figtree是什么意思 figtree的中文翻译、读音、例句

figtree是什么意思 figtree的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:figtree(无花果树),是一种常见的果树,它的果实被称为无花果,是一种营养丰富的水果。

2. 词性:figtree是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:figtree常见于农业、园艺、食品等领域。在园林、公园、庭院等地方,无花果树也是一种常见的装饰植物。

4. 词组搭配:

- figtree plantation:无花果树种植园

- figtree species:无花果树品种

- figtree fruit:无花果

5. 相关短语:figtree无花果树这一概念可以与很多其他短语相关联:

- figtree leaves:无花果树叶子

- figtree bark:无花果树树皮

- figtree root:无花果树根

6. 发音拼写:figtree的发音为/ˈfɪɡ tri/,拼写为f-i-g-t-r-e-e。



例句:The figtree in my backyard is bearing a lot of fruits this season. (我家后院的无花果树这个季节结了很多果实。)




例句:Changes of invertase activity in different tissues of C. unshiu Marc Var. (图2国庆1号温州蜜柑不同组织的转化酶活性变化 Fig。)


例句:You want me to put it inside? (Yeah, a tree. You want me to put it inside?)

例句:Taking fig and Roselle calyx as materials , the fig and Roselle Calyx cake was produced with the complex gel. (以无花果、玫瑰茄花萼为原料,用复配型凝胶剂生产无花果玫瑰茄风味果糕。)


例句:We need a fig leaf of respectability. (翻译:我们需要一些重要页面 We need a fig leaf of respectability. - 给我些什么 - 好,这个视频是)


1. Taking fig and Roselle calyx as materials , the fig and Roselle Calyx cake was produced with the complex gel. (翻译:以无花果、玫瑰茄花萼为原料,用复配型凝胶剂生产无花果玫瑰茄风味果糕。)

2. We need a fig leaf of respectability. (翻译:我们需要一些重要页面 We need a fig leaf of respectability. - 给我些什么 - 好,这个视频是)

3. Giant strangler fig tree roots embrace the crumbling Ta Prohm temple at Angkor. (翻译:巨大的绞杀植物无花果树树根互相拥抱这破碎的塔布隆寺在吴哥窟。)

4. You can expect to flourish like the green bay tree. (翻译:You can expect to flourish like the green bay tree.)

5. Far to the east, just inside Freddy's territory, a fig tree comes into fruit, and is an instant hit with everyone. (翻译:远在东部 就在佛莱迪的地盘内 有棵无花果树结果了 消息很快传遍每个角落)

6. The nest is at the top of this tree, the defending black ants swarm down the tree trunk, and take up positions on the branches. (翻译:The nest is at the top of this tree. 蚁巢位于树顶 The defending black ants swarm down the tree trunk, 防御黑蚁爬满了树干)

7. Did you say pig, or fig? (翻译:你是说猪,还是无花果? )

8. Tomorrow maybe I will tie you to the fig tree that stands in the garden... .. and sting you with my golden clasp. (翻译:明天我会把你绑在花园里的仙人掌上 然后再用我的金别针来扎你)

I was looking for you in the grounds. Yesterday you were dressed as a fig tree. (翻译

10. Lightning strikes that tree. (翻译:闪电会击中那棵树 Lightning strikes that tree.)

11. It's so precious, they keep it hidden beneath the bark of a tree. (翻译:they keep it hidden beneath the bark of a tree.)

12. And presents under the tree (翻译:And presents under the tree)

13. I'm not the FIG plucker, but the FIG plucker's son. But I'll pluck figs until the FIG plucker comes. (翻译:我不是摘无花果的人,而是他的儿子。但是我会在他来之前将无花果摘掉。)

14. - Aye. I counted the tree rings. (翻译:I counted the tree rings.)

15. My third wife... she has small and wrinkled teats, like the dried fruit on a fig tree. (翻译:我的第三任妻子 她的奶子小而皱 像无花果树上干瘪的果实)



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