catches是什么意思 catches的中文翻译、读音、例句

catches是什么意思 catches的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和意义:'catches'在名词形式下指“捕捉”,在动词形式下则表示“抓住、捕捉”。另外,在缩写词中,'catches'可能表示不同的含义,比如可以是“发现、察觉”或者“捕捉、拦截”。

2. 用法和搭配:'Catches'作为动词常常出现在表示动作的句子中,例如“catch a ball”(接住球)、“catch a thief”(抓住小偷)。此外,它也可以表示人们对某个观点或者思想的理解程度,例如“he doesn't quite catch what I'm trying to say”(他并不完全理解我要表达的意思)。缩写词'catches'则通常用作名词,例如“the catches of the fishing industry”(渔业的收获)、“a catch in the voice”(声音中的突然抑扬)。

3. 派生词:'Catcher'是'catches'的名词形式,通常指“捕捉者”或者是棒球中的“接球手”。'Catchment'是'catches'的名词形式,通常指“集水区”或者是“流域”,特别是在学术和环保领域常常使用。


1. The police caught the thief red-handed. (警察当场抓住了小偷。)


2. She caught a glimpse of the famous actor in the airport. (她在机场瞥见了这个著名演员。)


3. The reporter's catch of the day was the exclusive interview with the president. (记者当天的收获是与总统的独家采访。)


4. The catchment area of the river spans several cities. (这条河的流域包括了几个城市。)


5. The catcher made a spectacular catch and saved the game. (接球手做了一个惊人的接球,拯救了比赛。)






1. He catches the ball with ease.(他轻易地接住了球。)

2. The fisherman catches fish on the river.(渔夫在河里捕鱼。)

3. The police officer catches the thief.(警察抓住了小偷。)




例句:Yellowfin prices are stable and are expected to increase if catches decrease. (如果黄鳍金枪鱼的渔获量下降,价格有望稳定。)


例句:It's good! Gardner catches the ball! Touchdown! (成功了 嘉德纳接到了球 触地得分了...)


例句:Merely because an investigator with an agenda catches a young girl up in an inconsistency... (仅仅因为一个有目的的调查员 抓住了一个年轻女孩的小破绽...)


例句:You have to blow out the match before the forest catches fire. (翻译:你需要在火柴引燃 森林前就把火柴熄灭。)


catches一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fish catches(捕鱼量)、glottal catches([网络] 声门扣)、safety catches(un. 安全掣子;保险爪;安全挡;安全销\n[网络] 锁紧机构)等常见短语中出现较多。

fish catches捕鱼量
glottal catches[网络] 声门扣
safety catchesun. 安全掣子;保险爪;安全挡;安全销\n[网络] 锁紧机构
shoestring catches[网络] ring ring
safety catches cam断绳防坠器抓爪
safety catches jackshaft防坠器撑轴


1. Merely because an investigator with an agenda catches a young girl up in an inconsistency... (翻译:仅仅因为一个有目的的调查员 抓住了一个年轻女孩的小破绽...)

2. You have to blow out the match before the forest catches fire. (翻译:你需要在火柴引燃 森林前就把火柴熄灭。)

3. One person has a cold, sometimes the partner catches it, sometimes not. (翻译:有人得了感冒 他的伴侣也许会得 也许不会)

4. And like the moon catches the light... " (翻译:就像花、泥土和阳光一样结合,也像月光...)

5. It dries up and catches fire with the first spark. (翻译:想象一下 一片森林 干枯凋零 一颗火种点燃了大火)

6. Yes, but the web catches on fire, so can we use that? (翻译:是的,但网络捕捉 火灾,所以我们可以使用呢?)

7. If she catches them, she'll know they're from me. (翻译:如果她逮到了它们 她就一定会知道是我带来的)

8. Whatever catches your eye. (翻译:.ﻚﻫﺎﺒﺘﻧﺇ ُﺖﻔﻠَﻳ ﺎﻤﻬﻣ)

9. Nobody catches more fish than I do in this village. (翻译:是呀,无论是这家或全村子 没有人能抓得比我多)

10. Her amygdalae will become inflamed, as she catches a cold. (翻译:她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。)

11. If it catches our scent we won't out run it. (翻译:如果它闻到我们的气味 我们是跑不走的 如果它闻到我们的气味 我们是跑不走的)

12. Catches explosions mid-air. (翻译:可在半空拦截弹药 Catches explosions mid -air.)

13. She will get tonsil inflammation once he catches a cold. (翻译:她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。)

14. It catches up with us all. (翻译:It catches up with us all. 时间催人啊)

15. Already in imagination, he catches trout and all the activities of the English gentleman. (翻译:他已经在想像他钓着鳟鱼 从事英国绅士的所有活动)

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