sizable是什么意思 sizable的中文翻译、读音、例句

sizable是什么意思 sizable的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 大小方面:sizable通常用作形容词,意为“相当大的,可观的”,指物体或事物的大小或数量比较大。


- The park has a sizable lake with many ducks swimming on it.(这个公园有一片相当大的湖,上面有很多鸭子游泳。)

- He inherited a sizable fortune from his grandfather.(他从他的祖父那里继承了一笔可观的财富。)

2. 人口方面:sizable也可以用来形容人口数量众多。


- The city has a sizable population of immigrants.(这个城市有相当多的移民人口。)

- There is a sizable Chinese community in this area.(这个地区有相当一部分的中国社区。)

3. 金融方面:sizable可以用来描述金融交易中的规模比较大。


- The company is planning to make a sizable investment in renewable energy.(这家公司计划在可再生能源方面投入相当大的资金。)

- The deal involved a sizable amount of money.(这次交易涉及到的资金规模相当大。)

4. 程度方面:sizable也可以用来形容某种程度的大小。


- The company's profits have increased by a sizable amount this year.(今年这家公司的利润增长了相当大的数额。)

- She suffered a sizable injury in the skiing accident.(她在滑雪事故中受了相当大的伤害。)

5. 数量方面:sizable也可以用来描述数量。


- He has a sizable collection of rare stamps.(他有相当大量的稀有邮票收藏。)

- The project received a sizable number of applications.(这个项目收到了相当大的申请数量。)


- The park has a sizable lake with many ducks swimming on it.

- He inherited a sizable fortune from his grandfather.

- The city has a sizable population of immigrants.

- There is a sizable Chinese community in this area.

- The company is planning to make a sizable investment in renewable energy.

- The deal involved a sizable amount of money.

- The company's profits have increased by a sizable amount this year.

- She suffered a sizable injury in the skiing accident.

- He has a sizable collection of rare stamps.

- The project received a sizable number of applications.




1. The company has seen a sizable increase in profits this year. (这家公司今年利润增长相当可观。)

2. She inherited a sizable fortune from her grandfather. (她从祖父那里继承了一笔相当可观的财产。)

3. The project requires a sizable investment of time and money. (这个项目需要相当数量的时间和金钱投资。)




例句:And if you could do that for all of the millions of images coming down per day, then you basically create a database of all the sizable objects on the planet, every day. (如果你能够对 每天产生的几百万张图片 这样处理, 就基本上创造出了一个数据库, 包含了地球上每天存在的有形事物。)


例句:First, a sizable and significant 711 genes were distorted in their activity, caused by a lack of sleep. (首先,一个数量相当大且 显著的711个基因的活动 因为缺乏睡眠 而被打乱。)


例句:A new identity when this is all over, a sizable contribution to her pension in exchange for protecting you and your friends. (她为什么不这么做? 一切结束后 她会有一个新身份 和一大笔养老金)


例句:Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age. (翻译:现在的研究表明,阿拉斯加东南部沿着内大陆架的相当大的区域在最后一个冰河时代末期并没有被冰覆盖。)


sizable一般作为形容词使用,如在sizable lump(适当块状,适度的块)、sizable quantity(可观的数量)、sizable sample([统计] 相当大的样本)等常见短语中出现较多。

sizable lump适当块状,适度的块
sizable quantity可观的数量
sizable sample[统计] 相当大的样本


1. A new identity when this is all over, a sizable contribution to her pension in exchange for protecting you and your friends. (翻译:她为什么不这么做? 一切结束后 她会有一个新身份 和一大笔养老金)

2. Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age. (翻译:现在的研究表明,阿拉斯加东南部沿着内大陆架的相当大的区域在最后一个冰河时代末期并没有被冰覆盖。)

3. We've been getting reports there are sizable packs of skeletons and Corpses coming toward us. (翻译:我们接到报告 有一大波骨皮和僵尸 正在朝我们袭来)

4. As a rule we don't allow any commision. But if the order is sizable one, we will consider it. (翻译:按规定我们是不许给佣金的,不过如果定单确实是大定单,我们会考虑的。)

5. The Chiss of Csilla are a disciplined species, advanced enough to build a sizable fleet and an empire over two dozen worlds. (翻译:奇拉星的奇斯人是一个纪律严明的种族,其先进的科技足以建立一支庞大的舰队和一个超过二十四颗星球的帝国。)

6. Now, am I saying that a sizable minority of the world's population has had their brain hijacked by parasitic ideas? (翻译:那我是不是说,世界人口的一小部分 大脑已经被寄生思想劫持了呢?)

7. The Japanese call them "tsunamis", meaning "harbour waves", because they reach a sizable height only in harbours. (翻译:日本人称其为“海啸”,意思是“港湾浪”,因为它们只有在港口才能达到相当高的高度。)

8. Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concentrated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut. (翻译:从11世纪开始,就已经有大量的德鲁士出现,主要集中在乡村地区,东部山区和贝鲁特南部。)

9. It's in the shape of a giant naked man with a sizable erection... (翻译:一个裸体男人的外形 以相当大的尺寸画在山坡上...)

10. Writing under pseudonyms, many users that frequently post on BBS build reputations and sizable followings. (翻译:很多用户使用笔名写作,通过频繁发帖建立了很高的声誉,并获得了大量的追随者。)

11. - Supposewe obtain a sizable quantity ofthe zombie flesh. (翻译:- Supposewe获得可观 数量国税发僵尸肉。)

12. With such a favorable location, about 300 to 400 people lived in a sizable, permanent settlement. (翻译:在如此优越的地理位置,大约三四百人居住在一个相当大的永久性定居点。)

13. Sizable hydroponic facilities can be found in the U. K. , the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand and other countries. (翻译:英国、尼德兰、丹麦、德国、新西兰等国都有规模可观的水培场。)

14. The friction between the piles and the ground keeps this sizable structure standing. (翻译:地与桩之间的摩擦力 可以使这座庞大的 建筑屹立不倒。)

15. Well, that's a sizable savings. (翻译:然后把剧本卖了 如果能找到一家咱俩都同意)

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