troika是什么意思 troika的中文翻译、读音、例句

troika是什么意思 troika的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇意义:'troika'指的是由三人组成的团队或联盟。它可以用于形容政治、商业或其他领域中的重要人物或组织,强调他们的合作和影响力。

2. 历史背景:'troika'最初是苏联政治上的一个术语,指的是领导层中的三个人。在此后的俄罗斯历史中,'troika'还被用于形容规划、决策和执行某个计划的三个人。

3. 文化意义:'troika'也是俄罗斯民间文化和艺术中的一个重要元素。在俄罗斯传统中,'troika'是由三匹马拖拉的一种马车,通常用于运送人或物品。

4. 扩展引申:'troika'还可以在其他领域进行引申,如在音乐中指的是三个乐器的组合,或在运动中指的是三项运动的比赛。


1. The company's success is due in large part to the troika of CEO, CFO, and COO working together effectively. (这家公司的成功很大程度上归功于首席执行官、首席财务官和首席运营官的有效合作。)

2. The troika of Putin, Medvedev, and Lavrov wield significant power in Russian politics. (在俄罗斯政治中,普京、梅德韦杰夫和拉夫罗夫组成的三人团伙拥有巨大的权力。)

3. The troika of violin, viola, and cello created a beautiful harmony in the string quartet. (小提琴、中提琴和大提琴的三重奏创造了美妙的弦乐四重奏声音。)

4. The troika of skiing, shooting, and cross-country ski racing make up the Winter Olympic biathlon event. (滑雪、射击和越野滑雪比赛组成了冬季奥林匹克运动会的两项全能比赛。)

5. The troika of the three horses pulling the sled through the snow-covered forest was a classic image from old Russia. (三匹马拉着雪橇穿越覆盖着雪的森林是俄罗斯古老的经典形象。)




1. Руководители стран тройки обещают поддержку борьбе с глобальным потеплением. (俄语)

trójka国家领导人承诺支持应对全球变暖的斗争。(中文翻译:The leaders of the troika of countries promised support in the fight against global warming.)

2. В управлении компанией используется troika высокопроизводительных директоров. (俄语)

公司管理采用了三名高效的董事。(中文翻译:The management of the company uses a troika of high-performing directors.)

3. Troika между Apple, Google и Microsoft определяла технологический мир на протяжении десятилетий. (俄语)

Apple、Google和Microsoft之间的三者之间的关系在数xx年间决定了技术世界的发展。(中文翻译:The troika between Apple, Google and Microsoft determined the technological world for decades.)

4. Тройка знаменитых писателей была приглашена на книжный ярмарок. (俄语)

三位著名作家被邀请参加书展。(中文翻译:A troika of famous writers was invited to the book fair.)

5. Тройка видных ученых выступит на конференции. (俄语)

三位杰出的科学家将在会议上发言。(中文翻译:A troika of prominent scientists will speak at the conference.)

6. Troika сыновей переняла бизнес после смерти отца. (俄语)

三个儿子在父亲去世后接手了家族企业。(中文翻译:A troika of sons took over the family business after the death of their father.)

7. Troika главных героев фильма быстро завоевала популярность. (俄语)

电影中的三个主角很快就获得了流行。(中文翻译:The troika of main characters in the film quickly gained popularity.)

8. Тройка парламентских партий заключила соглашение о правительственном коалиционном правлении. (俄语)

三个议会党派签署了关于联合政府的合作协议。(中文翻译:A troika of parliamentary parties signed an agreement on coalition government.)

9. Troika великих художников Ренессанса изменила художественный мир. (俄语)

文艺复兴时期的三位伟大画家改变了艺术世界。(中文翻译:The troika of great Renaissance artists changed the art world.)


读音:tuō jiā


1. 这个国家的政治权力由总统、议会和法院三驾马车组成。

The political power of this country is composed of three branches: the president, the parliament and the court.

2. 我们的合作关系是由技术、质量和服务这三驾马车驱动的。

Our cooperation is driven by the three pillars of technology, quality and service.

troika在中文中有"三架马车 、三驾马车"的意思,在英美地区还有"三头政治"的意思,在线发音:['trɒikә],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与troika相关的例句。



例句:Fortunately Greece can fund itself for two more years on cheap borrowing from the troika before it faces restructuring that debt. (幸运的是,在今后两年时间内,希腊仍然可以获得三驾马车提供的低利率贷款,之后才需要进行债务重组。)


例句:Kingsmill Bond at Moscow's Troika Dialog suggests the Baltic company Trigon Agri as a way to play the catch-up story in the Eurasian steppe. (莫斯科三方对话Troika Dialog银行的金斯米尔·邦德建议,把波罗的海的三角农业公司作为竞逐欧亚大草原上的途径。)


例句:And I decided to have a nightcap at what I considered then my geriatric bar, the Troika. (而是打算睡前 and I decided to have a nightcap 去那家『三驾马车』小酒馆喝一杯 at what I considered then my geriatric bar, the Troika.)


例句:Your "troika," as you called it, included Jack McAuliffe and Leo Kritzky. (翻译:交友广阔 你的铁三角. 另外两人是杰克.)


1. And I decided to have a nightcap at what I considered then my geriatric bar, the Troika. (翻译:而是打算睡前 and I decided to have a nightcap 去那家『三驾马车』小酒馆喝一杯 at what I considered then my geriatric bar, the Troika.)

2. Your "troika," as you called it, included Jack McAuliffe and Leo Kritzky. (翻译:交友广阔 你的铁三角. 另外两人是杰克.)

3. The current president has, until recently, been a lot more popular than the family troika and its business friends among ordinary Syrians. (翻译:直到最近,现任总统才在叙利亚百姓中间,享有比家族内三头马车和富商巨贾朋友更高的知名度。)

4. And no one has come clean from the troika of lenders that have been imposing this policy to say, "This was a colossal mistake." (翻译:没有任何三驾马车里的债权人, 坦白承认实施这样的政策 “是一个巨大的错误。” )

5. Kingsmill Bond at Moscow's Troika Dialog suggests the Baltic company Trigon Agri as a way to play the catch-up story in the Eurasian steppe. (翻译:莫斯科三方对话TroikaDialog银行的金斯米尔·邦德建议,把波罗的海的三角农业公司作为竞逐欧亚大草原上的途径。)

6. When Diane left the Troika, I walked with them and with her and I was trying again to kind of separate Diane. (翻译:黛安离开『三驾马车』的时候 When Diane left the Troika, 我跟上了那一群人 I walked with them and with her, 我问黛安是否能单独说句话 and I was trying again to separate Diane,)



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