1. 词性和含义:
"Carry out"是一个动词短语,意思是执行、实施、完成等。常用于描述某个具体的任务、项目、计划,指某人按照既定的步骤和方法完成某项工作。
2. 搭配:
carry out通常和一些名词和动词搭配使用,如carry out a task/plan/instructions,carry out experiments/research等。
3. 同义词:
carry out的近义词包括perform, conduct, execute等,但它们在使用上也有细微的差别。
4. 语境:
在工作场景中,carry out最多被使用。同时,在日常生活中,它经常出现在新闻、政治、法律等领域。
1. Our company will carry out a new marketing strategy next month. 我们公司将在下个月执行一项新的营销策略。
2. It is important to carry out the experiment with strict controls. 严格控制实验是执行实验的关键。
3. The police were instructed to carry out a thorough investigation. 警方接到指令,要彻底调查此事。
4. The government is planning to carry out a series of reforms to improve the economy. 政府计划实施一系列改革来改善经济。
5. The doctor needs to carry out some tests to determine the cause of the illness. 医生需要进行一些测试来确定疾病的原因。
carry out是一个动词短语,意为“执行、实施、完成”。
读音:[ˈkæri aʊt]
1. They have decided to carry out a series of reforms.
2. It is important to carry out regular maintenance on your car.
3. The police were able to carry out a successful operation and catch the criminal.