greatest love of all是什么意思 greatest love of all的中文翻译、读音、例句

greatest love of all是什么意思 greatest love of all的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'greatest love of all' 意为“最伟大的爱”,指的是无私、无条件的、最高尚的、最纯粹的爱情。




发音拼写:/ˈɡreɪtɪst lʌv əv ɔːl/


1. She showed the greatest love of all for her children, sacrificing everything to ensure their safety and happiness.(她展示了对孩子们最伟大的爱,牺牲了一切来确保他们的安全与幸福。)

2. The greatest love of all is the love that is unconditional and never fades away, no matter what happens.(最伟大的爱是无条件的、永不消逝的,不管发生什么事都不会改变。)

3. The story of Romeo and Juliet is often cited as an example of the greatest love of all, as they were willing to die for each other rather than live without each other.(罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事常被引用为最伟大的爱情的例子,因为他们宁死也不愿意离开对方。)

4. The greatest love of all is the love that comes from within oneself, and the ability to love oneself is the foundation of all other forms of love.(最伟大的爱是来自自己内心的爱,而爱自己的能力是所有其他形式的爱的基础。)

5. The greatest love of all is the love that endures through time and hardship, and only grows stronger with each passing day.(最伟大的爱是经过时间和困难考验的爱,而且随着每一天的推移而变得越来越强大。)

6. Jesus taught that the greatest love of all is to love one's neighbor as oneself, and to show compassion and kindness to all who are in need.(耶稣教导我们最伟大的爱是爱自己的邻居,对所有需要帮助的人表现出同情和善良。)

7. The greatest love of all is the love that transcends all boundaries and differences, and unites all people in a common bond of humanity.(最伟大的爱是超越所有界限和差异的爱,将所有人团结在人类共同的纽带上。)

'greatest love of all'的意思是"最伟大的爱"。


读音:[ˈɡreɪtɪst lʌv ɒv ɔːl]


1. The greatest love of all is the love we have for ourselves.


2. Whitney Houston's song "Greatest Love of All" is a classic that never gets old.


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