Affluence 是一个非常常见的英语单词,它可以指财富、富裕、富足等等。以下从三个方面展开阐述这个单词。
1. 词源和定义
Affluence 来源于拉丁语 affluentia,意为“流动”,从而引申为“财富充裕、物质富足的状态”。在英语中,affluence 既可以指个人或家庭的财富水平,也可以指整个社会或国家的经济繁荣程度。
2. 用法和语境
Affluence 常出现在有关经济的话题中,用来形容某个国家、地区或者个人的财富水平。同时,它还可以用来形容某个地区的人口、文化或社会组成,例如“the affluence of Hollywood”,意为好莱坞的财富和影响力。
3. 口语和写作应用
Affluence 是一个学术性较强的单词,更多地出现在正式的口语和写作中。然而,在一些口语场合,比如商务洽谈或社交聚会中,它也不失为一个准确且富有魅力的表达方式。
1. The affluence of his family allowed him to attend the best schools in the country. (他家的富裕让他有机会上全国最好的学校。)
2. The affluence of the region is evident in its luxurious hotels and high-end shopping centers. (从该地区豪华酒店和高档购物中心的繁荣可以看出该地经济的富裕。)
3. The affluence of the oil industry has caused significant environmental damage in many parts of the world. (石油工业的富裕使得全球许多地方都遭受了严重的环境破坏。)
4. The affluence of their lifestyle made it difficult for them to relate to the struggles of ordinary people. (他们的富裕生活方式使得他们难以理解普通人的挣扎。)
5. The affluence of the movie industry has attracted talented actors and directors from all over the world. (电影产业的富裕吸引了来自世界各地的才华横溢的演员和导演。)
读音:àn fú lèn sī
1. The city's newfound affluence has led to increased development and modernization.(这座城市新近的富裕已经导致了更大规模的发展和现代化)
2. With her affluence and connections, she had no trouble getting her son into the prestigious school.(凭借她的财富和人脉,她毫不费力地让儿子进入了那所名校。)
例句:According to Paul and Anne Ehrlich and a well-known environmental impact equation, impact -- a bad thing -- is the product of population, affluence and technology. (就是把地球资源变成污染。有一个很著名的计算环境影响的公式 环境影响——这是一个不好的东西 它是人口、财富以及科技三者相互作用的产物 )
例句:In its place, Nature was totemized as the basis of the authenticity that technology and affluence had bleached out of existence. (取而代之的,自然已被图腾化为真实性的基础。这种真实性下,技术和富裕的存在,已经被剥离。)
例句:Up to a point, affluence succeeds. (在某种程度上,富裕是成功的。)
例句:But now, as a joint result of affluence and our general leaning towards introspection, it has become the norm. (翻译:但现在,在社会富裕与我们普遍自省倾向的共同作用下,这已成为常事。)
affluence一般作为名词使用,如在enjoy in affluence(养尊处优,生活富裕)等常见短语中出现较多。
enjoy in affluence | 养尊处优,生活富裕 |
1. Up to a point, affluence succeeds. (翻译:在某种程度上,富裕是成功的。)
2. But now, as a joint result of affluence and our general leaning towards introspection, it has become the norm. (翻译:但现在,在社会富裕与我们普遍自省倾向的共同作用下,这已成为常事。)
3. Increasing affluence is bringing increasing traffic to roads never much wider than this. (翻译:岛上的道路比这条从来就不会宽多少,而不断增长的财富使交通流量不断上升。)
4. How does the mayor of a US city, the symbol for the over-the-top affluence and decadence of America look like? (翻译:一个被世界成为顶级财富和颓废象征的美国城市市长是怎样的?)
5. Paul and Anne Ehrlich's environmental impact equation: I is equal to P times A times T: population, affluence and technology. (翻译:保罗和安妮的这个环境影响公式 I = P X A X T 人口、财富以及技术 )
6. The comparative affluence of much of American society has contributed to a degree of wastefulness that will astonish you. (翻译:大部分美国人都相当富有,这带来的浪费会使你感到吃惊。)
7. This LRV is on route 751, next stop is Affluence, zone 2 for single-ride ticket. (翻译:本班为751线列车,下一站系泽丰,属单程车票第二收费区。)
8. They grew up in affluence in Greenwich, Conn. , were varsity rowers at Harvard and competed in the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008. (翻译:他们在康涅狄格州一个富裕家庭中长大,两人都是哈佛大学的赛艇运动员并参加过xx年北京夏季奥运会。)
9. Paul and Anne Ehrlich's environmental impact equation: population, affluence and technology. (翻译:保罗和安妮的这个环境影响公式 人口、财富以及技术)
10. We've simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness. (翻译:我们只是重申一个古老的真理:对财富的追求并不总是以幸福告终。)
11. And I began to think about what I call the stewardship of affluence and the stewardship of influence. (翻译:我开始思考我称之为财富引导和影响力引导的概念。)
12. Affluence is a pretty good deal . Judging from that map , the people of the world seem to agree. (翻译:富裕的物质生活是件很好的事情,看看那张图就可以明白,世界各地的人们看起来也都同意这一点。)
13. We've simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness. (翻译:我们只是重申了一个古老的真理:对财富的追求并不总是以幸福为终点。)
14. That A is a capital A, suggesting that affluence is an end in itself. (翻译:这里的A是大写的 意味着富裕本身就是一个目标 )
15. It's noteworthy that at other points in history heavier women were the standard for beauty because girth suggested affluence. (翻译:值得一提的是 在某些历史阶段 胖一些的女性才符合标准美 因为她们的腰围显示了财富)