Azazel is a term that can be explored from various perspectives. Here are three aspects that I can think of:
1. Religious/mythological meaning:
In some religious traditions, Azazel is a fallen angel or demon associated with scapegoating and sin. In the Hebrew Bible, Azazel appears in Leviticus 16 as the name of a wilderness demon to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of Atonement. In the Book of Enoch, Azazel is one of the leaders of the fallen angels who taught humankind forbidden knowledge and technology.
Example sentences:
- According to Jewish tradition, Azazel is one of the most dangerous demons that can only be vanquished with the help of an angel.
- The idea of Azazel as a scapegoat for the sins of the people has been interpreted in various ways by different religious groups.
- Azazel's role as a corrupter of humanity is a common motif in science fiction and fantasy literature.
2. Pop culture reference:
'Azazel' is also a name that occurs in various books, movies, TV shows, and video games. For instance, in Marvel Comics, Azazel is portrayed as a powerful mutant with demonic features who is the father of X-Men's Nightcrawler. In the TV series Supernatural, Azazel is a powerful demon who raises Sam Winchester from the dead and is involved in various plots throughout the show.
Example sentences:
- Fans of the X-Men comics were excited to see Azazel make his cinematic debut in X-Men: First Class.
- Supernatural fans often debate whether Azazel is the most sinister villain in the show's history.
- The video game Bayonetta features Azazel as a giant, multi-headed dragon that the player must defeat to advance.
3. Linguistic origin:
The name Azazel is thought to have an ancient Semitic origin, possibly meaning "scapegoat" or "separation". Some scholars believe that the word may have been used in rituals of purification or sacrifice, while others argue that it was a name of a particular deity or demon in ancient Mesopotamian or Canaanite religion.
Example sentences:
- Etymologists have traced the possible roots of Azazel to a range of ancient languages and cultures.
- The meaning of Azazel may have been lost or distorted over time due to changes in the pronunciation and spelling of the word.
- Some people believe that the true nature and significance of Azazel have been deliberately obscured by secretive cults or organizations.
1. כאשר הכהנים עלו לגבעת העזאזל לשלוח רע לצאן העמים, קולם היה מתחזק והיו מביאים סדר לכך.
2. אין כאן חדר מחיצות אידיאלי לעליית העזאזל או עליית הגידי בכלל.
3. השמועות של העזאזל תמיד הסתירו משהו ולא ניתן לדעת מה זה לגמרי.
4. נתגלה שכל המוניטין של צוות העזאזל נפלה למטה מאחרי פיצוץ עצום.
5. יש כמה סימנים אפשריים של אור על ההר העזאזל, אבל לא נמצא כזה עדיין.
6. ההיסטוריה של העזאזל אינה מבטאת רק תוארים מקומיים אלא גם מסורות דתיות.
7. יתכן שה"מגן הכלפי למעלה" הוא בכלל כלי שימושי לחקור את העזאזל וכן הלאה.
8. למרות שהסודות של העזאזל נשמרים ערמומים ומסתעפים, יש הרבה חוקיות פעולה לחקור את השד המלאך בצורה עמוקה יותר.
9. כשמסתכלים על העזאזל מכיוון של מטה, ניתן לראות את הירוק הצימרים של אזור רוקי ההרים.
azazel 的中文翻译是阿撒泽尔,读音为[ə'zeɪzəl]。
1. In the Jewish and Christian traditions, Azazel is a fallen angel.
2. Some people believe that Azazel is the ruler of the demons and responsible for tempting people to sin.
3. The ancient Hebrews would sacrifice a goat to Azazel to atone for their sins.
例句:- Azazel. Wow, so Lilith, Yellow Eyes, all the A-listers are paying visits. - Gives the joint credibility. (阿撒兹勒 {\3cH202020}Azazel. 名单上的人都来了 {\3cH202020}All the a)
例句:What we don't know is why. (我们都清楚亚撒色对你弟弟做了些什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}we know what azazel did to your brother. -们不知道这么做的原因)
例句:We know what Azazel did to your brother. (我们知道是亚撒色对你弟弟做了什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}We know what azazel did to your brother.)
例句:At the same time Azazel says to me when he moves as spirit no man can resist. (翻译:而且 阿萨索告诉过我 他还是可以经由灵魂入侵)
1. We know what Azazel did to your brother. (翻译:我们知道是亚撒色对你弟弟做了什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}We know what azazel did to your brother.)
2. At the same time Azazel says to me when he moves as spirit no man can resist. (翻译:而且 阿萨索告诉过我 他还是可以经由灵魂入侵)
3. Azazel has been described as a "teleporter" and of course we all know he is also Nightcrawler's father. (翻译:阿扎·赛尔曾被形容为一个“瞬移者”而且我们都很清楚他是蓝魔鬼的爸爸。)
4. And then I toasted her on the ceiling. Right, Azazel might have put the hit out on Jessica. (翻译:然后我把她放到天花板上烤 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}And then I toasted her on the ceiling.)
5. So long coming. Everything Azazel did, and Lilith did, just to get you here. (翻译:阿撒兹勒和莉莉丝所做的一切 {\3cH202020}Everything Azazel did and Lilith did)
6. Azazel has been described as a "teleporter" and of course we all know he is also Nightcrawler's father. (翻译:阿扎赛尔曾被形容为一个“瞬移者”而且我们都很清楚他是蓝魔鬼的爸爸。)
7. What are you doing here? It's the day azazel killed your mother And,22 years later, your girlfriend,too. (翻译:你来这儿做什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}What are you doing here? too. 他那亵渎神灵的血液在你的血管里流动着 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}His profane blood pumping through your veins.)
8. With the appearance of Azazel, what does this mean for the movie? (翻译:阿扎·赛尔的出现将对电影造成什么影响呢? )
9. Superherohype has reported that Jason Flemyng will be playing a small role as Azazel. (翻译:Superherohype网站报道杰森弗莱明将会在影片中扮演一个小角色阿扎赛尔。)
10. Superherohype has reported that Jason Flemyng will be playing a small role as Azazel. (翻译:Superherohype网站报道杰森弗莱明将会在影片中扮演一个小角色阿扎赛尔。)