as improve your long-term memory, OK? (翻译:海马体—— 或者说是运动实际上 能够产生全新的脑细胞, 海马体中的全新脑细胞能够增加它的数量, 同时提升你的长期记忆力。)

4. The expression of GR in hippocampus did not consistent with that in PBMC. (翻译:外周血中GR表达与海马gr表达不完全一致。)

5. Effect of injection diltiazem into hippocampus on epileptiform discharges induced by coriaria lactone in cerebral cortex of rats (翻译:海马内注射硫氮卓酮对马桑内酯诱发大鼠大脑皮层痫样放电的影响)

6. Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus. (翻译:局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。)

7. Furthermore, the cerebral blood flow (CBF) of cortex and hippocampus in rat was determined. (翻译:进一步地测定了大鼠大脑皮质和海马组织中脑血流量。)

8. The lead concentration in cerebrum is higher than that in cerebella and hippocampus. (翻译:结果表明,大脑中铅的质量分数高于小脑和海马;)

9. Screening and identification of differentially expressed genes in hippocampus of mice during hypobaric hypoxic delayed preconditioning (翻译:低压缺氧延迟预适应小鼠海马差异表达基因的筛选及鉴定研究)

10. As part of normal aging, the hippocampus shrinks. (翻译:正常衰老的同时,海马体也会收缩。)

11. They were especially interested in a part of the brain, the hippocampus, which is known to be influential in mood. (翻译:由于普遍认为海马体司控情绪,所以研究者著重研究了大脑的这一特定部分。)

12. And now, you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had a running wheel in its cage. (翻译:现在,这幅是老鼠的海马体 它的笼子里有滚动跑轮。)

13. Correlation between expression of GFAP and NCAM and plasticity of epileptogenesis correlative neurons in hippocampus of rats (翻译:大鼠海马神经细胞粘附分子和胶质原纤维酸性蛋白的表达与癫痫形成相关神经元可塑性的相关性研究)

14. And here you see a section of the hippocampus of a mouse that had no running wheel in its cage. (翻译:这幅图片是老鼠的海马体, 它的笼子里没有滚动跑轮。)

15. This consolidation occurs with the help of a major part of the brain, known as the hippocampus. (翻译:记忆巩固得益于脑部的一个重要部位, 这个部位被称为海马体, )



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