ipu是什么意思 ipu的中文翻译、读音、例句

ipu是什么意思 ipu的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:IPU是一种数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片的名称。DSP常常被用于数字信号的处理和控制,可以用于音频、图像和视频等领域。

2. 词性,在句子中通常作为名词使用。

3. 常用场景:IPU常常出现在数字信号处理、计算机图形学和多媒体处理等领域的讨论中。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:IPU芯片、IPU处理器、IPU架构等。此外,IPU也可以与其他数字信号处理器相比较,如CPU(中央处理器)和GPU(图形处理器)。

5. 相关短语:由于IPU是一种数字信号处理器,因此,与其相关的短语包括:数字信号处理、信号滤波、数字滤波器等。

6. 发音拼写:IPU的发音为 [ˌaɪpiːˈjuː],拼写为 I-P-U,其中I代表Intel(英特尔)公司,是该公司所生产的一款数字信号处理器芯片的名称。





1. Uyakwazi ukudansa nge-ipu? - 你会用鼓跳舞吗?

(Do you know how to dance with the drum?)

2. I-ipu leyo ilaphuma ePhakamisa ngomhla wenkosi. - 这个鼓是在国王的诞辰日创造出来的。

(This drum was created on the king's birthday.)

3. Bakhona ababili abaphuma kwinye isibhakabhaka, one nge-isisu, nezinye nge-ipu. - 他们两个都是在同一个合奏乐队里演奏,一个用口哨,另一个用鼓。

(They both play in the same band, one with a whistle and the other with a drum.)

4. Ngaphandle kwezi-mpahla, kunezi-ipu kwiKhukhwezi. - 在天上除了星球外,还有天鼓。

(Besides the stars, there are also celestial drums in the sky.)

5. Yi-ntombi yokuziqhenya iqhakambisa nge-ipu ku-Facebook. - 这个喜欢表演的女孩在Facebook上用鼓表演。

(This girl who loves to perform plays drums on Facebook.)

6. Izingoma ezithi, "I-ipu likaMthwakazi, elibongwe ngamaXhosa!" - 歌曲唱着:“那是Mthwakazi的鼓,由Xhosa人点赞!”

(The song says, "That is Mthwakazi's drum, approved by Xhosa people!")

7. Izingoma nge-ipu zimemeza ukuba ilizwe lethu liyaphuca. - 鼓的歌声呼唤我们的土地。

(The songs with drums call on our land.)

8. I-mpemba iyo yedwa leyo ilapha ngokuthi, "I-mpemba iphi na? I-ipu likaMalusi". - 这只鸟叫道:“在哪里可以找到Mpemba?在Malusi的鼓里。 ”

(The bird exclaimed, "Where can I find Mpemba? In Malusi's drum.")

9. Izinganekwane zethu zikhumbula ukudunyiswa nge-ipu yakwaNtsikana. - 我们的传统故事中常常出现使用Ntsikana的鼓。

(Our traditional stories often feature the use of Ntsikana's drum.)


读音:yì pǔ。


1. IPU是什么意思?

What does IPU mean?

2. 我们需要学习如何使用IPU。

We need to learn how to use the IPU.




例句:The idea of TerraPower is that, instead of burning a part of uranium -- the one percent, which is the U235 -- we decided, "Let's burn the 99 percent, the U238." (Terrapower的想法是:不去烧常规的铀U235 Terrapower的想法是:不去烧常规的铀U235 而是烧剩下的99%,即U238 )


例句:The pervasiveness of IP networks will let data be moved over LANs, WANs or across the Internet using this new IP storage protocol. (IP网络的普及将让数据在局域网、广域网或因特网上利用此新的IP存储协议进行移动。)


例句:BOOTP is an IP protocol that informs a computer of its IP address and where on the network to obtain a boot image. (BOOTP是一种IP协议,用来告诉一台计算机它自己IP地址以及从网络何处获得启动映像。)


ipu一般作为名词使用,如在iPU(诸国会议同盟 - 输入预备装置 各国议会联盟 -)等常见短语中出现较多。

iPU诸国会议同盟 - 输入预备装置 各国议会联盟 -


1. BOOTP is an IP protocol that informs a computer of its IP address and where on the network to obtain a boot image. (翻译:BOOTP是一种IP协议,用来告诉一台计算机它自己IP地址以及从网络何处获得启动映像。)

2. Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (翻译:Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)

3. admin-deny-ip IP-list These lists can be used to prevent connection from the specified IP addresses. (翻译:admin-deny-ipIP列表这些列表可以用来防止来自特定IP地址的连接。)

4. Be aimed at static road by the technology, IP embezzles the technology had new development again, revise IP-MAC address in couples namely. (翻译:针对静态路由技术,IP盗用技术又有了新的发展,即成对修改IP-MAC地址。)

5. In transparent mode, an ADC uses the IP address of each client as the SRC IP address in each packet that it sends to the application server. (翻译:在透明模式下,ADC使用各客户端的IP地址作为发送给应用服务器的各数据包中的SRCIP地址。)

6. Nope, her IP address is routed through relay proxies. (翻译:不行 她的IP地址是通过代理服务器转换的 Nope, her IP address is routed through relay proxies.)

7. box-deny-ip IP-list These lists can be used to prevent box connections from the specified IP addresses. (翻译:box-deny-ipIP列表这些列表可以用来防止来自特定IP地址对单元连接。)

8. Do you love me do you love me... (翻译:杜 U Love Me 杜 U Love Me)

9. They set up the website to hide all I.P. Addresses... protects their customers. (翻译:网页能隐藏所有IP地址 -- 为了保护客户)

10. Wmic nicconfig index=9 call enabledhcp - Set the computer to use dynamic IP addressing rather than static IP addressing. Wmic (翻译:nicconfig指数=9呼吁enabledhcp-设置计算机使用动态IP地址而不是静态的IP地址。)

11. I've IP address only. (翻译:- 家庭住址? - 我的IP地址是108.11.)

12. My name's Grant, U.S. Marshal Service. (翻译:U. S. Marshal Service.)

13. # Means I adore you-u-u-u-u (翻译:# Means I adore you -u -u)

14. The lack of an announced price for Wii U, Pachter said, "makes people worried that it'll be 500 bucks." (翻译:Wii U的售价还未公布,“这让人们担心Wii U会卖到500美金。” Pachter说。)

15. But having an I.P. address means that it can be connected to any other data that has an I.P. address. (翻译:但是有IP地址意味着 它可以连接到任何一个 有IP地址的数据 )

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