caricature是什么意思 caricature的中文翻译、读音、例句

caricature是什么意思 caricature的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释: Caricature是指用夸张、变形的方式表现人物或事物的画作、漫画或文字描述。它可以是一种幽默的艺术形式,也可以被用来表达社会批评或政治讽刺。缩写词"caric"通常用于标题或短文中表示caricature。


- The artist created a hilarious caricature of the president.

- This cartoon is a clever caricature of the current economic situation.

- The newspaper published a caricature of the famous author.

- The comedian often uses caricatures in his performances.

- The political cartoonist drew a powerful caricature of the corrupt politician.

2. 历史演变: Caricature最早在17世纪出现于意大利,并逐渐传播到欧洲和全球。在19世纪,caricature成为政治漫画和社会讽刺的主流形式。现在,它作为一种艺术形式仍然非常流行。


- Caricature has a long and rich history in art.

- During the 19th century, caricature was used to comment on political and social issues.

- The art museum has a collection of historical caricatures.

- The evolution of caricature is fascinating to study.

- Caricature continues to be an important part of popular culture today.

3. 艺术技巧: 制作caricature需要一定的专业技巧,如观察力、刻画技巧、色彩运用等。艺术家通常使用笔、墨水、彩色铅笔等材料来完成作品。


- The artist's caricatures are known for their bold use of color.

- Caricature requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to exaggerate certain features.

- The cartoonist's caricatures are instantly recognizable due to his unique style.

- The art school offers classes on how to create caricatures.

- The caricature artist used a variety of materials to create the final product.

4. 社会影响: Caricature作为一种社会批评和政治讽刺的形式,能够引起人们对社会问题的关注和反思。它也作为一种文化传承,影响了人们对艺术、政治、社会等方面的理解。


- Caricature has the power to make people think critically about the world around them.

- The cartoonist's controversial caricature sparked a national conversation about free speech.

- The use of caricatures in political campaigns has been a long-standing tradition.

- The caricature artist's work reflects the cultural values and beliefs of their time.

- Caricature has had a lasting impact on our understanding and appreciation of art.

5. 应用领域: Caricature可以应用于各种场合,如漫画、动画、广告、书籍封面等。在大众娱乐和文化中具有广泛的应用。


- The popular comic book series features caricatures of famous superheroes.

- The advertising campaign used caricatures to appeal to a younger demographic.

- The book's cover features a beautiful caricature of the protagonist.

- The museum's exhibit showcases the use of caricatures in different artistic mediums.

- The caricature artist was hired to create custom portraits for a corporate event.



1. La caricature de ce politicien est hilarante. (这位政治家的漫画很搞笑。)

2. J'adore dessiner des caricatures de mes amis. (我喜欢给我的朋友画讽刺画。)

3. Les caricatures de Charlie Hebdo ont suscité beaucoup de controverse. (Charlie Hebdo的漫画引起了很多争议。)

4. Le musée présente une exposition de caricatures célèbres. (博物馆正在展示一些著名的漫画作品。)

5. Les caricatures politique sont souvent très virulentes. (政治漫画通常很尖锐。)

6. Les caricatures de la guerre étaient très populaires pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. (在一战期间战争漫画非常流行。)

7. Les caricatures de Daumier sont considérées comme des chefs-d'œuvre de l'art satirique. (Daumier的漫画被认为是讽刺艺术的杰作。)

8. La caricature est souvent utilisée comme moyen de protestation pacifique. (漫画通常被用作和平抗议的手段。)

9. Les caricatures de certains groupes sociaux peuvent être considérées comme discriminatoires. (某些社会群体的漫画可能被视为歧视。)


读音:cǎi tù


1. The cartoonist drew a caricature of the politician.


2. The caricature of the CEO went viral on social media.

这位 CEO 的漫画在社交媒体上走红。

3. The artist used exaggerated features in his caricatures to create humor.





例句:The appearance at all three levels of portraiture , still life, the grotesque, or caricature would all be interesting studies. (研究肖像画、静物画、荒诞画或漫画这三种绘画形式的产生,那将是引人人胜的。)


例句:Feng Zikai has a dual identity of caricaturist and proser, his caricature is greatly influenced by literature and thus has abundant literature implication. (丰子恺兼有漫画家和散文家两重身份,其漫画深受文学的影响,具有丰富的文学意蕴。)


例句:Unfortunately, the archive had answers to questions like this underneath racial caricature, conflicting information and worse -- silence. (遗憾的是,档案对这些问题的答案 是种族讽刺、相互矛盾的信息, 更糟糕的是——沉默。)


例句:The saner American left is at last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature. (翻译:更明智的左派人士终究会意识到:希拉里从来就不是保守派漫画中激进的煽风点火人士。)


1. Unfortunately, the archive had answers to questions like this underneath racial caricature, conflicting information and worse -- silence. (翻译:遗憾的是,档案对这些问题的答案 是种族讽刺、相互矛盾的信息, 更糟糕的是——沉默。)

2. The saner American left is at last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature. (翻译:更明智的左派人士终究会意识到:希拉里从来就不是保守派漫画中激进的煽风点火人士。)

3. The saner American leftist last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature. (翻译:稍理智些的左派人士最终会意识到希拉里绝不是保守派漫画中那些唯恐天下不乱的角色。)

4. But they have grown up with a caricature of what economics is and of economic man as perfectly rational and self-interested. (翻译:但他们形成了对经济学本质和经济人完全理性和利己的错误理解。)

5. Yes, a caricature, a character that is created in order to insult him and then kill him when he is no longer of any use. (翻译:是的,一个漫画,一个被创造出来的角色 只为了侮辱他 再然后等他没用了就杀了他)

6. The caricature is unfair, but it could enliven what has been a largely issueless election. (翻译:这种讽刺虽不公平,但这多多少少也活跃了一下波澜不惊的大选。)

7. reality imitated caricature the day Donald Trump became the President of the United States of America. (翻译:在特朗普当选为美国总统那天 现实世界模仿了讽刺漫画。)

8. In many workplaces, the boss might be the decision maker, but he or she isn't the stern, humorless caricature you saw on TV. (翻译:在工作场合,老板是作决定者,但他们不是你在电视上看到那种严肃呆板毫无幽默细胞的滑稽角色。)

9. He knew that the Jewish Elder was a comic character, a caricature... (翻译:他知道犹太长老 是一个漫画人物,一个漫画... ...)

10. He had unfairly presented a caricature of my views. (翻译:他歪曲了我的观点。)

11. Become a caricature artist. (翻译:变成一个漫画家。)

12. Requirements: talk about your opinion on the basis of the general idea of the caricature. Don't be digressed from the content and the moral. (翻译:要求:根据漫画大意,说说自己的感想,注意不要脱离材料内容及含意。)

13. Hall is angry at what he sees as a caricature of the training offered to modern-day social workers. (翻译:霍尔看到对当前社会工作者培训的夸张描述,感到很气愤。)

14. This is why temperament descends easily into caricature: the feisty Give-'Em-Hell Harry, the cool-as-crystal Kennedy, the Vesuvian Lyndon Johnson. (翻译:这就是为何气质特征容易被漫画化:“地狱使者”杜鲁门,帅气的肯尼迪,“维苏威火山”林登约翰森。)

15. Do not know Beijing to go in for sth in a large scale prefectural person looks this caricature, anyway you draw you, I do me. (翻译:不知北京大兴县人看没看这幅漫画,反正是你画你的,我办我的。)

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