obeying是什么意思 obeying的中文翻译、读音、例句

obeying是什么意思 obeying的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'obeying'是动词'obey'的现在分词形式,表示顺从、服从、遵守。


- The students were praised for obeying the school rules.


- The dog was trained to obey commands from its owner.


- As citizens, we have a duty to obey the law.


2. 用法:'obeying'通常作为谓语动词的现在分词形式,可以用来修饰主语,表示其状态或行为。


- The children were sitting quietly, obeying their teacher's instructions.


- The driver was arrested for not obeying traffic signals.


- The soldiers were punished for disobeying orders.


3. 同义词:'obeying' 的同义词包括complying、conforming、submitting等,它们都表示遵守、顺从的意思。


- The company must comply with the regulations set by the government.


- The students were conforming to social norms by dressing in a certain way.


- The rebels were forced to submit to the authority of the government.



- 遵守交通规则是每个人的责任。

- 这个孩子非常听话,总是遵守父母的要求。

- 老师赞扬了学生们遵守课堂纪律的表现。

- 公司必须服从政府的法规。

- 在某些国家,女性需要遵守特定的穿着规定。





1. We should always be obeying the laws.


2. The dog was obedient and obeying the commands of its owner.





例句:That boy only gets through life by silently obeying whatever people tell him, doesn't he? (老实地听别人的吩咐行事 这就是那孩子的处世方式吧)


例句:That sounds a bit like the notoriously flimsy defence of "only obeying orders" which goes down especially badly with Germans. (这与“仅仅在服从命令”的辩护一样臭名昭著,不堪一击,尤其难以让德国人接受。)


例句:What do they think it is that prevents the products of human ingenuity from being themselves, fruits of the tree of life, and hence, in some sense, obeying evolutionary rules? (是什么让他们认为 人的智慧不是生命之树的果实 因而在某种意义上,不遵守进化的法则呢? )


例句:I understand that most forces there are obeying him, laying down their arms. (翻译:据我了解,达拉的大部分属下都背叛了他 自动放下了武器)


obeying一般作为名词使用,如在obeying your thirst(服从你的渴望)等常见短语中出现较多。

obeying your thirst服从你的渴望


1. What do they think it is that prevents the products of human ingenuity from being themselves, fruits of the tree of life, and hence, in some sense, obeying evolutionary rules? (翻译:是什么让他们认为 人的智慧不是生命之树的果实 因而在某种意义上,不遵守进化的法则呢? )

2. I understand that most forces there are obeying him, laying down their arms. (翻译:据我了解,达拉的大部分属下都背叛了他 自动放下了武器)

3. Many were torn between keeping their hard earned wealth or obeying the government. (翻译:许多人在 是保住自己辛辛苦苦挣来的财富还是服从政府 的两难之间徘徊)

Comrade, but I will not take you. I am a soldier, obeying orders. (翻译:请原谅,设计师,我不能带你去 我是军人,要执行命令)

5. The teacher cracked down on the students when he found they had not been obeying the rules in the examination. (翻译:当教师发现学生不遵守考试规则时,他对学生采取了严厉的手段。)

6. They make up a single, giant edifice obeying the same physical laws and all made from the same types of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos, that make up you and me. (翻译:它们组成了一个巨大的宏伟建筑物 所有的建筑物里的物质都遵循相同的物理定律,由相同的微粒组成, 原子, 电子,质子, 夸克,中微子——那些形成了我们的微粒。然而,物理学最近的理论显示,包括弦理论, )

7. We were a mob when we sat around, prisoners of the man we'd saved, kowtowing to him, obeying him, practically heiling him, because he was kind enough and strong enough to take us to a concentration camp! (翻译:坐在一块时才是帮派 成为被我们救起人的囚犯 卑躬屈节)

8. While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. (翻译:他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。)

9. We're just obeying a little talking voice on our dashboard. (翻译:而只是,被动的服从那个会说话的仪器指挥。)

10. Obeying, she ventured a firmer step and soon another, uttering a little cry as she went. (翻译:为了听从吩咐,她先把一只脚稳稳踏在地上,接着再迈出另一只脚,同时轻轻地喊叫了一声。)

11. They make up a single, giant edifice, obeying the same physical laws and all made from the same types of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos that make up you and me. (翻译:它们组成了一单个巨大的组织, 遵守着相同的物理定律,并且由同样类型的原子、电子、 质子、夸克、中微子组成,这些也组成了你和我 )

12. Let's just say I learned the hard way that obeying was in my best interest. (翻译:这么说吧 我痛苦地明白到服从才对我最有利)

13. You are becoming entangled in his net, but he is not worth obeying. (翻译:你的命运会与他纠缠在一起 但是他不值得顺从)

14. The peer was almost surprised into obeying. (翻译:那位贵族几乎被吓得服从了。)

15. However, recent theories in physics, including one called string theory, are now telling us there could be countless other universes built on different types of particles, with different properties, obeying different laws. (翻译:告诉我们世界上可能会有数不完的其他宇宙 由不同于我们的宇宙的微粒组成, 有不同的性质,遵循不同的规律。)



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