scrolls是什么意思 scrolls的中文翻译、读音、例句

scrolls是什么意思 scrolls的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:scroll down(向下滚动),scroll bar(滚动条)。




1. The ancient scrolls contained valuable information about history and culture.(古代卷轴包含了有关历史和文化的有价值信息。)

2. She spent hours scrolling through social media on her phone.(她花了几个小时在手机上浏览社交媒体。)

3. Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side to navigate through the document.(使用右侧的滚动条来浏览文档。)

4. He unrolled the scroll and began to read the ancient text.(他滚出卷轴,开始阅读古老的文字。)

5. The website's design allows for easy scrolling and navigation.(该网站的设计使得浏览和导航变得更加容易。)





1. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were often seen on scrolls made of papyrus.


2. I scrolled down to read the rest of the article.





例句:Because is a rabbit year, many dicast while selecting scrolls, all favor to have "rabbit" in the diamidine or with rabbit related. (因为是兔年,许多市民在选择对联的时候,都看中联中有“兔”或者与兔子有关的。)


例句:Changed Telekinesis to only work on scrolls, potions, keys, gold, arrows. (把心灵致动换成在卷轴,饮剂,重要,金子,箭上仅有工作。)


例句:The supernova will light our way to the pot of gold, there the king will be, just as predicted in the scrolls of Plutonia. (超新星会亮起 我们的第一桶金, 有王会, 正如预测 在春联的Plutonia。)


例句:The Story of the Scrolls: the Miraculous Discovery and True Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. By Geza Vermes. (翻译:《古卷的故事:死海古卷的神奇发现和真正意义》。格左·维尔·麦希著。)


1. The supernova will light our way to the pot of gold, there the king will be, just as predicted in the scrolls of Plutonia. (翻译:超新星会亮起 我们的第一桶金, 有王会, 正如预测 在春联的Plutonia。)

2. The Story of the Scrolls: the Miraculous Discovery and True Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. By Geza Vermes. (翻译:《古卷的故事:死海古卷的神奇发现和真正意义》。格左·维尔·麦希著。)

3. It's an Aramaic scroll from the first century, discovered near the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls, outside Jerusalem. (翻译:在耶路撒冷的死海 附近的洞穴发现的 我和艾神父认为)

4. My most humble apologies. I seem to have misplaced it among my many scrolls and spell books. (翻译:致以我最诚挚的歉意,看起来我把它和我那许多卷轴和法术书混在了一起。)

5. Tim. 4: 13 The cloak which I left in Troas with Carpus, bring when you come, and the scrolls, especially the parchments. (翻译:提后四13我在特罗亚留于加布的那件外衣,你来的时候要带来,还有那些书卷,尤其是那些皮卷。)

6. There will be astonishment and wonder AT my greATness as the words of these scrolls are fulfilled in me. (翻译:当羊皮卷上的话在我身上实现时,世上会惊叹我的伟大。)

7. Things were in scrolls not in books like this with all the different pages all sewn together. (翻译:字是写在书卷上,而不是像这样的,由不同书页订在一起的书。)

8. PPM has no history, options are hard to set, help scrolls off the screen, and the default is to install modules ignoring dependencies. (翻译:PPM没有历史记录,难以设置选项,帮助会滚出屏幕并且缺省方式是忽略相关性而安装。)

9. The Chao Wa punch kick is one of the most secret moves contained in the sacred scrolls. (翻译:朝花指 是江湖上最绝密的招式之一 载于密宗卷轴)

10. The Star Prophecy appears in the Qumran texts called the Dead Sea scrolls. (翻译:出现“恒星预言”的库姆兰手稿就称为死海古卷。)

11. You must know where they keep the books and scrolls and whatnot, and I need to figure out what her abilities... (翻译:他们把那些书籍 卷轴之类的东西放哪儿了 我需要知道她到底有些什么力量)

12. So scrolls are very convenient, because you can create a large image on a very small table. (翻译:卷轴非常方便使用, 因为你可以用它在一张小桌子上 做出一副大图。)

13. You know we are forbidden to look over Master's scrolls! What if he catches you? (翻译:偷看师父的卷轴是被禁止的 被抓到了怎么办)

14. There is a key she must find, a key only she can touch as it was written in the Scrolls of Skelos. (翻译:她须找出钥匙 一条只有她可以触摸的钥匙 正如斯克洛斯手卷所记载)

15. Estimates vary on the total number of scrolls. (翻译:- were kept here. 据推测,这里的藏书 Estimates vary on the total number of scrolls.)



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