rollo是什么意思 rollo的中文翻译、读音、例句

rollo是什么意思 rollo的中文翻译、读音、例句


‘Rollo’ 是一个男性名字,源自北欧语言,意为“有名、著名”。

1. 意义:名字

2. 来源:北欧语言

3. 含义:有名、著名


1. Rollo是一个古老的北欧名字。

2. 我们的演员Rollo在大银幕上大放异彩。

3. 这个孩子命名为Rollo,以表达他们的关爱和期望。


1. Rollo was a Viking leader who became the first Duke of Normandy.

2. Rollo's performance in the play was unforgettable.

3. They named their baby boy Rollo to express their love and hopes.

4. Rollo is an old Nordic name that means "famous, renowned".

5. I've never met anyone named Rollo before, it's a unique name.



1. La pelota se rollo cuesta abajo. (球滚下山)

2. El gato se rollo en la alfombra. (猫在地毯上滚动)

3. Ya casi me rollo en la nieve. (我差点在雪地里打滚了)

4. Necesito un poco de ayuda para rollear esta alfombra para arriba. (我需要一些帮助来将这个地毯卷起来)

5. El texto en el sitio web se rollea hacia abajo cuando desliza hacia abajo. (当你向下滑动时,网站上的文本向下滚动)

6. Rollo hacia la izquierda para ver más opciones. (向左滑动以查看更多选项)

7. El rollo de película se deshizo y arruinó todas las fotos. (胶卷卷曲并损坏了所有照片)

8. Cuando hace calor, el perro se rollea en el pasto. (天气热的时候,狗在草地上滚动)

9. Este sitio web tiene un rollo de noticias en tiempo real. (这个网站有一个实时的滚动新闻)




1. Rollo is a popular name for dogs, especially for large breeds like Great Danes or St. Bernards.(Rollo是一种流行的狗名,尤其是大型品种,如大丹犬或圣伯纳犬。)

2. I met a guy named Rollo at the party last night. He's a musician and he was really talented.(昨晚我在派对上遇到一个叫Rollo的家伙。他是个音乐家,非常有才华。)

3. Rollo's family has been living in this town for generations. They own a farm outside of town.(Rollo的家族已经在这个城镇生活了几代人。他们在城外拥有一座农场。)




例句:rollo , i ' m serious . it creeped me out . - all right , all right. (罗洛,我是认真的。我有点害怕-好吧,好吧。)


例句:Listen, I'm going to stay. I've got to meet Rollo at the Tudor apartment. (我还是留下好了 我和罗勒约在图朵的公寓见面)





1. Eventually, Charles, the king of the Franks, negotiated peace with the Viking leader Rollo in 911, granting him a stretch of land along France’s northern coast that came to be known as Normandy. (翻译:最终,西法兰克国王查理三世 与维京首领于公元xx年达成和平协议, 授予他法国北海岸一片土地的所有权。这片土地就是诺曼底。)

2. Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on Otzi the iceman. (翻译:意大利卡梅里诺大学的学者 Franco Rollo 是研究“冰人奥兹”的专家。)

3. oh , cut it out , rollo . god ! why are you always makin ' fun of him. (翻译:噢,别闹了,罗洛。上帝!你为什么老是取笑他。)



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