- opt for something: 选择某事物
- opt to do something: 决定做某事
- I opted for the vegetarian option.
- She opted to go to college instead of getting a job.
- opt out of something: 退出某事
- opt in to something: 加入某事
- opt for the lesser of two evils: 在两害相权中选择较小的一害
- opt for something over something else: 选择某事物而不是其他事物
- opt for early retirement: 选择提前退休
opting的发音为 /ˈɒptɪŋ/,其中“o”发短音,发音与“pot”相似。
1. By opting for the cheaper option, she saved a lot of money.
2. Some students are opting to study abroad for a year as part of their degree.
例句:Analyst Tilford says whether Britain and others will be weaker for opting out of the fiscal pact depends on what happens to the eurozone. (分析人士蒂尔福德说,英国和其他国家是否参加这项财政协议,取决于欧元区今后的局势。)
例句:The only thing I can figure is that another speedster is co-opting the Speed Force
例句:Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. (与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。)
opting一般作为动词使用,如在opting in([网络] 选择加入;选择式加入)、opting out(拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力\n退出权)、out opting(拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力)等常见短语中出现较多。
opting in | [网络] 选择加入;选择式加入 |
opting out | 拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力\n退出权 |
out opting | 拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力 |
1. Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. (翻译:与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。)
2. Some left the business entirely, opting to enjoy a life where bells didn't bookend their days. (翻译:有人选择彻底离开这一行,享受一种每天不由开市、闭市钟声来定位自己的生活;)
3. The team has been careful not to call Denisovans a new species, opting instead to label them as a Neanderthal "sister group. " (翻译:该研究小组谨慎的未将丹尼索万人称为新的人类物种,而是将他们定为尼安德特人的“姊妹族”。)
4. Once given the land speeder direction, Chiang tried to retain some of the carriage design before opting for a sleeker race car look. (翻译:江道格一决定为陆行艇,便试著保留一些马车的设计,之后才选择了较光滑的赛车外观。)
5. But in the United States, in particular, a lot of young people are opting out of having kids, largely cite the same reason: financial concerns. (翻译:但是在另一些区域,尤其是美国, 很多年轻人拒绝生育 给出的都是同一个原因: 经济上的考量。)
6. Lenin briefly had been a criminal defense lawyer under the czarist government before opting for revolution. (翻译:列宁在选择革命之前曾是沙皇政府治下的刑事辩护律师。)
7. I mean you have to admit there has been a steady decline in the number of students opting for history. (翻译:我是说,你得承认 学历史的学生数持续下降了)
8. As the economy grinds away, consumers have continued to trade down -- opting for slower but less expensive shipping options. (翻译:当时经济不断碾磨,消费者会持续降低交易——选择慢一些,但较便宜的航运。)
9. It's also filmed simply, with Ang Lee opting for the sound of rustling blue jeans and animalistic grunts filling the entire soundscape. (翻译:场景的拍摄方法也相当简单,李安选择蓝色牛仔裤沙沙的声音和猪的呼噜声来组成整个的音乐背景。)
10. He initially said he was opting out to receive a max contract, but he later indicated he would be flexible in negotiations. (翻译:他最初说他跳出是为了获得顶薪合同,但是他稍后说将在谈判中灵活处理。)
11. Of course, the advantage of being a woman opting back in is that no one ever questioned why you opted out in the first place. (翻译:当然 作为女人重新找工作的优势就是 不会有人问你当初为什么离开职场)
12. Ballack played 107 times for Munich before opting to move to England and Hoeness urged Chelsea fans to give him time to prove himself. (翻译:在选择远走英格兰之前,巴拉克为慕尼黑踢了107场比赛。霍内斯敦促切尔西的球迷能够给予他时间去证明自己。)
13. and, you know, as far as prom goes, there are worse things than opting out entirely. (翻译:而且,你知道,只要舞会 去,还有更糟糕的事情 不是选择了完全。)
14. Turn yourself into a breezy goddess by opting for the braided, crochet or beaded headband models. (翻译:选择编织、钩针编织或串珠头带的款式,把自己变成一个轻松活泼的女神。)
15. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. (翻译:他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。)