sappy是什么意思 sappy的中文翻译、读音、例句

sappy是什么意思 sappy的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. sappy speech:多愁善感的演讲;

2. sappy movie:肉麻的电影;

3. sappy story:感人肺腑的故事;

4. sappy romance:情感丰富的浪漫;

5. sappy smile:傻傻的微笑;

6. sappy music:感性的音乐;

7. sappy sap:多汁的树液。




1. His sappy remarks about the beauty of the sunset was met with derisive laughter.(他对日落美景发表的多愁善感的言论引起了嘲笑。)


3. The sappy story brought tears to my eyes.(感人肺腑的故事让我热泪盈眶。)

4. The sappy romance novel made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.(那本情感丰富的浪漫小说让她内心感到温馨幸福。)

5. He had a sappy smile on his face after hearing the good news.(听到好消息后,他傻傻的微笑着。)

6. The sappy music touched her heart deeply.(那感性的音乐深深触动了她的心灵。)

7. We collected sap from the maple trees to make syrup, and the sappy sap was sweet and delicious.(我们从枫树中收集树液制作糖浆,那多汁的树液又甜又好吃。)




1. The movie's ending was so sappy that it made me cry.


2. I'm not a fan of sappy romantic novels.





例句:I wrote this sappy love song. (我写了这首愚蠢的爱情歌曲。)


例句:We love when you add something sappy to the schedule. (我们喜欢在约会时刻表上多些花样。)


例句:Also including a few other sappy late-night romance movies, just to hype us up to a further extent. (还包括其他一些浪漫电影,只是慌张申请最美深夜炒作我们进一步的程度。)


例句:Are you seriously trying to turn this into some stupid sappy lesson? (翻译:你真的要把这变成 Are you seriously trying to turn this 愚蠢的伤感课程吗? into some stupid sappy lesson?)


sappy一般作为形容词使用,如在sappy stem(多汁茎)、sappy structure(un. 细粒组织)、sappy wool(油汗多的羊毛)等常见短语中出现较多。

sappy stem多汁茎
sappy structureun. 细粒组织
sappy wool油汗多的羊毛


1. Also including a few other sappy late-night romance movies, just to hype us up to a further extent. (翻译:还包括其他一些浪漫电影,只是慌张申请最美深夜炒作我们进一步的程度。)

2. Are you seriously trying to turn this into some stupid sappy lesson? (翻译:你真的要把这变成 Are you seriously trying to turn this 愚蠢的伤感课程吗? into some stupid sappy lesson?)

3. He never complains about what you want to watch on television, even if it's the same sappy movie for the third time this week. (翻译:他从来不抱怨你看什么电视频道,哪怕你一周放三次同一部通俗电影。)

4. Amanda: Come on, it's definitely not that. The acting in soap operas is so bad, and they're way too sappy . (翻译:拜托,它根本就不是肥皂剧。肥皂剧里面的演员演技很差的并且他们的表演方式很愚蠢。)

5. She complained about thedebilitatingeffects of chemotherapy, recalcitrant insurance companies and, most daringly, "sappy pink ribbons" . (翻译:她抱怨化学辽法的消弱作用,不守约的保险公司,和最大胆的“愚蠢的粉色丝带”。)

6. Track 10 "Empty Valley" may be one of the saddest songs you'll ever hear, but not in a sappy tear-jerker sort of way. (翻译:第10首“空谷”可能是你所听过的最悲伤的歌曲之一,但绝非单纯用来赚人眼泪的那种老套情歌。)

7. Then he sat down in the middle of them and looked up at me with a sweet, sappy grin on his face. (翻译:然后,它坐在它们当中,面带甜蜜的傻笑瞧着我。)

8. He's got that same sappy look in his eyes and same goofy grin. (翻译:他眼光如你同祥呆滞,连果开 嘴笑的祥子都和你一祥笨)

9. I can be a sappy cheesebalI all day mooning about love to total strangers, and no one'Il think I'm a moron. (翻译:随意向陌生人 传达爱的美妙也没人会觉得我白痴)

10. It is of high quality, but at least 30% more expensive to produce than the sappy Chilean alternative. (翻译:这些松木质量高,但生产成本超出智利多汁松木至少30%。)

11. People are here because they wanna see the sappy paintings that made grown men fight. (翻译:人来看傻项目. ..那是打两个人的原因。)

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