1. 定义:Mollusk(软体动物)是一类生活在水中或海洋中的无脊椎动物。它们具有柔软的身体、光滑的外表和一对柄状肢的组合。
2. 特征:Mollusk的身体分为头、足和内脏三部分,它们的内脏被双壳保护着。Mollusk的足以多种形式存在,如鳃足、触手和附肢。
3. 分类:Mollusk的分类很广泛,包括蛤、蜗牛、章鱼、乌贼等。这些动物有不同的生态特征,但它们都属于Mollusk这个大类。
4. 用途:Mollusk在生态系统中起着重要的作用,它们是海洋生态系统中的食物链的组成部分。Mollusk还可以被用作食品,如蛤、蜗牛等。
1. The blue-ringed octopus is a type of mollusk that is known for its venomous bite.
2. In many coastal communities, clams and other mollusks are an important source of food and income.
3. The nautilus, a type of mollusk, is able to change the amount of gas inside its shell in order to regulate its buoyancy.
4. The giant squid, a type of mollusk, is one of the largest animals in the ocean.
5. Pearl oysters, a type of mollusk, are farmed in many parts of the world for their valuable pearls.
翻译:软体动物;读音:mɒləsk;例句:Most mollusks live in water, such as snails, clams and octopuses.(大多数软体动物生活在水中,如蜗牛、蛤蜊和章鱼。)
例句:Something slimy like... like some kind of a mollusk, moving against my back. (黏糊糊的... 像有只软体动物贴着我的背蠕动)
例句:Atype of mollusk, the lined chiton has colorful lines on its valves andwhite or yellow spots or bands on its girdle. (条纹石鳖是一种软体动物,瓣膜上有彩色条纹,条带上有白色或黄色斑点或环状物。)
例句:Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. (实际上他根本没有动窝儿 所以还是呆在原地)
例句:A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten arm like tentacles. (翻译:十腕亚目动物如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角。)
mollusk一般作为名词使用,如在juvenile mollusk(稚贝)、mollusk families([网络] 软体动物家庭\n(mollusk family 的复数))、mollusk family([网络] 软体动物家庭)等常见短语中出现较多。
juvenile mollusk | 稚贝 |
mollusk families | [网络] 软体动物家庭\n(mollusk family 的复数) |
mollusk family | [网络] 软体动物家庭 |
mollusk genera | [网络] 软体动物\n(mollusk genus 的复数) |
mollusk genus | [网络] 软体动物 |
mollusk venom | [毒物] 软体动物毒液 |
young mollusk | 幼贝 |
1. Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. (翻译:实际上他根本没有动窝儿 所以还是呆在原地)
2. A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten arm like tentacles. (翻译:十腕亚目动物如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角。)
3. The name of the mollusk was porcelaine. (翻译:而且,porcelaine曾经就是这种软体动物的名称。)
4. Coralline algae along with other calcifying organisms, including coral and mollusk, are especially vulnerable to acid environment. (翻译:钙化藻与包括珊瑚和软体动物的钙化族群最易受酸性环境伤害。)
5. He has subsequently retired, as if eating food was too demanding a task for a cephalopod mollusk. (翻译:其后,他退休了,好像吃的食物要求太严格了一个头足类软体动物的任务。)
6. What were the failures of the British constitution and the political parties... that prevented the mollusk king from finding his rock? (翻译:英国宪法和政党的哪些缺陷 促使这位软体国王... 没能找到自己的躯壳?)
7. He might take a clip of a mollusk going up and down in the water and set it to music. (翻译:他可能会截取软体动物在水里上上下下的片段,然后配上音乐。)
8. Currently accessible for searching are the recent mollusk files, the invertebrate paleontology files, the rotifer collection and Gary Rosenbergs molluscan species database etc. (翻译:当前可以搜寻到的信息包括新近的软体动物门文档、无脊椎动物古生物学文档、轮虫收藏以及加里罗森伯格的软体动物物种数据库等。)
9. Inch- long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe ; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels . (翻译:一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞公共的管道。)
10. In mollusk diseases, the abalone was free from seven protozoan infections listed in OIE aquatic manual. (翻译:软体动物疾病方面,我国九孔并无检出OIE规定的七种原虫性疾病。)
11. The name of the mollusk was porcelaine. (翻译:而且,porcelaine曾经就是这种软体动物的名称。)
12. primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates. (翻译:原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物。)
13. Looks like the party is over for the motoring mollusk. (翻译:看来找个软体动物 赛车手的比赛已经结束了)