laobing是什么意思 laobing的中文翻译、读音、例句

laobing是什么意思 laobing的中文翻译、读音、例句





发音拼写:lǎo bīng。


1. 很多老兵都难以适应平凡的生活,他们始终怀念军旅岁月。

Many veterans find it difficult to adapt to ordinary life and always miss their military years.

2. 老兵返乡,乡亲们纷纷前来欢迎。

As the veteran returned to his hometown, the villagers came to welcome him.

3. 为纪念那些为国家做出贡献的老兵,政府在市中心竖立了一座纪念碑。

To commemorate the veterans who have made contributions to the country, the government erected a monument in the city center.

4. 这位老兵曾经在战场上拼搏过,他的经历和故事值得我们学习和铭记。

This veteran once fought on the battlefield, and his experience and stories are worth learning and remembering.

5. 老兵协会的成立,为退役军人提供了一个共同交流、分享经验的平台。

The establishment of the veterans association provides a platform for retired soldiers to communicate and share experiences.

'laobing'是一个中文词语,它的意思是老兵。读音为lǎo bīng。


1. 他是一名优秀的老兵,曾在战场上立下汗马功劳。

He is an excellent veteran who has made great contributions on the battlefield.

2. 考试中他表现出色,让老师感到像面对一位老兵一样放心。

He performed well in the exam, which made the teacher feel as relieved as if he were facing a veteran.

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