concur是什么意思 concur的中文翻译、读音、例句

concur是什么意思 concur的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'concur'可以用作动词或者形容词。作为动词,它的主要意思是“同意、一致、同时发生”,作为形容词则表示“同时发生的、同步的”。

2. 词性变换:'concur'的相关词性有concurance(名词)、concurrent(形容词)、concurrently(副词)等。

3. 与其他单词的搭配:'concur'最常见的搭配有'concur with'(意为“同意、赞同”)、'concur in'(意为“一致、认同”)、'concur on'(意为“商定、达成一致意见”)等。

4. 实际应用:'concur'在英语中的应用非常广泛,尤其在商务和政治领域中经常使用。比如,一个公司的董事会成员可能会'concur in'一项重要决策,表示他们都认同这个决策;政治家们也可能'concur on'一项政策,达成共识。


1. Many experts concur that climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity.(许多专家认为气候变化是人类面临的最大挑战。)

2. I concur with your assessment of the situation, but I'm not sure how to proceed from here.(我同意你对局势的评估,不确定我们该如何继续。)

3. The two sides finally concurred on a ceasefire agreement after weeks of negotiations.(在数周的谈判后,双方终于在停火协议上达成了一致。)

4. The concurance of the two events suggests a causal relationship.(这两个事件同时发生,暗示着它们之间有因果关系。)

5. The meeting will be held concurrently with the conference.(会议将与会议同时举行。)





1. The committee concurred with the proposal and approved it unanimously. (委员会赞同该提议并一致通过。)

2. I concur with your opinion that we need to take more aggressive action. (我赞同你的观点,我们需要采取更积极的行动。)

3. The evidence presented in court concurs with the witness's testimony. (法庭上呈现的证据与证人证言一致。)

4. The doctors all concurred that surgery was the best option. (医生们都认为手术是最好的选择。)




例句:Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press. (当地人的看法不一定和媒体一致。)


例句:On the last point, at least, tobacco's sternest foes might concur with the senator. (也许至少在最后一点,烟草最严苛的敌人会和这位参议员持相同意见。)


例句:On this point then, the private good does concur with the public good. (不难看出,从这个意义上说,个人益处与公共益处是一致的。)

4.同意 、推理过程不同

例句:- Concur, change in bearing rate. (翻译:-Sonar, Concur, change in bearing rate.)


1. On this point then, the private good does concur with the public good. (翻译:不难看出,从这个意义上说,个人益处与公共益处是一致的。)

2. - Concur, change in bearing rate. (翻译:-Sonar, Concur, change in bearing rate.)

3. We concur with your plan to replace Number One unit to check fault prediction. (翻译:我们同意你的计划 更换一号单位以检查错误)

4. I shall also examine some of the theories and beliefs of other scientists and theologians, not all of which concur with my own. (翻译:我也将考察其他科学家和神学家的某些理论和信念,他们并非全都与我同调。)

5. Most investigators concur that certain facial expressions suggest the same emotions in all people. (翻译:大多数研究人员一致认为,对所有人来说,一些特定的面部表情都表明同样的情绪。)

6. Concur, based on bearing rate. (翻译:目标可能在移动 Possible target zig based on bearing rate.)

7. These representatives must concur in the President's convictions. If they do not, they have no alternatives except to resign. (翻译:总统的意见与他们相左时,这些代表必须赞成,否则只能辞职。)

8. A folded box with bottom and top flap concur in the middle according to FEFCO 0201 is to be used. (翻译:按照FEFCO 0201,使用底端和顶端都具有对开盖板的折叠纸箱。)

9. Iconcun Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately. (翻译:确实没错 猛女 我们得马上离开 I concur, tiger girl, we need to leave immediately)

10. I concur it is a formidable challenge, but not so much that we cannot at least try to find ways to improve it. (翻译:我同意这是一项艰巨挑战,但也不至于让我们甚至不能做出尝试,想办法改善现状。)

11. SouthJet 2-2-7, I see you descending through 1000, do you concur? (翻译:南方航班2 -2 -7 我看你降到1000英呎 同意吗?)

12. Well said Mr. Montgomery, I concur with your approach and I'm sure Dr. Nielsen does as well. (翻译:Montgomery先生说得很好。我同意你的看法,并相信尼尔森博士也会如此。)

13. Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur. (翻译:点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用。)

14. The elementary sulfur and mercaptan concur in jet fuel and the corrosion level varies as the time. (翻译:元素硫与硫醇共存于喷气燃料中,其腐蚀级别随时间变化而有所不同。)

15. I'm surprised that you all concur in it. (翻译:处境艰难的位置 我很惊讶你们都能相安无事)

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