viet是什么意思 viet的中文翻译、读音、例句

viet是什么意思 viet的中文翻译、读音、例句









'viet'也是一个形容词,用来描述与越南相关的事物,如'Viet cuisine'(越南菜肴),'Viet culture'(越南文化)等。


'VIET'也可以是其他组织或公司的缩写,如'Vietnamese Institute of Educational Testing'(越南教育测试研究所)。


1. He was a Viet veteran who served in the Vietnam War.(他是一位越南战争的退伍军人。)

2. She is of Viet ancestry and has visited Vietnam several times.(她是越南裔,曾多次访问越南。)

3. Viet is a popular name for boys in Vietnam.(Viet是越南男孩常见的名字。)

4. This restaurant serves delicious Viet cuisine.(这个餐厅提供美味的越南菜肴。)

5. The VIET institute is known for its research on educational testing in Vietnam.(VIET研究所以其在越南教育测量方面的研究而闻名。)





1. Chào bạn, tôi là người Việt Nam, tôi nói tiếng Việt. (你好,我是越南人,我说越南语。)

2. Bạn có thể giúp tôi dịch bức thư này sang tiếng Việt không? (你能帮我把这封信翻译成越南语吗?)

3. Tôi đang học tiếng Việt để có thể giao tiếp với người Việt Nam. (我正在学习越南语,以便与越南人交流。)

4. Bạn có thể cho tôi một cuốn sách tiếng Việt không? (你可以给我一本越南语书吗?)

5. Tôi không hiểu tiếng Việt lắm, bạn có thể nói chậm hơn được không? (我不太懂越南语,你能说慢一点吗?)

6. Có nhiều ngôn ngữ được nói tại Việt Nam, nhưng tiếng Việt là ngôn ngữ chính thức. (越南有许多语言,但越南语是官方语言。)

7. Tiếng Việt khá khó học nhưng tôi vẫn muốn học để hiểu được văn hóa và lối sống của người Việt Nam. (越南语相当难学,仍想学,以便了解越南文化和生活方式。)

8. Hãy giữ một bản sao của bản dịch tiếng Việt cho chính bạn. (请为自己保留一份越南语翻译副本。)

9. Tôi đã học tiếng Việt được một năm và tôi nghĩ tôi đã có khả năng đáp ứng nhu cầu giao tiếp. (我已经学习越南语xx年了,我认为我已经有了交流的能力。)




1. My friend's grandmother is from Viet Nam. (我的朋友的祖母是越南人。)

2. I love the food in Viet Nam, it's so delicious! (我喜欢越南的食物,太好吃了!)

3. The traditional clothing of Viet Nam is very beautiful. (越南的传统服装非常漂亮。)




例句:Perinatal depression and anxiety are prevalent in women in northern Viet Nam. (围产期抑郁症和焦虑症在越南北部地区的妇女中十分普遍。)


例句:We weren't to fraternize with Viet nationals outside channels so they killed her, they cut her throat from ear to ear. (我们不准交往越南民族主义者 所以他们割了她喉咙)


例句:She said, 'I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.' (她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫威廉的儿子。’ )


例句:The America pilots and planes stationed insde South Vietnam are vulnerable to Viet Cong atack. (翻译:由于美国的机场和飞行员都在越南的南部 易受越南共产党军队的攻击)


viet一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Nam Viet([网络] 南越)、Viet Bac([地名] 越北(地区) ( 越 ))、Viet Cong([网络] 越共;解密越共游击队;南越的越共)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nam Viet[网络] 南越
Viet Bac[地名] 越北(地区) ( 越 )
Viet Cong[网络] 越共;解密越共游击队;南越的越共
viet namn. 越南\n [地名] [亚细亚洲] 越南
viet nams越南
Viet Tri[地名] 越池 ( 越 )
Viet Yen[地名] 越安 ( 越 )
Viet.adj. 同“Vietnamese”\nn. 同“Viet Nam”
trespass viet armis[网络] 侵入viet armis


1. She said, 'I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.' (翻译:她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫威廉的儿子。’ )

2. The America pilots and planes stationed insde South Vietnam are vulnerable to Viet Cong atack. (翻译:由于美国的机场和飞行员都在越南的南部 易受越南共产党军队的攻击)

3. Viet Nam is contiguous to China. (翻译:越南与中国毗邻。)

4. Mr Dinh developed contacts with another American-based exile group, Viet Tan, which seeks a non-violent move to multi-party democracy. (翻译:Duih先生与另一个流亡美国的名叫VietTan组织取得了联系。这个组织致力于非暴力的多党制运动。)

5. The case occurred in a 12-year-old boy from the south-eastern province of Prey Veng, which borders Viet Nam. (翻译:该病例发生于东南部与越南接壤的波萝勉省1名xx岁男童。)

6. At New Year when the Viet Cong entered Hue, he was separated from his parents. (翻译:那年新年初 越共打入堤岸的时候 他和父母失散了)

7. Supplied with weapons and reinforcements from the North, the Viet Cong are farmers by day, and fighters by night capable of launching hit-and-run attacks and them melting back into the jungle, undetected. (翻译:并得到来自北方的军事物资和武器的支持 越共白天是农民 晚上变成士兵 进行偷袭 然后撤回到不易被发现的丛林里)

8. The Philippines and Viet Nam were the only HBCs among them. (翻译:菲律宾和越南是它们当中唯一的负担沉重国家。)

9. The Delegation stated that Viet Nam was currently considering adherence to the Rome Convention, the Hague Agreement and the UPOV Agreement. (翻译:该代表团说,越南目前正在考虑加入《罗马公约》、《海牙协定》和UPOV协定。)

10. - In order to bring some order into the fight between the subversion, uh, by the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong and the government. (翻译:为了能够将颠覆战争 拉入更好的持续 通过北越)

11. Yes! We got the Viet Cong, fellas. We got the Viet Cong here! (翻译:我们发现了越共,兄弟们,我们发现了越共!)

12. By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government. (翻译:xx年,越共游击队即越共开始与南越政府开战。)

13. I'm betting he's got more of these battles and Viet Congs rigged for us along the way. (翻译:我打赌一路上还会有更多 和越共佬打斗的场面)

14. And we listened while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong. (翻译:我们听到的却是美国将这一切都归咎于越共。)

15. Only my South Vietnamess counterparts were quick to remind me of the truth... that they'd been fighting and dying in these jungles for almost 10 years, struggling to stop the north vietnamese and Viet Cong from taking over their country. (翻译:我们只有南越的同事一起 在xx年的丛林中 他们战斗和牺牲 越共却尽量占领土地来扩大其其影响力)

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